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Εμφανίζονται 41 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΠΕΡΣΙΑ Χώρα ΠΕΡΣΙΚΟΣ ΚΟΛΠΟΣ" .

Πληροφορίες για τον τόπο (41)

Κόμβοι, εμπορικοί

Κόμβοι, κατάλογοι επιχειρήσεων & οργανισμών


Columbus Publishing

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)

Antiocheia Margiana

  Antiocheia Margiana (A. Margiane), a city on both sides of the river Margus, in Margiana. (Pliny, vi. 16 ; Strab. p. 516.) It is said to have been founded by Alexander, but his city having been destroyed by the barbarians, Antiochus I. Soter restored it, and gave to it his own name. It lay in a fertile plain surrounded by deserts; and, to defend it against the barbarians, Antiochus surrounded the plain with a wall 1500 stadia in circuit (Strabo). Pliny, who seems to have referred to the same sources as Strabo, and perhaps to others also, states that the region is of great fertility, and surrounded by mountains; and he makes the circuit 1500 stadia, but omits to mention this great wall, which is probably a fiction. The city was 70 stadia in circuit. The river which flowed between the two parts of the town was used for irrigation. Pliny adds that the soldiers of Crassus, whom Orodes took prisoners (Plut. Crass. c. 31), were settled here. The place appears to be Merv, on the Murgh-aub, the ancient Margus, where there are remains of an old town. Merv lies nearly due north of Herat.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited July 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΕΚΒΑΤΑΝΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΜΗΔΙΑ
  Ecbatana (ta Ekbatana: the genuine orthography appears to be Agbatana, as it is now written in Herodotus, and as we learn from Steph. B. it was written by Ctesias: Apobatana, Isid. Char. p. 6, ed. Hudson: Ecbatana-ae, Hieron. Chron. Euseb.; Lucil. Satyr. vii.), a celebrated ancient city of Media. Its foundation was popularly attributed, like those of many other very ancient places, to Semiramis, who is said to have made a great road to it from Assyria, by Mt. Zarcaeus or Zagros, to have built a palace there, and to have plentifully supplied the district in which it was situated with water, by means of an enormous tunnel or aqueduct. (Diod. ii. 13.) According to the same author, the city of Semiramis was seated in a place at the distance of twelve stadia from the Orontes (Mt. Elwend), and would therefore correspond pretty nearly with the position of the present Hamadan. Herodotus tells a different story: according to him, the city was of later origin, and was built by the command of Deioces, who had been elected king by the people, after they had renounced their former independence. Herodotus describes with considerable minuteness the peculiar character of this structure, which had seven concentric walls, each inner one being higher than the next outer one by the battlements only. The nature of the ground, which was a conical hill, favoured this mode of building. These battlements were painted with a series of different colours: the outermost was white, the second black, the third purple, the fourth blue, the fifth bright red, and sixth and seventh, respectively, gilt with silver and gold.. It has been conjectured that this story of the seven coloured walls is a fable of Sabaean origin, the colours mentioned by Herodotus being precisely the same as those used by the Orientals to denote the seven great heavenly bodies, or the seven climates in which they are supposed to revolve. (Rawlinson, J. R. Geogr. Soc. vol. x. p. 128.) Herodotus adds, what is clearly improbable, that the size of the outer wall equalled in circumference that of the city of Athens. He probably obtained his information from the Medes he met with at Babylon. Diodorus, on the other hand, states that Arbaces, on the destruction of Nineveh, transferred the seat of empire to Ecbatana (ii. 24-28), so that, according to him, it must have been already a great city. Xenophon, at the foot of the Carduchian hills, heard that there were two principal roads from Assyria; one to the S. into Babylonia and Media, and the other to the E. to Susa and Ecbatana. It would seem pretty certain, that the former is the road by Kermanshh to Hamadan; the latter, that by Rowandiz and Keli Shin into Azerbaijan, and thence through the valleys of Kurdistan (Mah-Sabadan) and Laristan to Susa. He mentions that the great king passed his summer and spring respectively at Susa and Ecbatana (Anab. iii. 5. § 15), and, in another place, that the Persian monarch spent generally two summer months at Ecbatana, three spring months at Susa, and the remaining seven months at Babylon (Cyrop. viii. 6. § 22). The same fact is noticed by Strabo (xi. p. 523). During the period of the wars of Alexander the Great we have frequent mention of Ecbatana: thus, after Arbela, Dareius flies thither, taking, most likely, the second of the routes noticed by Xenophon (Arrian, Anab. iii. 19. § 2). Alexander marching in pursuit of him, comes to it from Susa (iii. 19. § 4), and transports thither as to a place of peculiar security the plunder which he had taken previously at Babylon and Susa, ordering Parmenio to place them eis ten akran ten en Ekbatanois, and to leave there a force of 6000 Macedonians under Harpalus as their guard (iii. 19. § 7). Again, when Alexander at last overtook and captured Bessus, he sends him to Ecbatana - as to the most important place in his new dominions, to be put to death by the Medes and Persians (iv. 7. § 3); arid, on his return from the extreme east, Alexander sacrifices at Ecbatana and exhibits games and musical contests (vii. 14. § 1). At Ecbatana, Alexander's favourite Hephaestion died, and the conqueror is said to have destroyed the famous temple of Aesculapius there, in sorrow for him; an anecdote, however, which Arrian does not believe (vii. 14. § 5). In Polybius we have a curious description of the grandeur of this ancient town, as it had existed up to the time of Seleucus. He states that, of all the provinces of Asia, Media was the one best fitted, from natural causes, for the maintenance of a great and settled monarchy, the richness of its land being remarkable and the abundance both of its inhabitants and of its cattle. He remarks of Ecbatana itself, that it was situated in the northern part of the province, adjoining the districts which extend thence to the Palus Maeotis and the Euxine, and that it was under the roots of Mt. Orontes (Elwend) in a rocky situation. He adds that there were no walls round it, but that it had a citadel of enormous strength, and, adjoining the citadel, a royal palace full of rich and beautiful workmanship, - all the wood used being cedar or cypress, but wholly covered with silver and golden plates: most of these metallic ornaments, he subsequently states, had been carried away by the soldiers of Alexander, Antigonus and Seleucus, the temple of Aena (Anaitis) alone preserving some of these decorations up to the. time when Antiochus came there; so that a considerable sum of money was coined from them. The book of Judith gives a remarkable account of the building of Ecbatana in the days of Arphaxad who reigned over the Medes in Ecbatana, from which it is evident that it was a place of great. strength (i. 2-4). It has not been quite satisfactorily made out who this Arphaxad was; and some have identified him with Phraortes and some with Deioces. The former is, perhaps, the most probable conclusion, as the same book relates a few verses further his overthrow by Nebuchodonosor in the mountains of Ragau (v. 14), which corresponds with Herodotus's statement, that this king fell in a battle with the Assyrians (i. 102). The place is also mentioned in 2 Maccab. i. 3, where it is stated that Antiochus died there, on his flight. from Persepolis; in Tobit, ii. 7, vi. 5, vii. 1, where it is evidently a place of importance; and in Ezra, vi. 2, under the name of Achmetha, when the decree of Cyrus for the restoration of the Jews was, found in the palace that is in the province of the Medes. Subsequently to the period of the wars of the Seleucidae, we find scarcely any mention of Ecbatana, and it might be presumed that it had ceased to be a place of any note, or that its site had been occupied by a city of some other name: Pliny, however, alludes to it, stating that it was built (more probably, restored) by Seleucus (vi. 14. s. 17); adding, a little further on, that it was removed by Dareius to the mountains (vi. 26. s. 29), though it would seem, that his two statements can hardly apply to the same place. Curtius speaks of it as caput Mediae, remarking that it was (at the time when he was writing) under the domination of the Parthians (v. 8. § 1); while Josephus preserves, what was probably a Jewish tradition, that Daniel built, at Ecbatana in Media, a tower of beautiful workmanship, still extant in his day, asserting that it was the custom for the kings both Persian and Parthian to be buried there, and for the custody of their tombs to be committed to a Jewish priest (Ant. Jud. x. 11. § 7). He states that it was in this tower that the decree of Cyrus was discovered. (Ant. Jud. xi. 4. § 6.) Lastly, Ammianus places it in Adiabene (or Assyria Proper), on the confines of which province he must himself have marched, when accompanying the army of Jovian (xxiii. 6).
  Various theories have been propounded as to the origin of the name of Ecbatana, none of which are, we think, satisfactory. Bochart supposed that it was derived from Agbatha, which, he says, means variously coloured; but it is more probable that it should be derived from Achmetha. Herodotus and Ctesias write Agbatana. There seems little doubt that the Apobatana of Isidorus refers to Ecbatana, and is perhaps only a careless mode of pronouncing the name; his words are curious. He speaks of a place called Adrogiananta or Adrapananta, a palace of those among or in the Batani (ton en Batanois), which Tigranes, the Armenian, destroyed, and then of Apobatana, the metropolis of Media, the treasury and the temple where they perpetually sacrifice to Anaitis. If the country of the Batani corresponds, as has been supposed, with Mesobatene, the position and description of Apobatana will agree well enough with the modern Hamadan. (C. Masson, J. R. As. Soc. xii. p. 121.) The coincidence of the names of the deity worshipped there, in Polybius Aena, in Isidorus Anaitis, may be noticed; and there is little doubt that the Nanea whose priests slew Antiochus and his army (2 Maccab i. 13) was the goddess of the same place. Plutarch (Artax. c. 27) mentions the same fact, and calls this Anaitis, Artemis or Diana; and Clemens Alex. referring to the same place speaks of the shrine of Anaitis, whom he calls Aphrodite or Venus.
  It is worthy of remark that Mr. Masson noticed outside the walls of Hamadan some pure white marble columns, which he conjectured might, very possibly, have belonged to this celebrated building.
  It is, however, not a little curious that, though we have such ample references to the power and importance of Ecbatana, learned men have not been, indeed, are not still, agreed as to the modern place which can best be identified with its ancient position. The reason of this may, perhaps, be, that there was certainly more than one town in antiquity which bore this name, while there is a strong probability that there were, in Media itself, two cities which, severally at least, if not at the same time, had this title. If, too, as has been suspected, the original name, of which we have the Graecised form, may have meant treasury, or treasure-city, this hypothesis might account for part of the confusion which has arisen on this subject. It must also be remembered that all our accounts of Ecbatana are derived through the medium of Greek or Roman authors, who themselves record what they had heard or read, and who, in hardly any instance, if we except the case of Isidorus, themselves had visited the localities which they describe. The principal theories which have been held in modern times are those of Gibbon and Jones, who supposed that Ecbatana was to be sought at Tabriz; of Mr. Williams (Life of Alexander), who concluded that it was at Isfahan; of the majority of scholars, and travellers, such as Rennell, Mannert, Olivier, Kinneir, Morier, and Ker Porter, who place it at Hamadan; and of Colonel Rawlinson, who has contended for the independent existence of two capitals of this name, the one that of the lower and champaign country (known anciently as Media Magna), which he places at Hamadan, the other that of the mountain district of Atropatene, which he places at Takht-i-Soleiman in the province of Azerbaijan, in N. lat. 36° 25? W., long. 47° 10 (J. R. Geog. Soc. vol. x. pt. 1). Of these four views the two first may be safely rejected; but the last is so new and important, that it is necessary to state the main features of it, though it would be obviously impossible to do more in this place than to give a concise outline of Colonel Rawlinson's investigations. It is important to remember the ancient division of Media into two provinces, Upper Media or Atropatene, and Lower or Southern Media or Media Magna (Strab. xi. pp. 523, 524, 526, 529); for there is good reason for supposing that, in the early history, contemporary with Cyrus (as subsequently in Roman times), Media was restricted to the northern and mountainous district. It was, in fact, a small province nearly surrounded by high ranges of hills, bearing the same relation to the Media of Alexander's aera which the small province of Persis did to Persia, in the wide sense of that word. It is on this distinction that much of the corroborative evidence, which Colonel Rawlinson has adduced in favour of his theory, rests: his belief being, that the city of Deioces was the capital of Atropatene, and that many things true of it, and it alone, were in after-times transplanted into the accounts of the Ecbatana of Media Magna (the present Hamadan). Colonel Rawlinson is almost the only traveller who has had the advantage of studying all the localities, which he attempts to illustrate, on the spot, and with equal knowledge, too, of the ancient and modern authorities to whom he refers.
  In his attempt to identify the ruins of Takht-i-Soleiman with those of the earliest capital of Media, Col. Rawlinson commences with the latest authorities, the Oriental writers, proceeding from them through the period of the Byzantine historians to that of the Greek and Roman empires, and thence, upwards, to the darkest times of early Median history. He shows that the ruins themselves are not later than Tmur's invasion in A.D. 1389; that they probably derive their present name from a local ruler of Kudistan, Soleiman Shah Abuh, who lived in the early part of the thirteenth century A. D.; that, previous to the Moghels, the city was universally known as Shiz in all Oriental authors, and that Shiz is the same place as the Byzantine Canzaca, This is his first important identification, and it depends on the careful examination of the march of the Roman general Narses against the Persian emperor Bahran, who was defeated by him and driven across the Oxus. (Theophylact. v. 5-10.) Canzaca is described by Theophanes, in the campaigns of Heraclius, as that city of the East which contained the fire-temple and the treasuries of Croesus king of Lydia (Chronogr. ed. Goar. p. 258: see also Cedren, Hist. p. 338; Tzetz. Chil. iii. 66; and Procopius, Bell. Pers. ii. c. 24); its name is derived from Kandzag, the Armenian modification of the Greek Gaza, mentioned by Strabo as the capital of Atropatene (xi. p. 523; Ptol. vi. 18. § 4). The notice of the great fire-temple (of which ample accounts exist in the Oriental authorities which Col. Rawlinson cites), and the Byzantine legend of the treasuries of Croesus (in manifest reference to Cyrus; compare Herod. i. 153), are so many links in the chain which connect Shiz, Canzaca, and Ecbatana together. Colonel Rawlinson proceeds next to demonstrate that Canzaca was well known even earlier, as it is mentioned by Ammianus, under the form Gazaca, as one of the largest Median cities (xxiii. c. 6), and he then quotes a remarkable passage from Moses of Chorene, who (writing probably about A.D. 445) states that Tiridates, who received the satrapy of Atropatene in reward for his fidelity to the Romans in A.D. 297, when he visited his newly acquired province of Azerbaijan repaired the fortifications of that place, which was named the second Ecbatana, or seven-walled city (ii. c. 84; compare also Steph. Byz. s. v. Gazaca, who quotes Quadratus, an author of the second century, for the name of what he calls the largest city in Media, and Arrian, who terms it a large village ). During the aera of the Parthian empire, and its conflicts with the Roman power, Col. Rawlinson proves, as we think, satisfactorily, that the names Phraata, Praaspa, Vera, Gaza, and Gazaca are used indifferently for one and the same city. (Compare, for this portion of the history, Plut. Anton.; Dion Cass. xlix. 25-31; Appian, Hist. Parth. pp. 77, 80, ed. Schweigh.; Florus, iv. 10; and for the names, of Gaza and Vera, and the distinction between them, Strab. xi. p. 523.) The next point is to compare the distances mentioned in ancient authors. Now Strabo states that Gazaca was 2400 stadia from the Araxes (xi. p. 523), a distance equivalent to about 280 English miles; while Pliny, in stating that Ecbatana, the capital of Media founded by Seleucus, was 750 miles from Seleuceia and 20 from the, Caspian gates, has evidently confounded Ecbatana with Europus (now Veramin) (vi. 14. s. 17). The former measure Col. Rawlinson shows is perfectly consistent with the position of Takht-i-Soleiman. Colonel Rawlinson demonstrates next, that the capital of Media Atropatene was in the most ancient periods called Ecbatana, assuming what is certainly probable, that the dynasty founded by Arbaces was different from that which, according to Herodotus, commenced with Deioces, a century later. Arbaces, on the fall of Nineveh, conveyed the treasures he found there to Ecbatana, the seat royal of Media, and it is clear that here the Ecbatana of Media Magna is meant. (Diod. ii. 3.) To the same place belongs the story of Semiramis, also recorded by Diodorus, and previously mentioned. After five generations Artaeus ascends the throne at the same place. During his reign the Cadusians (who are constantly associated with the Atropatenians in subsequent history) revolt, under the leadership of Parsodes. Colonel Rawlinson happily suggests that this is no other than the Deioces of Herodotus, Parsodes or Phrazad being an affiliative epithet from his father, Phraortes. (Diod. l. c.; Herod. i. 95-130.) When we examine the narrative of Herodotus, it is clear that he is speaking of some place in Atropatene or Northern Media. Thus he states that the pastures where they kept the royal cattle were at the foot of the mountains north of Agbatana, towards the Euxine sea. In this quarter, toward the Sapires, Media is an elevated country, filled with mountains and covered with forests, while the other parts of the province are open and champaign. (Herod. i. c. 110.) Colonel Rawlinson then shows that the existing state of Takht-i-Soleiman bears testimony to the accurate information which Herodotus had obtained. It is clear from his account that the Agbatana of Deioces was believed to be an embattled conical hill, on which was the citadel, and the town was round its base in the plain below. Colonel Rawlinson adds that there is no other position in Azerbaijan which corresponds with this statement, except Takht-i-Soleiman, and cites abundant evidence from the Zend Avesta, as compared with the Byzantine and other writers to whom we have alluded, in reference to peculiarities, too important to have been only imagined, which mark out and determine this locality. It is impossible here to state his arguments in their fulness; but we may add that from the Zend he obtains the word Var, the root of the baris of the Greeks (see Hesych. and Suidas, s. v.), which is constantly used to denote the Treasure Citadel of Ecbatana; of the Vera of Strabo; of the Balaroth (i. e. Vara-rud, river of Vara) of Theophylact, whence we have Barisman - the keeper of the Baris - the title used by the emperor Heraclius in reference to the governor of the fortress of this very place. In conclusion, Colonel Rawlinson suggests that the Ecbatana of Pliny and Josephus refers to the Treasure Citadel of Persepolis; that there are grounds for supposing a similar treasury to have existed in the strong position of the Syrian Ecbatana on Mount Carmel (Herod. iii. 62-64; Plin. v. 19. § 17); and that, if there ever was (as some have supposed) an Assyrian place of the same name (Rich, Kurdistan, i. p. 153), the castle of Amadiyah - which, according to Mr. Layard (i. p. 161), retains the local name of Ek-badan - will best suit it. (See also Journal of Education, vol. ii. p. 305; and Thirlwall, Hist. of Greece, vol. vi. Append. 2., where the site of Hamadan is ably defended.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΜΗΔΙΑ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
