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Information about the place (2)

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


EFKARPIA (Ancient city) FRYGIA
  Eucarpia (Eukarpia: Eth. Eukarpeus, Eucarpenus), a town in Phrygia, not far from the sources of the Maeander, on the road from Dorylaeum to Apameia Cibotus; it was situated in a very fertile district, to which it is said to have been indebted for its name. The vine especially grew there very luxuriously. (Steph. B. s. v.; Strab. xii. p. 576.) Under the Roman dominion Eucarpia belonged to the conventus of Synnada, to the southwest of which city it was situated. (Plin. v. 29; comp. Ptol. v. 2. § 24; Hierocl. p. 666; Geogr. Rav.) Both Arundell (Discov. in As. Min. i. p. 136) and Kiepert place Eucarpia at no great distance from Segiclar, but its exact site is unknown.

The Catholic Encyclopedia

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