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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


DORYLEON (Ancient city) TURKEY
  Dorylaeum (Aorulaion Eth. Dorulaeus, Dorylensis), a town in Phrygia. Steph. B. (s. v.) names it Dorylaeium (Dorulaeion), and observes that Demosthenes calls it Dorylaeum. Strabo also calls it Dorylaeum. Meineke (ed. Steph. B. s. v. Dorulaeion) has a note on the orthography of the word and the passage of Eustathius (ad Dionys. Perieg. 815). But it is doubtful if he is right in correcting the text of Eustathius, which, as it stands, makes also a form Dorulleion, and so it stands in some editions of Ptolemy (v. 2), who mentions it as a city of Phrygia Magna in his division of Asia. Meineke conjectures the Demosthenes whom Stephanus cites to be the Bithynian, and that he used the form Dorylaeum to suit his metre. The Latin form in Pliny (v. 29) is Dorylaeum, Dorylaum, or Doryleum; doubtful which. The coins, which are only of the imperial period, have the epigraph Dorulaeon. Dorylaeum is Eski-shehr (Leake, Asia Minor, p. 18), which is traversed by a small stream, which at the foot of the hills joins the Pursek, or ancient Thymbres: this river rises to the south of Kutaya, passes by that city, and joins the Sangarius, a four hours to the north-east of Eski-shehr. The hot baths of Eski-shehr are mentioned by Athenaeus, and the water is described as being very pleasant to drink (ii. p. 43). There were ancient roads from Dorylaeum to Philadelphia, to Apameia Cibotus, to Laodiceia Combusta and Iconium, to Germa, and to Pessinus: a coincidence which (their remote extremities being nearly certain) will not apply to any point but Eski-shehr, or some place in its immediate neighbourhood. (Leake.) Dorylaeum is in an extensive plain. The remains of antiquity do not appear to be of any note.
  The origin of Dorylaeum is not known. The name occurs in the wars of Lysimachus and Antigonus (Diod. xx. 108), whence we may conclude that the place is older than the time of Alexander. Lysimachus made an entrenched camp at Dorylaeum, which place had abundance of corn and other supplies, and a river flowing by it. The Dorylenses were among those who joined in the prosecution against L. Flaccus, who was praetor of the province of Asia (B.C. 62), and who was accused of maladministration. Cicero, who defended him, calls these Dorylenses pastores (pro Flacc. c. 17), from which we may collect that there was sheep feeding about Dorylaeum then as there is now. The roads from Dorylaeum and its position show that it must always have been an important town during the Roman occupation of Asia; and it was a flourishing place under the Greek empire.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited September 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

Dorylaeum, (Dorulaion)

A town in Phrygia Epictetus, on the river Thymbris, with warm baths, which are used at the present day.

The Catholic Encyclopedia

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