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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: History  for wider area of: "FALESSIA Municipality ARCADIA" .

History (1)


Battle between Arcadians and Eleans

KROMI (Ancient city) FALESSIA
The Arcadians made another expedition into Elis. While they were encamped between Cyllene and the capital, the Eleans made an attack upon them, but the Arcadians defeated them. By this time the Lacedaemonians were allies of the Eleans. And now the Eleans sent ambassadors and asked the Lacedaemonians to take the field against the Arcadians, believing that the Arcadians would be most likely to give up the struggle. Archidamus took the field with the citizen troops and seized Cromnus. But the Arcadians, gathered together as they were came to the rescue and surrounded Cromnus with a double stockade, and besieged the people in Cromnus.

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