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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Religious figures biography  for wider area of: "NISSYROS Municipality DODEKANISSOS" .

Religious figures biography (1)


St. Nikitas of Nisyros , the Neomartyr (1732)

When eighteenth century Greeks were under the rule and religious sway of the Turks, Nikitas died trying to bring his family back to Christianity. His father, out of expediency, had the family embrace Islam when he was a young boy on the island of Nisyros. At 14 years of age, he ran away from the new family home on Rhodes to the island of Chios. He was taken in and educated in Christianity by the monks. In just three years, he became one of the more spiritual monks there. Driven by the need to reconvert his family, he returned to Rhodes. When he could not pay the head tax imposed on Christians, he was found out to be Mehmet, his Muslim name, and consequently tried for rejecting Islam. When he refused to deny Jesus Christ, he was beheaded.

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