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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Paliurus (Paliouros, Strab. xvii. p. 838; Stadiasm. § 42; Ptol. iv. 5. § 2; Paliuris, Peut. Tab.; Geog. Rav. iii. 3; Paniuris, Itin. Anton.), a village of the Marmaridae, near which was a temple to Heracles (Strab. l. c.), a deity much worshipped in Cyrenaica. (comp. Thrigl, Res Cyren. p. 291.) Ptolemy (iv. 4. § 8) adds that there was a marsh here with bivalve shells (en hei konchulion). It is identified with the Wady Temmimeh (Pacho, Voyage p, 52; Barth, Wanderungen, pp. 506, 548), where there is a brackish marsh, corresponding to that of Ptolemy (l. c.), and remains of ancient wells and buildings at Merabet (Sidi) Hadjar-el-Djemm.
  It was off this coast that Cato (Lucan ix.42, where the reading is Palinurus, with an allusion to the tale of Aeneas) met the flying vessels which bore Cornelia, together with Sextus,, from the scene of her husband, Pompeius's, murder.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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