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Homeric world (2)

Trojan heroes of the Trojan War and their allies


He was the son of Telephus by Astyoche, who was slain by Neoptolemus, son of Achilles (Od. 11.520).
His father was the son of Heracles by Auge, who came from Tegea and got married to the daughter of Teuthras, whom he succeeded to the throne.

Eurypylus, a son of Telephus and Astyoche, was king of Moesia or Cilicia. Eurypylus was induced by the presents which Priam sent to his mother or wife, to assist the Trojans against the Greeks. Eurypylus killed Machaon, but was himself slain by Neoptolemus. (Hygin. Fab. 112; Strab. xiii.; Paus. iii. 26. 7; Dict. Cret. iv. 14; Eustath. ad Hom.).

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