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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Professional associations:  for wider area of: "BRUSSELS Town BELGIUM" .

Professional associations: (4)

Tourism trade

Association of European Airlines (AEA)

Tel: +32 2 6398989
Fax: +32 2 6398999

European Travel Agents & Tour Operators Association (ECTAA)

Tel: +32 2 6443450
Fax: +32 2 6442421
E C T A A stands for the "Group of National Travel Agents’ and Tour Operators' Associations within the EU", and is an international non-profit association under Belgian law, whose offices are located in Brussels, Belgium. It was founded in 1961 at Bad Kreuznach (Federal Republic of Germany) by the national associations of travel agents and tour operators of the 6 founder Member States of the Common Market (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands). In 1973 the Group expanded for the first time, to welcome the associations from Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom. ECTAA was then joined in succession by the Greek association in 1981, the Spanish and Portuguese associations in 1986 and the Austrian, Finnish and Swedish associations in 1995. ECTAA now represents the national associations of travel agents and tour operators of the 15 Member States of the European Union.

Federation De L'Industrie Du Tourisme (FIT)

Tel: +32 2 3442672
Fax: +32 2 2420874
The Federation of Tourism Industry (FTI/FIT) is a non-profit organisation which regroups the major professional associations and organisations or private companies operating in the field of tourism. As such the Federation of Tourism Industry has amongst its members organisations that work on Incoming Tourism as e.g. CKVB (holiday resorts; vacation parks); CIB (renting facilities),ABITO (Association of Belgian Incoming Touroperators), Inkeeping Tourism (touristic attractions; hotels; restaurants coach operators;…) as well as Outgoing Tourism (Association of Belgian Tour Operators (ABTO), Belgian Travel Organisation (BTO); Federation of Belgian Coach Operators and Travel Agencies (FBAA); Cruise & Ferry;…), UPAV(French Travel Agencies -SME).

Union Professionnelle des Agents de Voyages (UPAV)

Tel: +32 02 2159823
Fax: +32 02 2454399
UPAV is the professional Union of french-speaking travel agents. The Union was founded in 1920, in order to defend the professional interests of Belgian travel agencies (SME). Listed about 400 addresses of retails shops all over Brussels and Wallonia.

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