  Media (he Media: Eth. Medos: Adj. Medikos), a country of considerable extent and importance, in the western part of Asia, between the Caspian Sea on the N. and the great rivers of Mesopotamia on the W. It is by no means easy to determine what were its precise boundaries, or how much was comprehended under the name of Media. Thus Herodotus, who speaks repeatedly of the Medes, gives little or no description of the country they inhabited, and perhaps all that could be inferred from his language is, that it must have been a mountainous district between the Halys in Asia Minor and Persia, fit for raising a warlike and independent race of men (i. 72). Again, during the wars of Alexander, Media had to a considerable extent taken the place of Persia, and was the great country E. of Mesopotamia, and extending indefinitely along the Caspian sea eastwards to Ariana and Bactriana. Still later, at the close of the Roman Republic and under the earlier emperors, Media was restricted by the encroachments of the Parthian empire to its most mountainous parts, and to the Caspian coast westwards,- the province of Atropatene forming, in fact, all that could be strictly called Media. Indeed, its limits were constantly changing at different periods. General consent, however, allows that Media was divisible into three leading divisions, each of which from time to time was apparently held to be Media Proper. These were: - 1. A northern territory along the shores of the Caspian, extending more or less from Armenia on the W. to Hyrcania on the E., comprehending much of the country now known by the names of Mazanderan and Gilan; 2. Media Atropatene, a very mountainous district, to the west and south of the preceding; and 3. Media Magna, the most southern, extensive, and, historically, the most important, of the three divisions, with its capital Ecbatana (the present Hamadan).
  Of the ancient geographers, Ptolemy gives this country the widest boundaries. Media, says he, is bounded on the N. by the Hyrcanian (i. e. the Caspian) sea, on the W. by Armenia and Assyria, on the S. by Persis and a line drawn from Assyria to Susiana, and on the E. by Hyrcania and Parthia (vi. 2. § § 1, 3). It is clear from this, and still more so from the mention he makes of the tribes and towns in it, that he is speaking of Media in its most extended sense: while, at the same time, he does not recognise the triple division noticed above, and speaks of Atropatene (or, as he calls it, Tropatene, vi. 2, 5) as one only of many tribes.
  Strabo, in the tolerably full account which he gives of ancient Media, is content with a twofold division, into Media Atropatene and Media Magna; to these he gives nearly the same limits as Ptolemy, comprehending, however, under the former, the mountain tract near the Caspian (xi. pp. 522-526). Pliny, in stating that what was formerly the kingdom of the Persians, is now (in his time) under the Parthians, appears only to recognise Media Magna as Media Proper (vi. 14. s. 17). Atropatene, though subject to Ecbatana, the capital of Media Magna, he does not seem to consider has any thing to do with it (vi. 13. s. 16).
  We proceed now to describe Media Magna, the first or most northern part of what was popularly called Media having been fully noticed under Atropatene and Ecbatana. It is very difficult to distinguish the classical accounts of the different divisions to which we have alluded, the name Media being used very indefinitely. It may, however, be stated generally, that Media Magna comprehended the whole of the rich and fertile plain-country which was shut in between the great chain of the Carduchian mountains and of Mt. Zagros in the W. and by Mt. Coronus on the N. It appears to have extended as far south as Elymais and Susiana, and to have bordered on the eastern side on Caramania and Ariana, or on what, in later times, was better known by the name of Parthia. Some have attempted to prove that it derived its name from its lying in the middle part of Asia (Gesenius, Thes. ii. p. 768; cf. also Polyb. v. 44, who states, He Media keitai peri mesen ten Asian). The derivation, however, admits of doubt. On the Cuneiform Inscriptions the name is read Mada (Rawlinson, Behistun Inse. As. Journ. vol. x.). Much of this land was of a high elevation above the sea, but it abounded in fertile valleys, famous for their richness, and in meadow land in which a celebrated breed of horses, called the Nisaean horses, were raised. (Herod. vii. 40, iii. 106; Diod. xvii. 100 ; Strab. xi. p. 525 ; Aelian, Hist. Anim. iii. 2 ; Ammian. xxiii. 6.; cf. also the modern travellers, Ker Porter, vol. i. p. 216, Chardin, and Morier.) It is comprehended for the most part in the modern province of Irak Ajem.
  The principal town of Media Magna was Ecbatana (doubtless the present Hamadan), which, during the time of the wars of Alexander, as for many years before, was the capital of the whole country. Besides Ecbatana, were other towns of importance, most of them situated in the NE. part of the country, on the edge of, if not within, Atropatene, as Rhagae and Heracleia.
  It is equally difficult to determine with accuracy what states or tribes belong to Media Magna. It is probable, however, that the following may be best comprehended in this division : - The Sagartii, who occupied the passes of Mt. Zagros ; Choromithrene, in the champaign country to the south of Ecbatana; Elymais, to the north of Choromithrene - if indeed this name has not been erroneously introduced here by Ptolemy and Polybius; the Tapyri or Tapyrrhi, S. of Mt. Coronus as far as Parthia and the Caspian Gates; Rhagiana, with its capital Rhagae; Sigriane, Daritis, and, along the southern end of the Parachoatras, what was called Syromedia. (See these places under their respective names.)
  The Medi, or inhabitants of Media, are the same people as the Madai of the Bible, from which Semitic word the Greek name is most likely derived. Madai is mentioned in Genesis, as one of the sons of Japhet (x. 2), in the first repeopling of the earth after the Flood; and the same name occurs in more than one place, subsequently, indicating, as it would seem, an independent people, subject to the king of Nineveh (2 Kings, xvii. 6), or in connection with, if not subject to, the Persians, as in Dan. v. 28, vi. 15; Esth. i. 3, 14. The first Greek author who gives any description of them is Herodotus. According to him, they were originally called ARII, but changed their name to that of Medi on the coming of Medeia from Athens (vii. 62). They were divided into six tribes, the Busae (Steph. Byz.), Paraetaceni (Strab. xi. p. 522, xvi. p. 739, &c.; Arrian, iii. 19), Struchates, Arizanti, Budii (Steph. Byz.), and the Magi. Von Hammer has attemped to show that most, if not all, of these names occur under their Persian form in the Zendavesta and Shah-nameh ( Wiener. Joahrb. ix. pp. 11, 12), but it may be questioned whether the identification can be considered as satisfactory. Some, however, of these names indicate the Eastern origin of the inhabitants of Media, as Arii and Arizanti; though it may be doubted whether others of them, as the Magi, ought to be considered as separate tribes. The general evidence is, that the Magi were a priest-class among the Median people; not, like the Achaemenidae in Persia, a distinct or dominant tribe. (Cf. Strab. xvi. p. 962; Cic. Divin. i. 41; Porphyr. Abstinent. 4. 16, &c.) In other authors we find the following peoples counted among the inhabitants of Media, though it may be doubted whether some of them do not more properly belong to one or more of the adjacent nations: the Sagartii, Tapyri or Tapyrrhi, Matiani Caspii, Cadusii, Gelae, and the Mardi or Amardi. Herodotus proceeds to state that originally the Medes were a free people, who lived in separate villages, but that at length they chose for themselves a king in the person of Deioces, who built the celebrated city of Ecbatana, and was succeeded by Phraortes and Cyaxares (i. 95-103). The reign of the former was, he adds, terminated by a defeat which he sustained (at Rhages, Judith, i. 15); while, during the commencement of that of the latter, all Western Asia was overrun by a horde of Scythians (i. 103). There can be no doubt that for awhile they were subject to, and formed a satrapy of, the Assyrian empire, as stated by Diodorus (ii. 2); that then they threw off the Assyrian yoke, as stated by Herodotus (i. 106), and were ruled over by a series of kings of their own for a long period. (Cf. Strab. xi. p. 524.) The order and the names of these rulers are differently stated; and it would be out of place here to discuss at length one of the most difficult and disputed points of ancient chronology. (Cf., however, Diod. ii. 24, 32; Herod. i. 95; and Euseb. Chron. Armen. i. 101; Clinton, Fast. Hellen. vol. i. p. 257, app.) It may be remarked, that in the Bible the first notice we find of the Medes, exhibits them as the subjects of the Assyrian king Salmaneser (2 Kings, xvii. 6), who was contemporary with the Jewish king Hoshea; while in the later times of Nebuchadnezzar, they appear as a warlike nation, governed by their own rulers. (Isaiah, xiii. 17; Jerem. xxv. 25, li. 11, 28.) It is equally clear that the Medians were united to the Persians by Cyrus, and formed one empire with them (Herod. i. 129; Diod. ii. 34; Justin, i. 6), and hence are spoken of in the later books of the Bible as a people subject to the same ruler as the Persians. (Dan. v. 28, viii. 20 ; Esth. i. 3, &c.) From this time forward their fate was the same as that of the Persian monarchy; and they became in succession subject to the Greeks, under Alexander the Great, to the Syro-Macedonian rulers after his death, and lastly to the Parthian kings. (Cf. 1 Macc. vi. 56, xiv. 2; Strab. xvi. p. 745; Joseph. Antiq. xx. 3. § 3.)
  The consent of history shows that in early times the Medes were held to be a very warlike race, who had a peculiar skill in the use of the bow. (Isaiah, xiii. 18; Herod. vii. 62; Xen. Anab. ii. 1. 7; Strab. xi. p. 525,) They had also great knowledge and practice in horsemanship, and were considered in this, as in many other acquirements, to have been the masters of the Persians. (Strab. xv. pp. 525, 526, 531.) Hence, in the armament of Xerxes, the Medes are described as equipped similarly with the Persians, and Herodotus expressly states that their dress and weapons were of Median, not Persian origin (l. c.). In later ages they appear to have degenerated very much, and to have adopted a luxurious fashion of life and dress (cf. Xen. Cyrop. i. 3. 2 ; Strab. l. c.; Ammian. xxiii. 6), which passed from them to their Persian conquerors. The religion of the Medes was a system of Starworship; their priests bearing, as we have remarked, the name of Magi, which was common to them with the Persians, indeed was probably adopted by the latter from the former. (Xen. Cyr. iv. 5 ; Strab. xv. pp. 727, 735;; Cic. Div. i. 3. 3) The principal object of their adoration was the Sun, and then the Moon and the five planets, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mercury, and Mars.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΠΑΡΘΙΑ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Parthia, (he Parthuaia, Strab. xi.; he Parthuene, Polyb. x. 28; Steph. B. s. v.; Curt.v. 12; Parthia, Ptol. vi. 5.1; Parthia, Plin. vi. 15. s. 16), originally a small district of Western Asia, shut in on all sides by either mountains or deserts. It was bounded on the W. by Media Atropatene, on the N. by Hyrcania, on the E. by Ariana and M. Masdoranus, and on the S. by Carmania Deserta, M. Parachoathras, and Persis. It comprehended, therefore, the southern part of Khorasan, almost all Kohistan, and some portion of the great Salt Desert. It was for the most part a mountainous and rugged district. The principal mountains were the Labus or Labutas (probably part of the great range now known by the name of the Elburz Mts.), the Parachoathras (or Elwend), and the Masdoranus. The few rivers which it possessed were little more than mountain streams, liable to violent and sudden floods on the melting of the snow, but nearly dry during the summer: the only names which have been recorded of these streams are, the Zioberis or Stiboetes, the Rhidagus, and the Choatres. The principal divisions of the land were into Camisene, on the north; Parthyene, to the SW. of Camisene, extending along the edge of the Caspian Sea, as far as the Caspian Gates, a district which some have supposed to have been the original seat of the population, and that from which the whole country derived its name; Choarene, the western portion of the land, and for the most part a fruitful valley along the frontiers of Media; Apavarctene, to the S.; and Tabiene, along the borders of Carmania Deserta. There were no great towns in Parthia, properly so called, but history has preserved the names of a few which played an important part at different periods: of these, the best known were Hecatompolis, the chief town of the Parthians, and the royal residence of the dynasty of the Arsacidae, and Apameia Rhagiana.
  Little is known of Parthian history at an early period; and it is probable that it was subject to the great empire of Persia, and subsequently to the first successors of Alexander, till the first Arsaces threw off the Syro-Macedonian rule, and established a native dynasty on the throne of Parthia in B.C. 256. From this period it grew rapidly more powerful, till, on the final decay of the house of the Seleucidae, the Arsacidan dynasty possessed the rule of the greater part of Western Asia. Their long wars with the Romans are well known: no Eastern race was able to make so effectual a resistance to the advance of the Roman arms, or vindicated with more constancy and determination their natural freedom. The overthrow of Crassus, B.C. 53, showed what even the undisciplined Parthian troops could do when fighting for freedom (Dion Cass. xl. 21). Subsequent to this, the Romans were occasionally successful. Thus, in A.D. 34, Vonones was sent as a hostage to Rome (Tacit. Annual. ii. 1); and finally the greater part of the country was subdued, successively, by the arms of Trajan, by Antoninus, and Caracalla, till, at length, the rise of the new Sassanian, or native dynasty of Persia, under the command of Artaxerxes I. put an end to the house of Arsaces (A.D. 226). Subsequent to this period there is a constant confusion in ancient authors between Persians and Parthians.
  The inhabitants of Parthia were called Parthyaei (Parthuaioi, Polyb. x. 31: Strab. xi.; Arrian, Anab. iii. 21; Ptol. iii. 13.41) or Parthi (Parthoi, Herod. iii. 93; Strab. xi.; Plin. vi. 25. s. 28; Amm. Marc. xxiii. 6), and were, in all probability, one of the many branches of the great Indo-Germanic family of nations. Their own tradition (if, indeed, faithfully reported) was that they came out of Scythia -for they were wont to say that Parthian meant exile in the Scythian tongue (Justin, xli. 1). Herodotus, too, classes them with the people of Chorasmia and Sogdiana (iii. 39, vii. 66); and Strabo admits that their manners resembled those of the Scythians (xi.). On the other hand, modern research has demonstrated their direct connection with the Iranian tribes; their name is found in the Zend to be Pardu, in the Sanscrit Parada. According to Strabo, who quotes Posidonius as his authority, the Parthians were governed by a double council, composed of the nobles or relatives of the king (according as the reading eugenon or sungenon be adopted), and of the Magians (xi). As a nation, they were famous for their skill in the management of the horse and for their use of the bow (Dion Cass. xl. 15, 22; Dionys. 1045; Plut. Crass. c. 24), and for the peculiar art which they practised in shooting with the bow from horseback when retreating. This peculiarity is repeatedly noticed by the Roman poets (Virg. Georg. iii. 31; Horat. Carm. i. 19. 11, ii. 13. 17; Ovid, Art. Am. i. 209). In their treatment of their kings and nobles they were considered to carry their adulation even beyond the usual Oriental excess (Virg, Georg. iv. 211; Martial, Epigr. x. 72, 1-5).

