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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Ancients' feasts, games and rituals  for wider area of: "BOLU Province TURKEY" .

Ancients' feasts, games and rituals (1)

Feast in honor of distinguished persons


Antinoeia, annual festivals and quinquennial games, which the Roman emperor Hadrian instituted in honour of his favourite, Antinous, after he was drowned in the Nile, or, according to others, had sacrificed himself for his sovereign, in a fit of religious fanaticism. The festivals were celebrated at Athens, Eleusis, in Bithynia, at Argos, and Mantineia, in which places he was worshipped as a god. Afterwards this festival appears to have been discontinued (Spart. Hadr., c. 14; Dio Cass. lxix. 10; Paus. viii. 9,4)

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