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The inhabitants (2)

Nations & tribes

The Vlahs (Armani)



VERIA (Ancient city) VERIA
Brygi (Brugoi), called Briges by the Macedonians, a Thracian people dwelling in Macedonia, north of Beroea in the neighbourhood of Mt. Bermius. They attacked the army of Mardonius, when he was marching through Macedonia into Greece in B.C. 492. (Herod. vi. 45, vii. 73, 185; Strab. vii. pp. 295, 330; Steph. B. s. v. Briges.) It was generally believed that a portion of this Thracian people emigrated to Asia Minor, where they were known under the name of Phrygians. (Herod. vii. 73; Strab. ll. cc.) Stephanus mentions two Macedonian towns, Brygias (Brugias) and Brugion), which were apparently situated in the territory of the Brygi. Some of the Brygi were also settled in Illyricum, where they dwelt apparently north of Epidamnus. Strabo assigns to them a town Cydriae. (Strab. vii. pp. 326, 327; Appian, B.C. ii. 39.)

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