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


  Persepolis (Persepolis, Diod. xvii. 70; Ptol. vi. 4. § 4; Curt. v. 4. 6; Persaipolis, Strab. xv. 729: Eth. Persepolites), the capital of Persis at the time of the invasion of Alexander, and the seat of the chief palaces of the kings of Persia. It was situated at the opening of an extensive plain (now called Mardusht), and near the junction of two streams, the Araxes (Bendamir) and the Medus (Pulwan). The ruins, which are still very extensive, bear the local name of the Chel Minar, or Forty Columns. According to Diodorus the city was originally surrounded by a triple wall of great strength and beauty (xvii. 71). Strabo states that it was, after Susa, the richest city of the Persians, and that it contained a palace of great beauty (xv. p. 729), and adds that Alexander burnt this building to avenge the Greeks for the similar injuries which had been inflicted on them by the Persians (xv. p. 730). Arrian simply states that Alexander burnt the royal palace, contrary to the entreaty of Parmenion, who wished him to spare this magnificent building, but does not mention the name of Persepolis. (Anab. iii. 18.) Curtius, who probably drew his account from the many extant notices of Alexander's expedition by different officers who had accompanied him, has fully described the disgraceful burning of the city and palace at Persepolis by the Greek monarch and his drunken companions. He adds that, as it was chiefly built of cedar, the fire spread rapidly far and wide.
  Great light has been thrown upon the monuments which still remain at Persepolis by the researches of Niebuhr and Ker Porter, and still more so by the interpretation of the cuneiform inscriptions by Colonel Rawlinson and Prof. Lassen. From the result of their inquiries, it seems doubtful whether any portion of the present ruins ascend to so high a period as that of the founder of the Persian monarchy, Cyrus. The principal buildings are doubtless due to Dareius the son of Hystaspes, and to Xerxes. The palace and city of Cyrus was at Pasargada, while that of the later monarchs was at Persepolis. (Rawlinson, Journ. of Roy. As. Soc. vol. x; Lassen, in Ersch and Gruber's Encycl. s.v.; Fergusson, Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Restored, Lond. 1851.) It has been a matter of some doubt how far Persepolis itself ever was the ancient site of the capital; and many writers have supposed that it was only the high place of the Persian monarchy where the great palaces and temples were grouped together. On the whole, it seems most probable that the rock on which the ruins are now seen was the place where the palaces and temples were placed, and that the city was extended at its feet along the circumjacent plain. Subsequent to the time of Alexander, Persepolis is not mentioned in history except in the second book of the Maccabees, where it is stated that Antiochus Epiphanes made a fruitless attempt to plunder the temples. (2 Maccab. ix. 1.) In the later times of the Muhammedan rule, the fortress of Istakhr, which was about 4 miles from the ruins, seems to have occupied the place of Persepolis; hence the opinion of some writers, that Istakhr itself was part of the ancient city. (Niebuhr, ii. p. 121; Chardin, Voyages, viii. p. 245; Ker Porter, vol. i. p. 576; Ouseley, Travels, ii. p. 222.)

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


  Susa (ta Sousa, Aeschyl. Pers. 535, 730; Herod. i. 188; Xen. Cyr. viii. 6. 8, &c.; in O. T. Shushan Esther, i. 2; Nehemiah, i. 1; Daniel, viii. 2), the chief city of the province of Susiana, on the eastern bank of the Choaspes (Kerkhah). There was considerable doubt among the ancient writers as to the exact position of this celebrated city. Thus Arrian (vii. 7), Pliny (vi. 27. s. 31), and Daniel (viii. 2) place it on the Eulaeus (Ulai in Daniel): while from other authors (Strab. xv. p. 728) it may be gathered that it was situated on the Choaspes. (For the probable cause of this confusion, see Choaspes) We may add, however, that, according to Curtius, Alexander on his way from Babylon had to cross the Choaspes before he could reach Susa (v. 2), and that the same inference may be drawn from the account of Aristagoras of the relative position of the places in Persia in his address to Cleomenes. (Herod. v. 52.) It appears to have been an early tradition of the country that Susa was founded by Dareius the son of Hystaspes (Plin. l. c.); and it is described by Aeschylus as meg' astu Sousidos (Pers. 119). By others it is termed Memnoneion astu (Herod. v. 54), and its origin is attributed to Memnon, the son of Tithonus. (Strab. l. c.; Steph. B. s. v.) The name is said to have been derived from a native Persian word Susan (meaning lily), from the great abundance of those plants in that neighbourhood. (Steph. B. s. v.; Athen. xii. p. 513, ed. Cassaub.) Athenaeus also confirms the account of the excellence of the climate of Susa (l. c.). It may be remarked that the word Sousinon was well known as applied to an unguent extracted from lilies. (Dioscor. iii. c. de lilio: Athen. xv. p. 609; Etymol. M. s. v. Sousinon). The city was said to have been 120 stadia in circumference (Strab. l. c.), and to have been surrounded by a wall, built like that of Babylon of burnt brick. (Strab. l. c.; Paus. iv. 31. § 5.) Diodorus (xix. 16, xvii. 65) and Cassiodorus (vii. 15) speak of the strength and splendour of its citadel; and the latter writer affirms that there was a splendid palace there, built for Cyrus by Memnon. Besides this structure, Pliny speaks of a celebrated temple of Diana (l. c.; see also Mart. Capella, vi. de India, p. 225, ed. Grotius), in all probability that of the Syrian goddess Anaitis: while St. Jerome adds, that Daniel erected a town there (Hieronym. in Dan.), a story which Josephus narrates, with less probability, of Ecbatana. (Ant. x. 11.) Susa was one of the capitals at which the kings of Persia were wont to spend a portion of the year. Thus Cyrus, according to Xenophon, lived there during the three months of the spring. (Cyrop. viii. 6. § 22.) Strabo offers the most probable reason for this custom, where he states that Susiana was peculiarly well suited for the royal residence from its central position with respect to the rest of the empire, and from the quiet and orderly character of its government (l. c.) From these and other reasons, Susa appears to have been the chief treasury of the Persian empire (Herod. v. 49); and how vast were the treasures laid up there by successive kings, may be gathered from the narrative in Arrian, of the sums paid by Alexander to his soldiers, and of the presents made by him to his leading generals, on the occasion of his marriage at Susa with Barsine and Parysatis (Curt. vii. 4, 5): even long after Alexander's death, Antigonus found a great amount of plunder still at Susa. (Diod. xix. 48.)
  With regard to the modern site to be identified as that of the ruins of Susa, there has been considerable difference of opinion in modern times. This has, however, chiefly arisen from the scarcity of travellers who have examined the localities with any sufficient accuracy. The first who did so, Mr. Kinneir, at once decided that the modern Sus, situated at the junction of Kerkhah and river of Diz, must represent the Shushan of Daniel, the Susa of profane authors. (Travels, p. 99; comp. Malcolm, Hist. Persia, i. p. 256.) Rennell had indeed suspected as much long before (Geogr. Herodot. i. p. 302); but Vincent and others had advanced the rival claim of Shuster. (Anc. Commerce, i. p. 439.) The question has been now completely set at rest, by the careful excavations which have been made during the last few years, first by Colonel (now Sir W. F.) Williams, and secondly by Mr. Loftus. The results of their researches are given by Mr. Loftus in a paper read to the Royal Society of Literature in November, 1855. (Transactions, vol. v. new series.) Mr. Loftus found three great mounds, measuring together more than 3 1/2 miles in circumference, and above 100 feet in height; and, on excavating, laid bare the remains of a gigantic colonnade, having a frontage of 343 feet, and a depth of 244, consisting of a central square of 36 columns, flanked to the N., E., and W. by a similar number-the whole arrangement being nearly the same as that of the Great Hall of Xerxes at Persepolis. A great number of other curious discoveries were made, the most important being numerous inscriptions in the cuneiform character. Enough of these has been already deciphered to show, that some of the works on the mound belong to the most remote antiquity. Among other important but later records is an inscription,-the only memorial yet discovered of Artaxerxes Mnemon, the conqueror of the Greeks at Cunaxa,-which describes the completion of a palace, commenced by Dareius the son of Hystaspes and dedicated to the goddesses Tanaitis and Mithra. A Greek inscription was also met with, carved on the base of a column, and stating that Arreneides was the governor of Susiana. The natives exhibit a monument in the neighbourhood, which they call and believe to be the tomb of Daniel. There is no question, however, that it is a modern structure of the Mohammedan times.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


ΑΤΡΟΠΑΤΗΝΗ (Αρχαία επαρχία) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Atropatene (Atropatene), or Media Atropatia, the northwestern part of Media, adjacent to Armenia, named after Atropates, a native of the country, who, having been made its governor by Alexander, founded there a kingdom, which long remained independent.

ΒΑΚΤΡΙΑ (Αρχαία επαρχία) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Bactria (Baktria) or Bactriana (Baktriane). A province of the Persian Empire, bounded on the south by Mount Paropamisus, which separated it from Ariana; on the east by the northern branch of the same range, which divided it from the Sacae; on the northeast by the Oxus, which separated it from Sogdiana; and on the west by Margiana. It was included in the conquests of Alexander, and formed a part of the kingdom of the Seleucidae until B.C. 255, when Theodotus, its governor, revolted from Autiochus II., and founded the Greek kingdom of Bactria, which lasted till B.C. 134 or 125, when it was overthrown by the Parthians.


ΕΚΒΑΤΑΝΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΜΗΔΙΑ

   (ta Ekbatana; Heb. Acmetha). The capital of Media, situated, according to Diodorus, about twelve stadia from Mount Orontes. The genuine orthography of the word appears to be Agbatana (Agbatana), a form employed by Ctesias. Ecbatana, being in a high and mountainous country, was a favourite residence of the Persian kings during summer, when the heat of Susa was almost insupportable. The Parthian kings also, at a later period, retired to it in the summer to avoid the excessive heat of Ctesiphon. According to Herodotus, Ecbatana was built near the close of the eighth century B.C. by Deioces, the founder of the Median monarchy. The Book of Judith assigns the building of this city, or, rather, the erection of its citadel, to Arphaxad, in the twelfth year of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Assyria. Some writers make Arphaxad the same with Deioces, while others identify him with Phraortes, the son of the latter, who might have repaired the city or else made some additions to it.
    Herodotus furnishes us with no hint whence we may infer the relative position of Ecbatana on the map of Media. His description of the fortress or citadel, however, is particular. "The Medes," he remarks, "in obedience to their king's command, built those spacious and massive fortifications now called Ecbatana, circle within circle, according to the following plan: each inner circle overtops its outer neighbour by the height of the battlements alone. This was effected partly by the nature of the ground, a conical hill, and partly by the building itself. The number of the circles was seven; within the innermost were built the palace and the treasury. The circumference of the outermost wall and of the city of Athens may be regarded as nearly equal. The battlements of the first circle are white; of the second, black; of the third, scarlet; of the fourth, azure; of the fifth, orange. All these are brilliantly coloured with different paints. But the battlements of the sixth circle are silvered over, while those of the seventh are gilt. Deioces constructed these walls around his palace for his own personal safety; but he ordered the people to erect their houses in a circle around the outer wall". The Orientals, however, according to Diodorus Siculus, claimed a far more ancient origin for Ecbatana. Ctesias not only describes it as the capital of the first Median monarchy, founded by Arbaces, but as existing prior to the era of the famed and fabulous Semiramis, who is said to have visited Ecbatana in the course of her royal journeys and to have built there a magnificent palace. She also, with immense labour and expense, introduced abundance of excellent water into the city by perforating the adjacent Mount Orontes, and forming a tunnel, fifteen feet broad and forty feet high, through which she conveyed a lake-stream. The palace stood below the citadel. Its tiles were of silver and its capitals, entablatures, and wainscotings of gold and silver. This metal the Seleucidae coined into money, amounting to the sum of 4000 talents, or $4,730,000.
    Ecbatana was taken by Cyrus in B.C. 549, and remained a splendid city under the Persian sway, the great king spending at this place the two hottest months of the year. The Macedonian conquest did not prove destructive to Ecbatana, as it had to the royal palace at Persepolis. Alexander deposited in Ecbatana the treasures taken from Persepolis and Pasargada, and one of the last acts of his life was a royal visit to the Median capital. Although not equally favoured by the Seleucidae, it still retained the traces of its former grandeur; and Polybius has left on record a description of its state under Antiochus the Great, which shows that Ecbatana was still a splendid city, though it had been despoiled of many of its more costly decorations (Polyb. x. frag. 4). When the Seleucidae were driven from Upper Asia, Ecbatana became the favourite summer residence of the Arsacidae, and at the close of the first century it still continued to be the Parthian capital. When the Persians, under the house of Sassan, A.D. 226, recovered the dominion of Upper Asia, Ecbatana continued to be a favourite and secure place of residence. The natural bulwarks of Mount Zagros were never forced by the Roman legions. Consequently, as we learn from Ammianus Marcellinus, near the close of the fourth century Ecbatana continued to be a strongly fortified city.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΚΙΣΣΙΑ (Αρχαία περιοχή) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Cissia (Kissia). A very fertile district of Susiana, on the Choaspes. The inhabitants, Cissii, were a wild, free people, resembling the Persians in their manners ( Herod.iii. 91).


ΜΑΡΓΙΑΝΗ (Αρχαία επαρχία) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Margiana (Margiane). A province of the ancient Persian Empire, bounded on the east by Bactriana, on the northeast and north by the river Oxus, and on the west by Hyrcania. It received its name from the river Margus, which flows through it. On this river stood the capital of the district, Antiochia Margiana, which was founded by Alexander the Great and rebuilt by Antiochus I. Margiana corresponds to the southern part of Khiva and Bokhara and the northeastern part of Khorassan. Its chief inhabitants were the Derbices, Dahae, and Mardi.


ΜΗΔΙΑ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
   An important country of Asia above Persia, and bounded on the north by the Araxes, on the west and southwest by the range of mountains called Zagros and Parachoatras (Mountains of Kurdistan and Louristan), which divided it from the Tigris and Euphrates valley, on the east by the Desert, and on the northeast by the Caspii Montes (Elburz Mountains). It was a fertile country, well peopled, and one of the most important provinces of the ancient Persian Empire. After the Macedonian conquest it was divided into two parts--Great Media and Atropatene.
    The earliest history of Media is involved in much obscurity. Herodotus reckons only four kings of Media, namely: (1) Deioces, B.C. 710-657; (2) Phraortes, 657-635; (3) Cyaxares, 635-595; (4) Astyages, 595-560. The last king was dethroned by a revolution, which transferred the supremacy to the Persians, who had formerly been the subordinate people in the united Medo-Persian Empire. The Medes made more than one attempt to regain their supremacy; the usurpation of the Magian pseudo-Smerdis was no doubt such an attempt; and another occurred in the reign of Darius II., when the Medes revolted, but were soon subdued (B.C. 408). With the rest of the Persian Empire, Media fell under the power of Alexander; it next formed a part of the kingdom of the Seleucidae, from whom it was conquered by the Parthians in the second century B.C., from which time it belonged to the Parthian, and then to the later Persian Empire. See Persia, with bibliography there given.
    It is important to notice the use of the names Medus and Medi by the Roman poets for the nations of Asia east of the Tigris in general and for the Parthians in particular.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΠΑΡΘΙΑ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Parthia, Parthyaea (Parthuaia), and Parthyene (Parthuene). A country, southeast of the Caspian Sea, in Asia. Its extent varied greatly at different times, and the name is often used indefinitely by the ancient writers; but it may be regarded as bordering upon Hyrcania, Asia, Carmania, Persis, Susiana, and Media. It was largely a mountainous and semi-desert country, whose people were noted warriors, celebrated especially for their skill in archery and horsemanship. Their tactics, of which the Romans had fatal experience in their first wars with them, became so celebrated as to pass into a proverb. Their mail-clad horsemen spread like a cloud around the hostile army, and poured in a shower of darts; and then evaded any closer conflict by a rapid flight, during which they still shot their arrows backward upon the enemy.
  Under the Persian Empire, the Parthians, with the Chorasmii, Sogdii, and Arii, formed the sixteenth satrapy: under Alexander and the Greek kings of Syria, Parthia and Hyrcania together formed a satrapy. About B.C. 250 they revolted from the Seleucidae, under a chieftain named Arsaces, who founded an independent monarchy, the history of which is given under Arsaces. During the period of the downfall of the Syrian kingdom, the Parthians overran the provinces east of the Euphrates, and about B.C. 130 they overthrew the kingdom of Bactria, so that their empire extended over Asia from the Euphrates to the Indus, and from the Indian Ocean to the Paropamisus, or even to the Oxus; but on this northern frontier they had to maintain a continual conflict with the nomad tribes of Central Asia. On the west their progress was checked by Mithridates and Tigranes, till those kings fell successively before the Romans, who were thus brought into collision with the Parthians. After the memorable destruction of Crassus and his army, B.C. 53, the Parthians threatened Syria and Asia Minor; but their progress was stopped by two signal defeats, which they suffered from Antony's legate Ventidius, in 39 and 38. The preparations for renewing the war with Rome were rendered fruitless by the contest for the Parthian throne between Phraates IV. and Tiridates, which led to an appeal to Augustus, and to the restoration of the standards of Crassus, B.C. 20; an event to which the Roman poets often allude in terms of flattery to Augustus, almost as if he had conquered the Parthian Empire. It is to be observed that the poets of the Augustan Age use the names Parthi, Persae, and Medi indifferently.
  The Parthian Empire had now begun to decline, owing to civil contests and the defection of the governors of provinces, and had ceased to be formidable to the Romans. There were, however, continual disputes between the two empires for the protectorate of the kingdom of Armenia. In consequence of one of these disputes Trajan invaded the Parthian Empire (A.D. 115-117), and obtained possession for a short time of Mesopotamia; but his conquests were surrendered under Hadrian, and the Euphrates again became the boundary of the two empires. There were other wars at later periods, which resulted in favour of the Romans, who took Selencia and Ctesiphon, and made the district of Osroene a Roman province. The exhaustion which was the effect of these wars at length gave the Persians the opportunity of throwing off the Parthian yoke. Led by Artaxerxes (Ardshir), they put an end to the Parthian kingdom of the Arsacidae, after it had lasted 476 years, and established the Persian dynasty of the Sassanidae, A.D. 226.
  The Parthians were of Scythic origin, but during the more flourishing period of the Empire adopted many of the usages of Greek civilization, including the Greek language (as the official form of speech) and to some extent the Greek religion. As the Empire declined, however, this superficial cultivation wore off, and by the second century A.D. even the Greek language fell into total disuse.

