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Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "BERGAMA Town TURKEY" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (3)

Ancient temples

Temple of Asclepius

PERGAMOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
The same rule applies to those who sacrifice to Telephus at Pergamus on the river Caicus; these too may not go up to the temple of Asclepius before they have bathed.

Ancient tombs

The tomb of Auge

The tomb of Auge still exists at Pergamus above the Calcus; it is a mound of earth surrounded by a basement of stone and surmounted by a figure of a naked woman in bronze.

Tomb of Silenus

That the Silenuses are a mortal race you may infer especially from their graves, for there is a tomb of a Silenus in the land of the Hebrews, and of another at Pergamus.

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