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Mythology (2)



CALES (Ancient city) CAMPANIA
   (Kalais) and Zetes (Zetes). The Boreadae, or sons of Boreas and Orithyia. They were both winged heroes, and took part in the Argonautic expedition. Coming in the course of the enterprise to Salmydessus, they set free Phineus, the husband of their sister Cleopatra, from the Harpies, chasing them through the air on their wings. According to one story, they perished on this occasion; according to another, they were slain afterwards by Heracles on the island of Tenos, on their return from the funeral games of Pelias. This was in retribution for the counsel which they had given to the Argonauts on the coast of Mysia, to leave Heracles be hind. Their graves and monuments were shown in Tenos. One of the pillars was said to move when the north wind blew.

This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Nov 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Calais : Perseus Encyclopedia

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