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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Archaeological sites  for wider area of: "GYTHIO Municipality LACONIA" .

Archaeological sites (1)

Ancient theatres

  In the Northern part of Gythio, near the entrance of the city there is the theatre, which is the most important edifice of the Roman Age. (It was renovated during those times). The auditorium , which is divided in four parts is well preserved. You can also see the foundations of the first stage wall dated back to the early AD years.
  South -east of the theatre there was an ancient agora. Above the theatre, on the top of the 50m hill the Acropolis was situated. Today the remains of its walls are distinguishable. Here there were the temple of Athena and the Gates of Castorides as well as an aqueduct the ruins of which are still preserved.

This text is cited Apr 2003 from the Laconian Professionals URL below, which contains images.

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