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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Local governments  for wider area of: "PAXI Island IONIAN ISLANDS" .

Local governments (5)

Municipalities' district offices

Lakka Community

LAKKA (Village) PAXI
The village of Lakka took its name from its position. Its houses are built at a low elevation and close to the sea. The view from the lighthouse is superb. It is worth visiting the Ellinospito, a kind of fort, where the locals sought refuge when pirates came to the island. Similarly of interest is the Ipapandis Church, built in 1774. Renaissance elements can be seen in its ornamentation. One could also visit the Sea Cave of Ipapandis, which is said to communicate with the church and with the Grammatikos Mansion.

Longos Community

Longos nestles amidst dense vegetation, which reaches as far as the harbour. The shallowness of the water makes it impossible for larger vessels to dock. The beaches of Levrechio, Marmari, Kipo and Kipiadi are suitable for swimming, windsurfing, and also camping. If the visitor is looking for unspoilt beaches, Fikia and Glyfada are worth visiting. Also of interest is the oil-press of the Anemogiannis family, one of the oldest families of Paxi. The churches of Agios Nikolaos, patron of sailors, and Zoodochou Pigi, have some frescoes of interest to a visitor.

Paxoi Community

Gaios is the capital of the island. The harbour is sheltered from the wind and is shallow and so suitable for smaller boats. The sea is always clean and cool because of the sea currents. The more northerly part of the harbour, Maneskos, is deeper. Larger vessels are able to dock here. The name Gaios comes from Agios Gaios, who brought Christianity to the island. His tomb is in the sanctuary of the church of the Holy Apostles, where there are some noteworthy frescoes. According to tradition, soil from the tomb has medicinal properties and can be used in the treatment of snakebite. The island's most brilliant festival is on 29th June, when there is a celebration for both the Holy Apostles and Agios Gaios.


Paxos Municipality

Tel: +30 26623 60300

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