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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Condate (Northwich) Cheshire, England.
A settlement on the Roman road (Watling Street) from Deva to Mamucium, roughly midway between them. King Street passes 2.5 km E of the site, which is on the W bank of the Weaver overlooking its confluence with the Dane. Occupation began in the Flavian period probably with a fort, and continued into the Antonine period.
  Redevelopment in the “Castle” area in the late 1960s enabled excavations to take place. An auxiliary fort of unknown size was established in the 70s of the 1st c. A.D. It was abandoned early in the 2d c., and then reoccupied in the Hadrianic period when the defenses were reconstructed in stone and new timber internal buildings erected. Final evacuation took place ca. 140; subsequent civil occupation included iron roasting or smelting and some pottery production.

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