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Listed 6 sub titles with search on: Ancient literary sources  for wider area of: "BERGAMA Town TURKEY" .

Ancient literary sources (6)


The tomb of Thersander

Thersander too met his death at the hands of Telephus. He had shown himself the bravest Greek at the battle; his tomb, the stone in the open part of the market-place, is in the city Elaea on the way to the plain of the Caicus, and the natives say that they sacrifice to him as to a hero (Paus.9.5.14).

Perseus Encyclopedia


City of Aeolis, people of E. dedicate image of Zeus at Olympia.


Aeolian town in Asia Minor (Hrd. 1,149).


PERGAMOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
City on the Caicus, formerly called Teuthrania, seized by Philetaerus, sanctuary and worship of Aesculapius at, altar made of ashes of victims at, image of Apollo at, chamber of Attalus at, tomb of Auge at, iron heads of lion and boar at, picture of sacrifice of Polyxena at, Pythium at, spoils of Corinth at, tomb of Silenus at, sacrifices offered to Telephus, at, Pergamenians descended from Telephus and his Arcadians, their wars, have spoils taken from Gauls, their country formerly sacred to the Cabiri, worship Telesphorus.


At the mouth of the Caicus in Mysia, silting up of a river bed there, old name of Pergamus.



TRARION (Ancient city) TURKEY
Above it, in the interior, lie the copper mine and Perperene and Trarium and other settlements like these two.

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