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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Divona later Cadurci (Cahors) Lot, France.
First called Divona, then Cadurci, Cahors was the capital of the civitas of the Cadurci throughout the Roman period and a center of pilgrimage. It owed its existence to the holy spring of Divona (undoubtedly the Fontaine des Chartreux) and to the ford (later a bridge) which allowed the crossing of the Lot. Some remains of the Roman bridge and theater still existed in the last century, but nothing of them can be seen today. However, recent housing construction in the districts W of Cahors has uncovered an "Arch of Diana" (in reality a part of the public baths), mosaics whose number and diversity may indicate the existence of a local workshop. Dwellings and their associated assemblages have been identified, and information about the aqueduct which brought the waters of the Vers from 30 km away has been gained.

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