This text is cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


   (Persepolis, Persaipolis; in the Middle Ages, Istakhar; now Takhti-Jemshid, i. e. "Throne of Jemshid," or Chil-Minar, i. e. "Forty Pillars"). The Greek name, probably translated from the Persian name which is not recorded, of the great city which succeeded Pasargada as the capital of Persis and of the Persian Empire. From the circumstance, however, of the conquest of the Babylonian Empire taking place about the time when Persepolis attained this dignity, it appears to have been seldom used as the royal residence. Neither Herodotus, Xenophon, Ctesias, nor the sacred writers during the Persian period, mention it at all; though they often speak of Babylon, Susa, and Ecbatana as the capitals of the Empire. It is only from the Greek writers after the Macedonian conquest that we learn its rank in the Empire, which appears to have consisted chiefly in its being one of the two burial places of the Persian kings (the other being Pasargada), and also a royal treasury; for Alexander found in the palace immense riches, which were said to have accumulated from the time of Cyrus. Its foundation is sometimes ascribed to Cyrus the Great, but more generally to his son Cambyses. It was greatly enlarged and adorned by Darius I. and Xerxes, and preserved its splendour till after the Macedonian conquest, when it was burned; Alexander, as the story goes, setting fire to the palace with his own hand at the end of a revel by the instigation of the courtesan Thais in B.C. 331. It was not, however, so entirely destroyed as some historians represent. It appears frequently in subsequent history, both ancient and mediaeval. It is now deserted, but its ruins are considerable, though too dilapidated to give any good notion of Persian architecture, and they are rich in cuneiform inscriptions. In the days of its splendour a great plaza or species of platform was crowned with palaces, halls, and altars. Here were stored the treasures which Alexander rifled; and here was kept the copy of the Avesta, written on 12,000 oxhides in letters of gold.
    Among the ruins still existing three groups are distinguished by archaeologists: first, the Forty Pillars proper, with the so-called "Mountain of Tombs" or "Throne of Jamshid," after a fabulous king who is said to have founded the city; second, the Naksh-in-Rustam, a collection of tombs; and third, a building now called "the Haram of Jamshid." The first group is the most important, being the terrace already mentioned, built of cyclopean masonry, and extending 1500 feet in one [p. 1206] direction and 800 in another. It was once surrounded by triple walls of a height varying from about 48 to 100 feet. There are still to be distinguished on the central platform the so-called "Great Hall of Xerxes," the Palace of Xerxes, and the Palace of Darius. The stone used for these structures is dark grayish marble cut into enormous square blocks, and highly polished. The ascent to this platform is by two double flights of steps nearly 22 feet in width and only 3 1/2 inches high, so that they have been ascended in modern times on horseback. The portals still exhibit huge figures of animals, 15 feet high, and not unlike the Assyrian bulls of Nineveh. The cuneiform inscriptions are ascribed to Xerxes. Persepolis was situated in the heart of Persis, in the part called Hollow Persis (koile Persis), not far from the border of the Carmanian Desert, in a beautiful and healthy valley, through which runs the river Araxes. After Alexander's time the place was of secondary importance. It was plundered by Antiochus in B.C. 164, and later was the residence of a Persian viceroy.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Persia (Persike, sc. ge, Persis; Lat. Persis, more rarely Persia; old Pers. Parsa). The original home of the ancient Persians, and later the chief province of the great Persian Empire, is the small territory in the southwestern corner of the Iranian tableland. In this limited and original sense, Persia corresponds exactly to the present Province of Fars or Farsistan with the capital Shiraz. On the north it was bounded by Media, on the east by Karmania, on the southwest by the Persian Gulf, and on the northwest by the province of Susiana. The latter had from the time of Cyrus been closely united with Persia. Persis was separated from Media by the Parachoathras Mountains, the most southerly spur of the Taurus. Persia is a highland rising in terraces to a height of 5000 metres, intersected by many clefts, with approaches on most sides only by difficult rocky passes. In consequence of its isolated position, the oriental peoples, before the time of Alexander, had only a scanty knowledge of the land. The flat coast line was intolerably hot, sandy, and unfruitful; but in the interior the climate was everywhere favorable, temperate, and for the latitude almost raw, on account of the elevated position; the valleys and plains productive and well watered, with many clear rivers and lakes, where all kinds of waterfowl made their homes, covered with fertile meadows and gardens, and pasturage for horses and cattle, and, in parts, with forests and game. Wine and all fruits except olive oil were produced. The northern portion of Persia, on the other hand, is cold and snow is frequent. As a whole, Persia was intended by nature more for a grazing than for an agricultural country. The largest inland river is the Araxes, which empties into a salt lake, with its tributary the Medos (now Pulvar). In the fruitful plain of the Medos in the centre of the country, sixty kilometres northeast of the present Shiraz, over 1000 metres high, in a mild and healthful climate, lay the capital Persepolis (later Istakhr). Next to Susa, Persepolis was the largest and most beautiful city in the land. Here stood the costly and strong royal citadel (ta basileia), the extensive ruins of whose walls, terraces, halls, and state apartments are still extant. Twelve kilometres down the river was the rock-hewn grave city of the Achaemenids (now Naksh-i-Rustem). Persepolis remained the nominal capital of the kingdom even after the kings had moved their residence to Susa and in mid-summer to Ecbatana. The original seat of the dynasty lay two days' journey northeast of Persepolis, in the so-called lower Persis, on the little river Cyrus, the present Murghab. There stood the ancient royal city of Pasargadae with the palace and the still preserved tomb of Cyrus. In a wider sense the name Persia embraces the whole Persian nation of Iranian race, which should rather be called Iran. The broad highland of Iran, from the Tigris to the Indus, from the Indian Ocean to the Oxus and the Caspian Sea, is divided into halves by the great salt desert in its midst --western Iran with the States of Media and Persia, and northeastern Iran with Sogdiana, Chorasmia, Bactria, Areia, and Arachosia. These divisions are united only in the north by a narrow inhabitated strip, Hyrcania. The old geographers confined the term Ariane to Eastern Iran. The feeling of national unity existed in all the tribes; their common name was once that of Aryan. Darius emphasizes first of all the fact that he is a Persian, the son of a Persian, and secondarily that he is an Aryan, of Aryan race. The Medes, too, according to Herodotus, anciently called themselves Aryans. The national unity of all Iran, a national dream even in the old heroic legends, was fully realized only once, under the Achaemenids. The empire of the Sassanids did not succeed in recovering the whole east of Iran. The present Persia fully includes only western Iran, and extends eastward not far beyond the eastern edge of the salt desert. The greater part of the ancient eastern Iran is occupied by Afghans and Turcomans.
    Ethnology.--The inhabitants of Persis were originally a genuine mountain race of shepherds. Herodotus, Xenophon, and others describe the ancient Persians (old Pers. Parsa, formerly, according to Herod. vii, 61, called Atrei) as an energetic, brave, contented race, of inordinate self-esteem, accustomed to hardships but not lacking in finer traits, fond of rude pleasures, of strict discipline, with a certain sense of justice, and of sound morals. The Persian sculptures show a noble profile, with long, straight nose, and carefully arranged beard. They ate only once a day, but then heartily, and drank wine freely. The life of men of station was consumed in hunting, travelling, archery, and war. The Persians served in the army from the twentieth to the fiftieth year. The soldiers wore the characteristic pointed felt hat (tiara), a coloured coat and breeches, and carried a light shield, a short spear, a long bow with thirty arrows, and the short dagger-sword (akinakes). Commerce was unknown among them, as were also rapine and thieving; lying, developed in the East to a virtue, they abhorred, at least in theory. Next to lying, incurring debt was considered the greatest disgrace. Polygamy and paederasty were customary. Large families of children were esteemed honourable and the king offered yearly prizes for them. Education was undertaken by the State; the sons of nobles were brought up as pages at the court, where they were prepared for the high State offices. All kinds of bodily exercise and truthfulness were required of the youth, and they were early accustomed to hardship and watchfulness. They studied the sciences, traditions, natural history, and arboriculture. Even Herodotus blames their fatal eagerness to imitate foreign customs. Thus in place of their ancient simple leather garments, they took from the more civilized Medes a more highly adorned dress (purple caftan, necklaces, and bracelets, Cyrop. i. 3, 2), false hair, and a blase air of fashion, and wherever they heard of a new form of amusement they introduced it. With their growing dominion and under the influence of foreign customs the Persians rapidly deteriorated. Luxury, debauchery, and effeminacy destroyed their former discipline and bodily excellence. Cruelty and barbarity on the part of those in authority, extortion, crime, and injustice became the order of the day. The traditional origin of the Persian satraps is quite incredible.
    The Persian nation was divided into various tribes, each possessing its own special portion of farming and pasture land. Of the ruling nobility, to which all other classes were subject, there were according to Herodotus three orders: the Pasargadae, Maraphii, and Maspii. Of these the Pasargadae were the highest; from them sprang the dynasty of the Achaemenids, who raised themselves from petty tribal chiefs and princes to national sovereigns. The king was permitted to select his wives only from the six highest families of the land, and the six "First of the Persians" had free access to the king.
    The Iranian languages belong to the Indogermanic stock. In spite of strong dialectic differences, a specific Iranian type is unmistakably noticeable in all. Their common characteristic marks are the change of s to h, the preference for fricatives, and the great development of sibilants. Old-Pers. hanti ("they are")=Skt. santi, Lat. sunt; hindu (Indus)=Skt. Sindhu; fra=Skt. pra, pro; thri (three)=mod. Pers. si=Skt. tri.
    Old Persian stands on a very primitive stage, still very close to Sanskrit. The sentence from an inscription "Auramazda hya imam bumim ada hya avam asmanam ada hya martiyam ada" ("Ormuzd, who created this earth, who created that heaven, who created man"), would read in Sanskrit "Asuro medhasvi ya imam bhumim adhad yo 'mum acmanam adhad yo martyam adhat.” Characteristic is the change of the Iranian z to d; adam (I)=Avestan azem; and f for Eastern Iranian hv: Vindafarna (Intaphernes)=Avestan Vindat-hvarenao. The final syllable is greatly maimed: abara= Skt. abharat ("he bore").
    The ancient Persians left no real literature. Remains of a lost heroic epic of Eastern Iran are to be found in the Avesta. But we have a fairly accurate knowledge of the language of the old Persians from the rock-inscriptions in which Darius I. and his successors perpetuated their deeds in plain, almost clumsy style. The most extensive of these inscriptions are those of Darius on the smoothed rock-face of Mount Behistan in Media, 426 lines, with a twofold translation. These Persian inscriptions are written in the simplest form of cuneiform, and, so far as they are not destroyed by the action of the weather or wantonly, they have been almost completely deciphered. Of the language of the Medes we know only a few words through the Greeks; it probably resembled Old Persian. The dog was called by the Medes spako, in the Avesta spa. The home of the very primitive language of the Avesta cannot be determined.
    From the Old Persian was developed the Middle Persian or Pahlavi, the literary and official language under the Sassanids. A peculiar cryptographic system (with Semitic ideograms), and a very defective and ambiguous alphabet, make this language unnecessarily difficult. While the Old Persian is still rich in grammatical forms, the Pahlavi shows great poverty. Still further poverty is shown in the Modern Persian (from the tenth century A.D. the national language of modern Persia), the last stage of development in the local speech of the Persians. The purest Modern Persian is still spoken around Shiraz.
    Among the arts architecture and sculpture hold the first place. Monumental structures are confined exclusively to the numerous royal palaces, and of their former magnitude the ruins of Susa and the far more imposing remains of Persepolis are silent witnesses. Their luxury and extravagance were a source of amazement to the Greeks. Founded by Darius, most of them were enlarged and finished by his successors. According to the detailed description of Polybius, the palace in Ecbatana at the time of the Achaemenids (whether during the period of the Medes is questionable) was covered with silver tiles, and a great part of the interior was coated with gold and silver plates. And so it may have been in Persepolis. But while the Median palace was a wooden structure, the material in Persepolis is a durable stone. The treatment of the stone shows a high degree of workmanship; walls and columns are ornamented with reliefs and inscriptions. The architectural style was drawn from the Babylonian and Assyrian, but was not a slavish imitation. The palace of Persepolis lay on a terrace of ten metres in height, with the rear towards a mountain. It was protected by an ingenious threefold wall and brazen doors. The interior contained the dwelling and reception rooms of the king and his highest officials, as well as the treasure-chambers. The slender columns are twenty metres high and end in lofty, delicate capitals. The whole produced an effect of towering and imposing elegance and gigantic dimensions.
    The numerous sculptures excavated do not depict single episodes in the life of the king, but form a common symbolic picture-language, glorifying the splendour of the kingdom and its far-reaching might. The composition is in general stiff and monotonous, but is carefully elaborated in details; the faces expressionless, but the forms lifelike and natural, the dress, weapons, etc., reproduced with great fidelity.
    Religion.--The Perso-Iranian national religion has from the oldest times been the Zoroastrian, with its belief in a good and an evil spirit (Ormuzd, ahuro mazdao; Ahriman, anro mainyush), worship of moral and natural powers (Asha, "law"; Rashnu, "justice"; Mithra, "sun"), purity of body and soul, after death a strict balancing of good and evil deeds, with the rewards of paradise or the punishments of hell, a last judgment, resurrection of the dead, marriage of relatives, etc. In all probability the teachings of Zoroaster originated in the East and spread westward into Media. The external and internal history of the Zoroastrian doctrine until it became a fully developed national church is still dark. In Media the Magi, one of the Median orders, became the privileged priestly class. The Magi, doubtless under the Median supremacy, carried the religious movement to Persis, and there also remained in exclusive and lasting possession of the priestly dignity. Without Magi no one could make a sacrifice, for they alone possessed the priestly mysteries; they also were soothsayers and interpreters of dreams. They had great respect and influence in public and private affairs; they conducted the education of the princes from the seventh year and constantly surrounded the king's person. They dressed in white and wore a felt turban, the cheek-pieces of which concealed the mouth.
    Cyrus was undoubtedly an orthodox Zoroastrian; the belief in the resurrection arose under Cambyses. Darins in his inscriptions constantly emphasizes the fact that he is ruler through the grace of Auramazda; Ahriman is naturally not mentioned by name. The cult of the goddess Anaitis (Anahita) and that of Mithra, which afterwards became almost international, was not officially introduced into Persia until the time of Artaxerxes II.
    In their descriptions of Persian sacrificial rites, the details given by Western writers agree in all essentials with the ordinances of the Avesta. The Persians had neither images of the gods nor real temples. They offered a garlanded sacrificial animal under the open heavens, while the Magi, holding in their hands a bundle of tamarisk twigs (the barsom), chanted the sacred passages. They sacrificed to the highest god, Ormuzd; to the sun and moon, but especially to fire and water--to fire, by burning dry wood and dropping fat on it; they offered worship to water, by some lake, river, or spring. The dog and the birds were sacred creatures; the dog they held as inviolable as men. On the other hand, it was considered a righteous deed to kill as many harmful animals as possible.
    The Perso-Iranian funeral rites are the strict consequence of the belief that all dead things were unclean and forfeited to the evil spirit. It was a mortal sin to defile the pure elements, fire and water. (Fire could not even be blown upon, under penalty of death.) The ecclesiastical prescriptions concerning burial, as later set down in the Avesta, seem for a long time to have been repugnant to the Persians, and only gradually to have supplanted the old customs. According to Xenophon (Cyrop. viii. 7, 25), Cyrus, when dying, ordered his body to be buried. Herodotus tells of the Magi that they do not bury their dead until dogs and birds have torn them. Whether the Persians did the same is not certain; at any rate they buried the corpse only after having covered it with wax. But the prescription of the Avesta indicates that the naked corpse was exposed to the vultures on an elevation (dakhma) outside the city, and that only subsequently the bones were buried in the open field. Not until the Sassanid period did this become the usual practice, as the description in Agathias, ii. 21, 22 proves. Procopius relates that a Persian who had buried his wife was sentenced to death. When Damassius and his companions cov ered a body lying on the ground with earth, the latter had disappeared in the morning, and during the night a spirit appeared to them in a dream, warning them to bury the dead, because the earth, the mother of all, received no tribute (Agathias, ii. 31). Evidence is not wanting that the custom existed as early as the time of Alexander, at least in Bactria. Alexander's Grecian governor in Bactria was almost driven out because he wished to forbid the exposure of the dead.
    The Zoroastrian priesthood and sect fell into decay with the fall of the Achaemenid dynasty. Under the Sassanids it was restored, and under the royal protection reached a position of power as the organized State religion which it had never possessed before. It gradually succumbed to the advance of Islam, and in the Persia of to-day there are very few Zoroastrians. More numerous are the adherents of the old national religion, who have found refuge in and about Bombay--the Parsees.    History.--The history of Persia is lost in the little-known period of Median supremacy. The Persian kings are vassals of the Median kings, who, on their side, freed themselves from Assyrian dominion after long struggles. The founder of the Median dynasty is Deioces, who, in the first half of the seventh century B.C., raised the Median tribes from confusion and anarchy to an organized state under a central royal power, for a time probably still a tributary vassal of the Assyrian king, but paving the way for the Median war of independence from the Assyrian yoke. He built the royal capital Ecbatana (old Pers. Hagmatana, later Hamadan). His son Phraortes (646-625) was the real founder of the Median supremacy. He subdued Persis and portions of the rest of Iran ("all Asia, one tribe after the other), and finally entered into an attack on Assyria, for which, however, he paid with his life. His successor Cyaxares (624-585) was the most important king of Media, and raised the young nation to the highest power. He gave the country a firm organized military system. His expedition against Assyria, which brought him victorious before Nineveh, had to be broken off, as the Scythians were meantime invading and devastating all Iran. Cyaxares freed his land from this plague by stratagem. Even then he made Armenia and Cappadocia as far as the Halys subject to himself, and is said to have pushed his dominion eastward over Hyrcania, Parthia, and Bactria. In alliance with Nabopolassar of Babylon, he destroyed Nineveh, and divided the Assyrian Empire among his allies. His son Astyages (584- 550) was the last king of his race. Herodotus tells only of his fall, which was brought about by the son of his vassal in the small but energetic district of Persis.
    Cyrus (Kurush), 559-530, belonged to the highest order of Persian nobility--the Pasargadae. His family, which already occupied a leading position in Persis, traced its origin to Achaemenes (Hakhamani). Xenophon, in opposition to Herodotus, makes the father of Cyrus king of Persia. Babylonian inscriptions call his great-grandfather Teispes "king of the city of Anshan." According to this, the Achaemenids had long ruled as kings in Persis under the suzerainty of the great kings of Media.
    Myths early gathered about the youth of Cyrus and his ascension to the throne. The romantic story in Herodotus is familiar. The Persians under Cyrus revolt against Astyages; he sends against them Harpagus, who, however, from private enmity, is favourable to Cyrus. A large part of the Median army goes over to Cyrus, and Astyages is conquered and taken alive. But Xenophon's account makes Cyrus gain the power most easily of all by marrying the daughter and heiress of the last Median king Cyaxares, a son of Astyages, receiving Media as a dowry. But Herodotus and Xenophon agree that Cyrus, on his mother's side, was a grandson of Astyages. The account of Herodotus is corrected and in part confirmed by the Babylonian inscriptions.
    In these inscriptions it is related that Astyages took the field against Cyrus, but his soldiers revolted and surrendered him to Cyrus. Briefly, therefore, the circumstances were probably the following. In the year 559 Cyrus succeeds his father Cambyses as viceroy in Persis. He frees Persis and Susia, which was connected with it, from the Median suzerainty, and so becomes the first sovereign king of Persis and Susia. Astyages makes war upon him, and in the decisive battle at Pasargadae loses his liberty and his Empire (550). After a short existence and rapid growth the Median sovereignty had given place to the Persian. In Media itself the acquirement of Ecbatana, which was shortly afterwards accomplished, seems to have completed the transfer of the powers without any long resistance; the Medes soon became reconciled to the new order. For them the change meant not a foreign domination, but only a change of dynasty; the political aim of the Median Empire--the conquest of Asia--remained undisturbed. Since all accounts agree that Astyages had no son, Cyrus was the natural pretender for the throne, and only anticipated his time somewhat. And with the new Persian sovereign the place of the unloved Astyages was occupied by a man who combined daring energy with paternal kindness. The Persian nobles, indeed, played the first parts, and Persian soldiers formed the military nucleus of the Empire. On the other hand, the less civilized victors willingly submitted themselves to the higher culture of the conquered. The Persians adopted their dress, customs, and vices from the Medes, together with the whole system of court and State, as they had already adopted their religion. Although to foreign eyes the Median name long retained its lustre, the national wall of division between Persians and Medes seems gradually to have fallen away and both races to have been mingled in a national unity. The court resided for a portion of the year in Media. Medes occupied high State positions and commands. From this time Persia, Susia, and Media formed the powerful kernel of the nation.
    Not so willingly did the other vassal States of the Median kingdom give their adherence to their new lords; their revolts caused Cyrus many wars. Even before Cyrus was involved in the second great war, the former vassal countries westward to the Halys were subject to him. Here followed at once the collision with his powerful neighbour Lydia. Once already, under Cyaxares, a bloody war had broken out between the two rival Empires, which continued with varying results for five years, and was finally calmed through the diplomatic intervention of the kings of Babylon and Cilicia. The fall of his brother-in-law and the rapid rise of the insatiable Cyrus forced the ruler of Sardis, Croesus, into war. After assuring himself of the alliance of Babylon, Egypt, and Sparta, he crossed the Halys in the year 547, anticipating an attack of Cyrus, and carried devastation into Cappadocia, a Persian protectorate. The first battle occurred at Pteria, but was not decisive. There Croesus began the return march, to occupy winter-quarters in Lydia. Cyrus pursued with forced marches, gained a decisive victory over the Lydians at Sardis before the auxiliaries which had been requested arrived, and shut the king up in the capital, which, after a siege of two weeks, was stormed and plundered. Cyrus eventually showed mercy to the captured Croesus, and took him with him to court in Persia, leaving the complete subjection of Lydia to his Median governors Mazares and Harpagus. Not alone all the Greek towns on the west coast of Asia Minor, which were tributary to Lydia, but also Miletus, Lycia, Caria, and Cilicia recognized the Persian authority either willingly or by force. Cyrus himself, immediately after the capture of Sardis, was summoned to the eastern part of the monarchy, to Bactria, by new revolts. All of Upper Asia to the eastern border of Iran is from this time on under his sway. Sardis became the firm centre of the western half of the Empire. Lydia was divided into two provinces, the governors of which resided at Sardis and Dascyleion .
    Now, when his Empire reached from the Iaxartes to the west coast of Asia Minor, only Babylon stood between him and the supreme power in Asia. In the year 539 Cyrus made an incursion into Babylonian territory. In the very first battle the troops of the enemy mutinied. King Nabonidus of Babylon fled. The strong capital surrendered without resistance, and the whole Babylonian territory, together with the vassal States, of which Syria was the most important, yielded willingly to Cyrus, who, in this case also, showed himself not as a barbarous, oppressive conqueror, but as the new father of the country. He allowed the sanctuaries and palaces of Babylon to remain unharmed. It was quite in the character of the ancient Persians, who were not in the least religious fanatics, that he should tolerate and protect the old Babylonian religion. Cyrus was accustomed to treat the dispossessed princes with consideration, and to retain them in his service as governors. Through his wise policy, he was able to make moral conquests, and became the least sanguinary of the great conquerors of the Orient. His followers also, notably Darius, pursued this moderate policy in cases of conquest, not of rebellion.
