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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: History  for wider area of: "DIDIM Town TURKEY" .

History (2)

Catastrophes of the place

By Persians

DIDYMA (Ancient sanctuary) TURKEY
The temple at Didyma with its shrine and place of divination was plundered and burnt. (Hdt. 6.19.3)

By Alexander the Great

Alexander destroyed also the city of the Branchidae, whom Xerxes had settled there -people who voluntarily accompanied him from their homeland- because of the fact that they had betrayed to him the riches and treasures of the god at Didymi. Alexander destroyed the city, they add, because he abominated the sacrilege and the betrayal .. The Branchidae gave over the treasures of the god to the Persian king, and accompanied him in his flight in order to escape punishment for the robbing and the betrayal of the temple. (Strab.11.11.4)

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