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Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "KORYTHIO Municipality ARCADIA" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (5)

Ancient sacred caves

The grottos of Pan and of Apollo

The grottos of Pan and of Apollo have been excavated by M. Cavvadias (1897). There are two caves with narrow entrances, partly blocked by natural pillars of rock, so that they offer complete seclusion, though but narrow space within. These would be suitable for the secret meetings of Apollo and Creusa (Ion 10 f., 492 f., 936 f.), which Pausanias (i. 28. 4) places in the cave of Apollo, but Euripides in that of Pan, as does Aristophanes that of Cinesias and Myrrhina (Lys. 911 f.). Subsequently the worship of Apollo seems to have been transferred to the more open cave where votive tablets were found (Gardner, Athens, p. 93 f.; for a full discussion with plan cf. D'Ooge, Acropolis, pp. 6-9), the more secret caves being now the shrine of Pan. In the grotto was a statue of Pan (Anthol. Plan. 232; cf. 259) with an inscription ascribed to Simonides, fr. 136 ton tragopoun eme Pana, ton Arkada, ton kata Medon, | ton met' Athenaion stesato Miltiades. Such a statue, now at Cambridge, was discovered in a garden at the foot of the Acropolis, but it appears to have decorated a column or balustrade like the similar statue found in Peiraeus (Michaelis, Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, p. 248). The representations of the cave of Pan on Attic coins of Antonine date, giving views of the Acropolis, appear to be too inaccurate to be of service (J. H. S. viii, pp. 24-5). His worship may have been established or revived by Cimon (katastanton sphi eu ede ton pregmaton). (Cf. Macan, ii. 153, 181.)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Dionysus Mystic

Along the straight road there are many oaks, and in the grove of oaks is a temple of Demeter called "in Corythenses". Hard by is another sanctuary, that of Mystic Dionysus.

Sanctuary of Pan

A little farther on is a sanctuary of Pan, where Athenians and Tegeans agree that he appeared to Philippides and conversed with him. Mount Parthenius rears also tortoises most suitable for the making of harps; but the men on the mountain are always afraid to capture them, and will not allow strangers to do so either, thinking them to be sacred to Pan.

Ancient temples

Temple of Demeter "in Corythenses"

Along the straight road there are many oaks, and in the grove of oaks is a temple of Demeter called "in Corythenses".


Shrine of Telephus

At this point begins Mount Parthenius. On it is shown a sacred enclosure of Telephus, where it is said that he was exposed when a child and was suckled by a deer.

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