    The crown treasures of the conquered lands Cyrus took as spoils of war and stored up in his palaces, thus laying the foundation of the inexhaustible reserves of money of the later Persian Empire. These supplies indirectly benefited the Persians, for it is said that as often as Cyrus entered the territory of Persia he gave a piece of gold to every Persian man and woman. To his Persians he was always the national king; the heads of the nobility of Persis were nearest to the throne, and their counsel was of weight in important decisions.
    Cyrus is said to have met his death in an expedition against a nomad race beyond the Iaxartes-- the Massagetae, according to Herodotus, the Derbiccae, according to Ctesias. At all events, it was one of the wild Turanian tribes which, with their plundering inroads, had long been the scourge of Northern Iran. But the reports are conflicting. His military science probably failed in the inhospitable steppes of Central Asia before the crafty tactics of these rider hordes. His army was cut to pieces; Herodotus says that he himself fell in the battle, Ctesias that he died from the wounds received there. His body was entombed at Pasargadae, in the shade of the park, in a chamber upon a small stone pyramid. There Alexander saw his golden coffin. Cyrus had two sons, Cambyses and Smerdis, by his wife Cassandane, who died before him. Of his daughters, Atossa is best known.
   He was succeeded by his eldest son, Cambyses (Kabujiya), B.C. 529-522, an imperious, passionate man, whose notorious intemperance at times developed into delirium. While the Persians considered Cyrus as their father, they looked on the new sovereign as their master. Cambyses inherited the active disposition of his father. His first expedition against Egypt involved immense armies. The Ph?nician ports, as well as Cyprus, which had recently revolted from Egypt and voluntarily submitted to Persia, were obliged to mobilize their fleets to afford naval support to the land attack. Samos also at the time entered into voluntary alliance with Persia. Cambyses first caused his younger brother Smerdis (Bardiya), whose loyalty he distrusted, to be murdered secretly by Prexaspes. A Greek fugitive, Thanes, led the army through the Arabian Desert. At Pelusium Cambyses met the army of Psammetichus III., who had shortly before succeeded King Amasis. The Egyptian army was completely vanquished, Memphis was taken after a short siege, and Psammetichus made prisoner. In the year 525 the old kingdom of the Pharaohs was made a province of the Persian Empire. In general, Cambyses held to the policy of recognizing and respecting foreign nationality; no change was made in religion or government except that a satrap took the place of the Pharaohs. But the unbridled king personally outraged the people by brutal excesses, such as the desecration of the corpse of Amasis and his private mockery of their sacred things.
    From Egypt Cambyses planned great expeditions to the west and south. The naval expedition against Carthage was abandoned, because the Phoenicians refused to move against their own colony. A land force perished utterly in the sands of the Libyan Desert. The expedition under his own command against Aethiopia was not entirely fruitless, but entailed heavy losses. These failures increased his madness to a still higher point; he killed the bull Apis in rage, and by ill-treatment caused the death of his own sister, whom he had married according to Persian custom.
    Cambyses remained in Egypt until the year 522, when suddenly disquieting reports came from Persia, which, in consequence of his long absence, seems for a long time to have been in a state of fermentation. A Magian, Gaumata, whose brother was the steward of Cambyses, took advantage of the universal dissatisfaction, and, favoured by a certain resemblance to the murdered Smerdis, proclaimed himself to be the latter, and inflamed the land against the rightful king. Only a few initiated persons knew of the murder of Smerdis. Through great mildness and still greater promises the usurper quickly succeeded. Persia, Media, and the provinces gave him their allegiance, and Cambyses was practically a dethroned prince. From this point we can test the statements of Herodotus by the inscriptions of Darius. While on his homeward journey to punish the usurper, he met his death in Syria by his own hand, or through carelessness, as Herodotus thinks. The position of the Achaemenid dynasty was precarious. The people considered the pretender the real Bardiya, who would now have been the legitimate successor to the throne, as Cambyses died childless. Certain expressions of doubt seem to have been checked by the new tyrant with great cruelty. He must have feared most of all being unmasked by the Persian grandees, and therefore he never received them, nor allowed himself to be seen publicly, which was quite contrary to etiquette. Herodotus makes him reside in Susa, but according to the inscriptions his fate overtook him in a Median fortress. Seven Persian nobles, with Darius at their head, who had secretly discovered the truth, formed a conspiracy, surprised the castle, and struck Gaumata down.
    It had been neither a Median revolt against Persian sovereignty nor a religious uprising of the Magi, but the game of chance of a political adventurer, whom fortune favoured for a short time through a rare combination of circumstances. But for the moment the whole wrath of the insulted Persian nobility was turned against the Magi, and it would have needed little to end the day with a night of St. Bartholomew for all the Magi. Darius, the head of the conspiracy, was proclaimed king. The story of Herodotus that the choice was to be made among the seven by lot or chance is a later addition. In fact Darius was the only rightful heir to the throne. He was descended from a collateral branch of the Achaemenids, which from the time of Teispes had separated from the now extinct chief line. The genealogy of the family, according to Herodotus and the inscriptions, is the following:
    When he ascended the throne as governor of Persis his father was still alive, but appears to have resigned all claim to the succession to the avenger of his order. The other conspirators were rewarded with hereditary privileges. The new king, Darius I. (Darayavaush), (521-485), was in his thirtieth year. He entered into the inheritance of the Achaemenids at a critical period. The short interregnum had relaxed the empire of Cyrus in all its points. The provinces were everywhere uneasy--rebels and pretenders sprang up in every direction. The revolt first broke out in Susiana, but was quickly repressed. The uprising in Babylon was more serious, where a pretended son of Nabonidus placed himself at the head of the rebels; the fortress was taken only after a hard siege--according to Herodotus, through the craft of Zopyrus. While Darius was still fighting in Babylonia, Persia and Media revolted at the same time. The rebellion spread eastward to Margiana, westward over Armenia and Assyria, only the outer provinces remaining quiet. It seemed that the end of the empire had come, but the young king remained unshaken through all the storms, and the Persian and Median armies stood faithful. Only a great man could meet this gigantic task. Through years of sharp fighting he forced the seceding countries to return, one after the other, and disarmed the rebels. Later on he set up a proud memorial of these deeds in the great rock-inscriptions of Behistan.
    By the end of the year 519 the great rebellion had been crushed forever; the Empire, twentythree countries from the Nile to the Iaxartes, was again under his undisputed sway. He proceeded at once to unite the Empire more closely by reorganizing the government, and in accordance with the traditions of his house to extend his boundaries. To the east the Empire was extended to the Indus after he had carefully explored the lands of the Indus by ship, and the same were annexed.
    The great expedition to the Danube against the Scythians, on the other hand, was only partially successful. There were probably various reasons for this expedition. Perhaps those mysterious, restless savages, who, from the time of Cyaxares, had been held in hostile memory, again attracted attention; perhaps this far-seeing man intended to surround Greece from the north, and so wished to secure first the right flank. Darius is said to have placed 700,000 men in the field, while his Ionian subjects supplied 600 ships. From the latter the Samian engineer Mandrocles constructed the famous bridge of ships over the Bosporus, on which in 515 Darius crossed to Europe. While the land force travelled north over the Balkan, the Ionians received command to break up the bridge, to put into the Danube, and to construct another bridge there. On the Danube the Getae alone offered an obstinate resistance, and he proceeded across the river into a wholly unknown region, while the Ionians were to wait sixty days for his return, and hold the bridge during that period. Most of the operations in the present Bessarabia were brought to nothing by the skilful equestrian tactics of the enemy, who came and disappeared with the speed of lightning, and never allowed themselves to be grasped. The Persian army was thus led deeper and deeper into the inhospitable steppes, and at last forced by lack of supplies and exhaustion to return. After heavy losses Darius succeeded in getting back to the bridge over the Danube, which fortunately, thanks to the faithfulness of Histiaeus of Miletus, had not yet been broken up. The sole result was the subjugation of the Thracian cities by Megabazus, followed by that of the Grecian ports Paeonia and Macedonica.
    Persia and Greece had thus come into dangerous proximity, and the inevitable collision from the Persian side must have been long foreseen. A slight cause set the stone rolling. Exiled Greeks from Naxos applied to Aristagoras, governor of Miletus, for Persian aid against their city, whose freedom they were willing to sacrifice to their private revenge. The Persian king gave them assistance through the satrap of Sardis. The command was, however, divided between Aris tagoras and Megabates, and the rivalry of the two generals caused the failure of the undertaking. The offended Aristagoras revenged himself: in the year 500 he gave the signal for a general uprising of the Ionian cities, which he had for some time been planning with Histiaeus. In the freedom-loving Greek cities the tyrants introduced by Persia had long been found a burden, and the spirit of revolt found in them ample nourishment. First a republic was proclaimed in Miletus, and the fleet returning from Naxos was seized. At the same time aid was asked from the mother-country, but only Athens and Eretria responded with twenty-five ships, which were the beginning of all misfortune for Greeks and barbarians. The forces of Aristagoras moved upon Sardis and burned the city. Next the Greek cities on the Hellespont and almost the whole of Cyprus and Caria joined the revolt. But soon the Persian army was in the field, operating in conjunction with the fleet provided by Ph?nicia. Cyprus was first reconquered, and the revolt suppressed in Asia Minor by three Persian armies after battles of varying results. The decisive naval battle occurred at Lade, where the Ionian fleet was completely overcome by the combined Ph?nician, Cyprian, and Egyptian fleets. Miletus, the home of the revolt, was taken and destroyed, after holding out for six years, 500-494. The vengeance of the victors was terrible; Milesian maidens were carried off to the Persian harems, the men banished, and the flourishing country of the Ionians devastated and depopulated. For the Athenians and Eretrians also the Persian monarch had planned a similar chastisement. In the spring of 492 the land forces under Mardonius set out, supported by an enormous fleet. But the army had little success in Thrace, and the fleet was shipwrecked at Athos. A second and larger expedition started in 490 under Datis and Artaphernes, this time by sea only. The course was laid past Naxos, which was conquered. Then Eretria was burned, and its inhabitants carried off to the interior of Asia. This expedition came to its end on the memorable Plain of Marathon (490). The Greek victory has evidently been greatly exaggerated. Probably the Greeks, after having avoided battle for a long time, fell upon the Persians as they were departing, when the greater part of the army, especially the powerful cavalry, had already embarked. The Persian generals contented themselves with the results in Naxos and Euboea and abandoned the campaign. If Darius had commanded in person, the result would probably have been a different one.
    Another piece of bad news troubled the closing days of the king's life. Egypt, which up to this time had borne the easy yoke, now rose against Persia. Thus the unyielding monarch saw himself confronted with a twofold war, but in the midst of extensive preparations he was overtaken by death after a reign of thirty-six years (485). With him died the greatest ruler that Iran ever produced, the ideal of an enlightened despot, trained in a hard school, filled with his high calling, wise in his choice of means and persons, fitted by his energy and wariness for the greatest achievements. Darius was not alone a conqueror like Cyrus, an augmenter of his Empire, which he raised from twenty-three to thirty lands, but also a wise and practical organizer. His predecessors had appointed governors (satraps) as need arose; Darius divided the kingdom into fixed governmental districts (satrapies), and regulated the powers of the satraps (khshathrapavan). They held a prince's court in the provincial capitals, and were the chief heads of the government, the law, and the military in their provinces. They were responsible immediately to the sovereign. In order to prevent any possible schemes of independence, Darius caused them to be watched by persons in whom he reposed special confidence. He himself made annual tours of inspection. The commanders of fortresses in the provinces were appointed directly by the king. Besides, he fixed definitely the tax to be imposed on each province, and so assured the Empire as well as the crown a definite revenue, whereas formerly the taxes had consisted in so-called presents --i. e. voluntary tribute. Only the original Persia was untaxed. The rest of the provinces paid a land tax in proportion to the yield of the soil, Babylonia being taxed most heavily. There were, besides, indirect taxes, duties, taxes on products, etc. The direct taxes alone amounted annually to about twelve million dollars.
    Intercourse and trade were fostered by Darius by means of military roads and canals. His courier post was renowned, by means of which he sent his commands through the whole Empire in the shortest possible time.
    His descendants were quite numerous. Some of his sons were born when he was still a private citizen. The succession descended according to Persian custom to Xerxes, the first son born after his accession to the throne.
    Xerxes (Khshayarsha) (485-465) was the eldest son of the imperious Atossa, the daughter of Cyrus, who had been successively the wife of Cambyses, Pseudo-Smerdis, and Darius. Soon after his accession Egypt was subdued (484). He was at first little disposed to continue the war against Greece, but finally followed the promptings of the war-party under the ambitious Mardonius, and for fully four years was actively employed in making preparations. The army was concentrated at Sardis. In the spring of 480 Xerxes marched with the land forces through Thrace and Macedonia, while the fleet sailed to Therma. The defeat of the Spartans at Thermopylae, where the Persians avenged Marathon, and the doubtful result of the sea-fight at Artemisium, were compensated by the brilliant victories of Salamis, Plataeae, and Mycale. The chances of war were by no means so unfavourable to Greece as they had appeared in the momentary discouragement at first. The numerical advantage of the Persians was very great; but the patriotic legend has enormously exaggerated the number of actual combatants in making it reach the total of two and a half millions. It was, moreover, a contest between a people fighting for their country and a soldiery brought together from all quarters, partly by force, who had little to lose by defeat. The boastful Persian generals committed a mis take in wholly undervaluing their antagonists. In organization, tactics, and generalship the Greeks were far superior to the Asiatics, and the great masses of the Persian army could not be used to the best advantage in the Grecian territory. Even before Plataeae Xerxes had lost all courage and quickly removed his Persians to a place of safety, leaving Mardonius with the choicest Persian troops. He retired at once to his luxurious capitals in the interior, sinking into the inactive life of the harem, while the Greeks, especially under the leadership of Timon, made greater and greater progress in the liberation of their countrymen on the islands and the Asiatic coast. The European possessions of the Persians were lost forever.
    In the year 465 Xerxes and his eldest son Darius were murdered in a revolt in the palace. Under Xerxes began the chain of misrule, seldom interrupted, which slowly undermined the existence of the nation. The fate of the dynasty was determined almost alone by palace revolts, court intrigues, and the rule of women and favourites. The inner history of the Empire, its growing decay, is hidden from our knowledge, as Herodotus, the fullest source of information, breaks off with the battle of Mycale, and the Persian inscriptions after Xerxes become more and more scanty. In its external history the Greeks remain the chief factor; Persian money and intrigues play an important part in Greece.
    Xerxes was succeeded by his youngest son Artaxerxes I. Longimanus (Artakhshathra) (464-425). In his long reign only two events are important-- a revolt in Egypt, supported by Athens, but repressed by the battle of Memphis, and the conclusion of peace with Athens (449), through which the Aegean and the Greek colonies in Asia were taken from the Persian dominion. His only legitimate son, Xerxes II., was murdered after a very short reign by his half-brother, Secydianus; but the murderer was himself put to death by another illegitimate son of Artaxerxes, Orthus, previously satrap of Hyrcania. Orthus himself ascended the throne as Darius II. (Nothus), (423-405). In his reign an opportunity was offered to Persia of regaining its lost power in the Aegean and the whole west coast. When in the Peloponnesian War the hegemony of Persia's hereditary enemy, Athens, was broken, the Persian court entered into relations with Sparta through the satraps Tissaphernes of Lydia and Pharnabazus of Phrygia. In return for subsidies Sparta was to give over to Persia all the coast region lost by the peace of 449. For a long time the alliance accepted by Sparta could not be put into effect, owing to the rivalry of the two satraps and the perfidy of Tissaphernes, and the Athenians for a time had a decided advantage. A change came only when the Persian prince, Cyrus, an energetic and ambitious young man, received the chief command of the troops of Asia Minor. He sought a close alliance with Sparta; subsidies were freely given, and with this assistance Sparta was enabled to force Athens to a peace.
    About this time Darius II. died, and his death occasioned the well-known contest for the throne. His wife Parysatis, an imperious, intriguing woman, had borne him two sons, the elder, Arsicas, before his accession, and younger, Cyrus, when queen. Her efforts to gain the succession for her younger and far more gifted favourite son Cyrus, as being the real king's son, had no result. Arsicas ascended the throne as Artaxerxes II. (Mnemon) in 405. He placed his younger brother as satrap over Asia Minor. But Tissaphernes, the professed friend of Cyrus, defamed him to his brother, and it was only through the protection of his mother that he escaped imprisonment. Returning to his satrapy, he assured himself of troops from every side in Greece, in order to gain forcible possession of the throne. In the spring of 401 he began an expedition with 13,000 Greek auxiliaries and his own army of Asiatics, ostensibly against rebels in his own satrapy. Again he was betrayed by Tissaphernes. At Cunaxa Cyrus met an enormous royal army. The mere appearance of the Greek soldiers put the Asiatics to terror and flight; but Cyrus ventured too far into the conflict, and fell. The sudden end of this knightly youth, who was entitled to great hopes, is tragic. The adventurous return of 10,000 Greeks is familiar from Xenophon's Anabasis.
    Sparta had openly sided with Cyrus against the great king, and the relations between the two States were therefore strained. Tissaphernes, returned to his post of satrap in Asia Minor, demanded submission from all the Ionian cities which had gone over to Cyrus. They refused, and asked help of Sparta, which, in spite of the still existing alliance, forbade Tissaphernes to attack the cities; and, as Tissaphernes paid no attention to this prohibition, war broke out in 401 between Sparta and Persia. The war dragged along, and the Spartans gained no important results until Agesilaus received the chief command, when they invested the provinces of Asia Minor. In its difficulties the Persian court now made use of Athenian aid. The Athenian admiral Conon commanded the newly equipped Persian fleet, and conquered the Spartans at Cnidos (397). Mutual exhaustion ended the war with the peace of Antalcidas (387), which the Persian king practically dictated. In it Persia claimed the whole Asiatic sea-coast and some islands, such as Cyprus, as its property.
    The last years of Artaxerxes were occupied with numerous revolts among the satraps. Personally he is said to have been mild and peaceloving (Thuc. Artax. 30). He showed fatal weakness towards the women of the court, and his life was a series of intrigues and quarrels. In his last days he named his oldest son Darius as his successor, but the latter became involved in a conspiracy against his father, and was beheaded. His ambitious son Ochus caused the murder of two older brothers who stood in his way, and after his father's death in 358 ascended the throne as Artaxerxes III. He was a thorough despot, pursuing his ends without scruple, shrinking at no cruelty. By his severity and by his wise policy he lifted the decaying kingdom once more to its former power. At his accession all the western part of the Empire was in turmoil. Hardly was the rebellious satrap of Phrygia conquered when Phoenicia and Cyprus revolted. His generals were unsuccessful in their operations against the rebelling king Tennes of Sidon and Mentor of Rhodes. The monarch placed himself at the head of a large army, which was strengthened by Greek soldiers supplied in accordance with the terms of the alliance. Sidon fell through the treachery of Tennes, and was fearfully punished. The fall of the capital soon reduced the rest of Phoenicia, and Cyprus was reconquered.
    The most important task before Artaxerxes was to reconquer Egypt, which, for more than sixty years, had remained independent. His two generals Bagoas and Mentor, who had come over to his side, operated so skilfully under his command on the field, and not less with threats, that king Nectanebus of Egypt soon abandoned his cause as lost and fled to Aethiopia. The defenceless land, after a severe punishment, was again made part of the Persian Empire. Mentor became satrap of the sea-coast of Asia Minor; Bagoas remained near the king as minister, and appears to have been the originator of the plot to kill the king by poison, which was carried out in 338; Bagoas, who remained master of the situation, placed Arses, the youngest son of Artaxerxes, on the throne (338-336). But as the latter did not show himself pliant, he was removed in the third year of his reign.
    Bagoas now placed on the throne a distant relative of the murdered king, Darius III. (Codomannus), a great-grandson of Darius II. (336-320). When Bagoas once more attempted his old manoeuvre, he was himself forced to drink the poison. Darius was perhaps the most worthy of the Achaemenids at the time to fill the high station, but he was not man enough to ward off the threatening evils. Even at the time of his accession there was imminent danger of war from the uprisings in Macedonia. The casus belli, if, indeed, any was needed, dated from the time of Artaxerxes III. When, in the year 340, Philip was besieging the town of Perinthus, opposite the Persian territory, Persian auxiliaries, in union with Athens, had relieved the town. Philip himself had planned an expedition against the Persian king, ostensibly as the avenger of Greece. On the threshold of his undertaking Philip was assassinated, apparently not without instigation on the part of Persia. The young Alexander, whom Darius at first wholly undervalued, at once took up the great plans of his father as soon as Greece was completely pacified. Darius in vain sought to counteract his extensive preparations. Darius's right-hand and first general was the Rhodian Memnon, a brother of Mentor, a man as skilful and energetic as his renowned brother. He alone planned earnestly for the safety of the Empire, when indecision, suspicion, and great egoism controlled the other Persian commanders.
    In the spring of 334 Alexander crossed the Hellespont with not more than 30,000 infantry, 4500 horsemen, and 182 ships. At the Granicus, where, against the advice of Memnon and with no plan of action, the Persian army offered battle, Alexander gained his first brilliant victory. Sardis capitulated without a blow. In Ephesus he was greeted as a liberator; Miletus and Halicarnassus alone defended themselves bravely. At the end of the year Alexander was in possession of Asia Minor as far as the Taurus. Only Memnon threatened him with danger. Memnon crossed to the sea unhindered, and was on the point of carrying the war into Europe behind Alexander's back when death overtook him. His death was the most severe blow to the Persian cause. Nothing now obstructed Alexander's victorious course. In an unfavourable position at Issus, Darius himself opposed him with an immense army, and was completely routed with great losses (333). The Persian army was scattered, and Darius fled across the Euphrates. In order to protect the rear, Alexander occupied Ph?nicia and Egypt (332). In the spring of 331 he marched towards the heart of the Persian monarchy, after having rejected various overtures of peace from the Persian king. Darius had concentrated in Assyria another immense army from the inexhaustible resources of the Persian Empire. The decisive battle of Arbela and Gaugamela completely shattered the Persian colossus. Darius did not even await the issue of the day, but was among the first to flee to Media. Without a blow, Babylon and Susa opened their gates. In the middle of the winter Alexander stood before the passes of Persis, in which the satrap Ariobarzanes, with a small army, successfully opposed him. Alexander imitated the Persian manoenvre of Thermopylae. Persepolis capitulated, and immense treasures fell into Alexander's hands. At his command the royal citadel was burned, and the town was given over to plunder. Persis was completely reduced to subjection. In the spring of 330 Alexander went to Ecbatana, and pressed hard in pursuit of the fleeing Darius. Meantime Bessus, satrap of Bactria, had gained possession of the government of all Ariana, and had been taken prisoner by Darius in his retreat. When Alexander was close at his heels Bessus struck Darius down. Alexander found only the corpse of the last of the Achaemenids. Bessus for a time maintained himself as King Artaxerxes IV. in the far east of Iran, and organized the defence of Bactria and Sogdiana with much skill. But beyond the Oxus he was surrendered by his own people, and later on was crucified in Ecbatana. Bactria quickly yielded, but Sogdiana for a long time offered stout resistance, and not until 327 did it, the last bulwark of Iranian independence, fall completely into the hands of the great Macedonian.
    Persian history from this time is absorbed in the history of Alexander, the Diadochi, and the Parthian kingdom under the Arsacids. Not until the year A.D. 224 was a new Persian nation born, under the dynasty of the Sasanids.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


