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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Nazianzus (Nazianzos), a town in the southwest of Cappadocia, in the district called Garsauria, 24 miles to the south-east of Archelais. The place is not mentioned by the early writers, and owes its celebrity to the fact that it was the place where Gregory of Nazianzus was educated, and where he afterwards became bishop. (Hierocl. p. 700; Socrat. Hist. Eccles. iv. 11; Greg. Naz. Vita Carm. v. 25, Epist. 50; Conc. Const. ii. p. 97; It. Ant. p. 144; It. Hieros. p. 577, where it is miswritten Nathiangus; comp. Diocaesareia) Hamilton (Researches, vol. ii. p. 228) is inclined to believe that the modern place called Euran Sheher, near Haval Dere, marks the site of Nazianzus, though others identify the village of Mimisu with it.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


A city of Cappadocia, celebrated as the diocese of a distinguished Father of the Church--Gregory Nazianzenus.

The Catholic Encyclopedia


A titular metropolitan see of Cappadocia Tertia. Nazianzus was a small town the history which is completely unknown. It is the modern village of Nenizi east of Ak-Serai (formerly Archelais), in the villayet of Koniah, but has sometimes been wrongly identified with Diocaesarea. At the beginning of the fourth century Nazianzus was suffragan to Caesarea; under Valens it formed part of Cappadocia Secunda, the metropolis of which was Tyana. Later it depended on Cappadocia Tertia and on Mocessus and finally became a metropolitan see under the Emperor Diogenes. In 1370 it was united to the metropolitan See of Caesarea. Up to the year 1200, fourteen of its bishops are known. Its name is inseparably connected with its illustrious doctor and poet-bishop, St. Gregory.

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Colonia Archelais

  It was formerly known as Garsaoura, chief town of the strategia of Garsaouritis. Strabo (12.2.6; 14.2.29) describes it as a komopolis and a polichnion; it was later refounded as Archelaos by King Archelaus, and became a colony under Claudius (Plin. HN 6.8). The site is a large oasis SE of Tuz Golu and 225 km S of Ancyra. No monuments survive though occasional tombstones are found.

R. P. Harper, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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