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Εμφανίζονται 5 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ομηρικός κόσμος  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΓΟΡΤΥΝΙΑ Επαρχία ΑΡΚΑΔΙΑ" .

Ομηρικός κόσμος (5)

Ελληνικές δυνάμεις του Καταλόγου των Νεών

Τρωικός πόλεμος

ΕΝΙΣΠΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΒΥΤΙΝΑ
Η Ενίσπη πήρε μέρος στον Τρωικό πόλεμο και περιλαμβάνεται στον Ομηρικό Κατάλογο των Νεών, την καλεί δε "ηνεμόεσσαν (=με πολλούς ανέμους)" (Ιλ. Β 606).

Θεοί & ημίθεοι


Ο Ομηρος αναφέρει τους Γίγαντες στην Οδύσσεια ως λαό θνητό και απερίσκεπτο (η 205-6, η 59-60). Ο Παυσανίας αναφέρει πως επικρατούσε παλιά η άποψη ότι οι Γίγαντες είχαν πόδια δράκου, αλλά αποδείχτηκε ότι αυτό ήταν αναληθές όταν βρέθηκε το πτώμα ενός γίγαντα και είχε καθ' όλα ανθρώπινη μορφή (Παυσ. 8,29,3-4).

Gigantes. In Homer the Gigantes are a wild and gigantic race of aborigines, kinsmen of the gods, as are the Cyclopes and Phaeacians. With their king Eurymedon, they are destroyed for their wickedness. Hesiod makes them the sons of Gaea, sprung from the blood of the mutilated Uranus. Neither Hesiod nor Homer knew anything of their struggle with the gods (Gigantomachia), the story of which seems to be a reflection of the myth of the Titans and their contest with the gods, and to be associated with local legends. The two are often confused by later poets. The place of the contest was Phlegra, or the place of burning; and Phlegra was always localized in volcanic regions. In the earlier stories it is on the Macedonian peninsula of Pallene; and in later times on the Phlegraean plains in Campania between Cumae and Capua, or again at Tartessus in Spain. Led on by Alcyoneus and Porphyrion, they hurled rocks and burning trunks of trees against heaven. But the gods called Heracles to their assistance, a prophecy having warned them that they would be unable to destroy the giants without the aid of a mortal. Heracles slew not only Alcyoneus, but gave the others, whom the gods had struck down, their death-blow with his arrows. As Enceladus was flying, Athene threw the island of Sicily upon him. Polybotes was buried by Poseidon under the island of Nisyros, a piece of the island of Cos, which Poseidon had broken off with his trident, with all the giants who had fled there. Besides these, the following names are given among others: Agrius, Ephialtes, Pallas, Clytius, Eurytus, Hippolytus, Thoon. In the oldest works of art the Giants are represented in human form and equipped with armour and spears; but in course of time their attributes became terrific--awful faces, long hanging hair and beard, the skins of wild animals for garments, trunks of trees and clubs for weapons. In the latest representations, but not before, their bodies end in two scaly snakes instead of feet, as in the In the Gigantomachia of Pergamus, the grandest representation of the subject in antiquity, we find a great variety of forms; some quite human, others with snakes' feet and powerful wings, others with still bolder combinations of shape; some are naked, some clothed with skins, some fully armed, and others slinging stones.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Η Γιγαντομαχία στην πηγή Ολυμπιάδα

Οι Αρκάδες ισχυρίζονταν ότι η μάχη μεταξύ Γιγάντων και θεών δεν έγινε στη θρακική Παλλήνη, αλλά κοντά στην πηγή Ολυμπιάδα που βρισκόταν στην πόλη τους και γι' αυτό έκαναν εκεί θυσίες για τις αστραπές, τις θύελλες και τις βροντές (Παυσ. 8,29,1).

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