(ta Sousa; Old Test. Shushan; ShusPers. ). The winter residence of the Persian kings. It stood in the district Cissia of the province Susiana, on the eastern bank of the river Choaspes. Its name in old Persian signifies "Lily," and that flower is said to abound in the plain in which the city stood. Susa was of a quadrangular form, 120 (or, according to others, 200) stadia in circuit, and without fortifications; but it had a strongly fortified citadel, containing the palace and treasury of the Persian kings. The Greek name of this citadel, Memnonice or Memnonium, is perhaps a corruption of the Aramaic Maaninon, "a fortress;" and this easy confusion of terms gave rise to the fable that the city was founded by Tithonus, the father of Memnon. An historical tradition ascribes its erection to Darius, the son of Hystaspes, but it existed already in the time of Daniel. There is, however, a difficulty as to the identification of the Shushan of Daniel with the Susa of the Greeks. The climate of Susa was very hot, and hence the choice of it for the winter palace. It was here that Alexander and his generals celebrated their marriage with the Persian princesses in B.C. 325, but the city declined after Babylon became the capital of Alexander and his successors. In B.C. 315 it was taken by Antiochus, who found in it a vast amount of treasure. The site of Susa is now marked by extensive mounds, on which are found fragments of bricks and broken pottery, with cuneiform inscriptions. The ruins of the ancient city cover a space of nearly three square miles, and they have been carefully explored by Loftus, Churchill, Dieulafoy, and others. The principal remains that still exist are four vast platforms like those at Persepolis, with traces of a gigantic colonnade with a frontage of over 340 feet and a depth of 240 feet. The palace of Darius Hystaspis has also been excavated, and from it many artistic treasures taken to the Louvre.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


ΣΟΓΔΙΑΝΗ (Αρχαία επαρχία) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Sogdiana (Sogduane: Persian, Sogd). Comprising parts of Turkestan and Bokhara. The northeast province of the ancient Persian Empire, separated on the south from Bactriana and Margiana by the upper course of the Oxus (Jihoun); on the east and north from Scythia by the Sogdii Comedarum and Oscii Mountains (Kara-Dagh, Alatan, and Ak Tagh) and by the upper course of the Iaxartes (Sihoun), and bounded on the northwest by [p. 1476] the great deserts east of the Sea of Aral. The natives of the country were of the Aryan race, resembling the Bactrians in their customs (Arrian, Anab.iii. 30; iv. 16 Anab., 18).


ΣΟΥΣΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Susa (ta Sousa; Old Test. Shushan; ShusPers). The winter residence of the Persian kings. It stood in the district Cissia of the province Susiana, on the eastern bank of the river Choaspes. Its name in old Persian signifies "Lily", and that flower is said to abound in the plain in which the city stood. Susa was of a quadrangular form, 120 (or, according to others, 200) stadia in circuit, and without fortifications; but it had a strongly fortified citadel, containing the palace and treasury of the Persian kings. The Greek name of this citadel, Memnonice or Memnonium, is perhaps a corruption of the Aramaic Maaninon, "a fortress", and this easy confusion of terms gave rise to the fable that the city was founded by Tithonus, the father of Memnon. An historical tradition ascribes its erection to Darius, the son of Hystaspes, but it existed already in the time of Daniel (Dan. viii. 2). There is, however, a difficulty as to the identification of the Shushan of Daniel with the Susa of the Greeks. The climate of Susa was very hot, and hence the choice of it for the winter palace. It was here that Alexander and his generals celebrated their marriage with the Persian princesses in B.C. 325, but the city declined after Babylon became the capital of Alexander and his successors. In B.C. 315 it was taken by Antiochus, who found in it a vast amount of treasure. The site of Susa is now marked by extensive mounds, on which are found fragments of bricks and broken pottery, with cuneiform inscriptions. The ruins of the ancient city cover a space of nearly three square miles, and they have been carefully explored by Loftus, Churchill, Dieulafoy, and others. The principal remains that still exist are four vast platforms like those at Persepolis, with traces of a gigantic colonnade with a frontage of over 340 feet and a depth of 240 feet. The palace of Darius Hystaspis has also been excavated, and from it many artistic treasures taken to the Louvre.

This text is cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Susiana (Sousiane) or Susis (Sousis) (nearly corresponding to Khuzistan). One of the chief provinces of the ancient Persian Empire, lay between Babylonia and Persis, and between Mount Parachoatras and the head of the Persian Gulf. In this last direction its coast extended from the junction of the Euphrates with the Tigris to about the mouth of the river Oroatis (Tab). It was divided from Persis on the southeast and east by a mountainous tract, inhabited by independent tribes, who made even the kings of Persia pay them for a safe passage. On the north it was separated from Great Media by Mount Charbanus; on the west from Assyria by an imaginary line drawn south from near the Median pass in Mount Zagros to the Tigris; and from Babylonia by the Tigris itself. See the works cited under Susa.


ΥΡΚΑΝΙΑ (Αρχαία επαρχία) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ
Hyrcania (Hurkania). A province of the ancient Persian Empire, on the south and southeast shores of the Caspian or Hyrcanian Sea, and separated by mountains on the west, south, and east from Media, Parthia, and Margiana. It flourished most under the Parthians, whose kings often resided in it during the summer.



Persepolis (Old Persian Parsa, modern Takht-e Jamshid): Greek name of one of the capitals of the ancient Achaemenid empire, founded by the great king Darius (522-486 BCE), forty-three kilometers downstream from the capital of Cyrus the Great, Pasargadae.
  There are some indications that the site of Persepolis was already a government's center under Cyrus the Great (559-530) and his son Cambyses II (530-522), but there are no archaeological traces of this older phase. However this may be, it seems as if Darius 'invented' Persepolis as the splendid seat of the government of the Achaemenid empire and as its center for receptions and festivals. The wealth of Persia was to be visible in every aspect of its construction. Persepolis was a showcase.
  The first building phase may have lasted from 518 to 490. Darius' men leveled the ground and created a terrace of 450x300 meters, on which stood a large building and an audience hall. In the treasury, the booty of the conquered tribes and states and the annual tribute sent by the king's loyal subjects on the occasion of the New Year's festival, were stored. Many people were employed to keep the gold and silver shining: from the so-called Fortification tablets, it is known that in 467 BCE, no less than 1348 people were employed in the treasury.
  The square audience hall, which was at the heart of the terrace, is usually called the apadana. It could contain hundreds, probably thousands, of subjects at the same time. It was the largest and probably the most beautiful of the buildings at Persepolis. The seventy-two columns which supported the roof were twenty-five meters high (thirteen can still be seen).
  Darius the great king, king of kings, king of countries, son of Hystaspes, an Achaemenian, built this palace.
  During this first building phase, a complex system of water channels and drainage was cut into the rocky terrace.
  The second phase, between 490-480, consists of buildings started by Darius but completed in the first years of the reign of his son and successor, Xerxes (486-465). Actually, Persepolis is mostly the work of this king. He tells us in an inscription:
  When my father Darius went away from the throne, I became king on his throne by the grace of Ahuramazda. After I became king, I finished what had been done by my father, and I added other works.
  The apadana was finished and a small palace was added to the south of the apadana. It is usually called Darius' palace, although he probably did not live to see the building finished. The ancient Persian name was Tachara, 'winter palace'. To the north of the apadana Gate of All Nations (also known as Xerxes' gate) was built, which was guarded by a pair of large bulls in the west and lamasu's in the east (a lamasu is a bull with the head of a bearded man). Walls were constructed on the northern ridge of the terrace fortification. In front of Xerxes' gate was a monumental double-ramped stairway.
  Above these lamasu's, an inscription was written:
A great God is Ahuramazda, who created this earth, who created yonder sky, who created man, who created happiness for man, who made Xerxes king, one king of many, one lord of many.
I am Xerxes, the Great King, King of Kings, King of countries containing many kinds (of men), King in this great earth far and wide, son of King Darius, an Achaemenian.
roclaims Xerxes the King: By the favor of Ahuramazda I built this Gateway of All Nations. I built many other beautiful things in Persia. I built them and my father built them. All beautiful things we built, we have built by the favor of Ahuramazda.
Proclaims Xerxes the King: May Ahuramazda protect me from harm, and this land, and whatever was built by me as well as what has been built by may father

  In the next decade, 480-470, Xerxes' palace was built between the treasury and the apadana. The Persian name was Hadis, 'dwelling place'. It was twice as large as the palace of Darius. Meanwhile, the western part of the treasury was reconstructed; this part became known as the harem. The women lived in their own rooms, situated around a spacious courtyard. In these years, the treasury -probably not big enough to store the booty of Xerxes' successful wars- was enlarged to the north. Many buildings were built on the southern edge of the platform; they may have been magasins.
  In the fourth phase, the Hall of hundred columns was added. It was Persepolis' second largest building, measuring 70 x 70 meters. This throne hall was finished by Xerxes' son Artaxerxes I Makrocheir (465-424). At a certain moment, its function was changed and it became a store room, probably because the treasury was again too small to contain everything.
  In about 450 BCE, the complex was more or less finished and there was probably no building activity for almost a century.
  King Artaxerxes III Ochus (359-338), who was in a sense the last ruler of the Achaemenid empire, added a Hall of thirty-two columns, a corridor and his tomb. The rock-cut tomb has a relief, which shows the king worshiping before a fire altar; this is inspired by the tombs of Darius the Great and his successors at Naqs-i-Rustam, which is one hour's walk north of Persepolis. The corridor connected the Gate of All Nations with the Hall of Hundred Columns; we can imagine how delegations from the subject countries passed through this corridor to bring their tribute to their ruler. On both sides of the corridor were store-rooms. Artaxerxes III Ochus' successors Artaxerxes IV Arses (337-336) and Darius III may have done something to build a large gate; but this gate was still unfinished when the Macedonian king Alexander the Great captured Persepolis in the first weeks of 330 BCE. The buildings of this final building stage are shown in pink on the map. One building can not be seen on the map: a rock-cut tomb that remained unfinished.
  Archaeologists found two cuneiform archives. The oldest and largest archive are the so-called Persepolis fortification tablets, 25,000 to 30,000 in number, of which some 2,000 are published and an additional 1,500 were read but not really published. They were written in Elamite, the language of the Persian chancellery, and deal with economic transactions up till 493. Payments are done in kind. The other archive, the Persepolis Treasury Tablets is smaller (139 tablets) but similar to the first one; it describes payment in silver between 492 and 458. Moreover, king Xerxes left a 'letter to posterity' in the harem room, a long but stereotypical text which is known as the Harem inscription.   As we have already seen, Persepolis was taken by the Macedonian king Alexander the Great in the first weeks of 330. He destroyed the palace in April, because he was not yet sole ruler of the Persian empire, and it was too dangerous to leave the enormous treasures behind, where his enemies could recapture them. The Palace of Xerxes seems to have received a special treatment, because it was damaged more severely than other buildings; it is likely that the Greek soldiers in Alexander's company had their revenge for the destruction of Athens in 480 BCE. When Alexander returned several years later and saw the ruins, he regretted his act.
  Although a new capital for Persis, called Istakhr, was built nearby, the old capital was a mere ruin for the next two thousand years. The local population invented legends to explain the existence of the ruins of what was called Tchehelhimar, 'forty columns'.
  The first westerner to visit Persepolis was a missionary man from Portugal, Antoine de Gouvea, who noticed cuneiform inscriptions in 1602. Sixteen years later, the Spanish ambassador Garcias de Silva y Figueroa saw the ruins; he must have planned his stay, because he visited the place with an edition of the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus in his hand.
  During the next century, several diplomats interrupted their voyage to the Persian court to see Persepolis, but they were no scholars. Between 1664 and 1667, however, the French travelers Jean de Thevenot (1633-1667) and Jean Chardin (1643-1713) did some serious research. In his Voyage au Levant, Thevenot reached the conclusion that Tchehelhimar could never have been the palace of the kings of ancient Persia, because it was too small. The columns he saw, were, in his view, the pedestals of the idols of the Persians. As we have seen, he was wrong, but other observations were correct.
  The fist to make a real contribution to the study of the ruins and to identify them as the capital of ancient Persia, was a Dutchman, Cornelis de Bruijn (1652-1727), who visited Persepolis in 1704/1705. He made many beautiful drawings, which he published in 1714 in Reizen over Moskovie, door Persie en Indie. His drawings were long considered as the best representations available, until the first photographers visited the place in the twentieth century.
  After a dig in 1878, which was organized by the Persian governor of the Shiraz region, the first archaeological research was executed by the Oriental Institute of Chicago: Ernst Herzfeld and F. Schmidt were working in Persepolis from 1931 to 1939. The project was continued by Andre Godard and Ali Sami of the Iranian Archaeological Service. More recently, A. Tajvidi has directed excavations on behalf of the Iranian Archaeological Service. The Italian Institute for the Middle and Far East is trying to restore some of the ruins of Persepolis.

Jona Lendering, ed.
This text is cited July 2003 from the Livius Ancient History Website URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks.

Perseus Project

ΠΑΡΘΙΑ (Αρχαία χώρα) ΠΕΡΣΙΑ

Perseus Project index

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  This very important city of the Achaemenid empire was taken over by the Seleucids. Pliny states that it was founded by Seleucus, the first Seleucid ruler, while Strabo writes that the existing Achaemenid palace was an occasional residence of the Seleucid kings.

D. N. Wilber, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.


  A Seleucid city adjacent to modern Nihavand. According to Pliny, it was founded by Antiochos I. Chance finds include a stele with an inscription of 193 B.C. of Antiochos III in behalf of a cult of his queen, and a round altar with ribbons carved in relief and bronze statuettes of Zeus, Athena, Apollo, and Demeter. Furthermore, at Magnesia in Asia Minor a stone was found bearing a decree passed at Laodicea during the reign of Antiochos III. The site may also have been known as Antioch-in-Persis.

D. N. Wilber, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

Seleucia on the Eulaeus

  The very ancient site of Susa on the Eulaeus river, renamed in Seleucid times. In that period a small Achaemenid palace was drastically restored, and excavations there have brought to light ten stone pedestals of bronze statues, some with Greek inscriptions, part of a female torso in Greek marble, and smaller fragments of statues.

D. N. Wilber, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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