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Gallus, Anicius

Gallus, Anicius (L. Anicius, L.F.M.N. Gallus), was praetor in B. C. 168, and conducted the war against Gentius, king of the Illyrians, who had formed an alliance with Perseus of Macedonia against the Romans. L. Anicius Gallus was stationed at Apollonia, and on hearing what was going on in Illyricum, he resolved to join App. Claudius, who was encamped on the banks of the river Genusus, to co-operate with him against the Illyrians; but as he was soon after informed that Illyrian pirates had been sent out to ravage the coasts of Dyrrhachium and Apollonia, Anicius Gallus sailed out with the Roman fleet stationed at Apollonia, took some of the enemy's ships, and compelled the rest to return to Illyricum. He then hastened to join App. Claudius, to relieve the Bassanitae, who were besieged by Gentius. The news of the arrival of Anicius Gallus frightened the king so much, that he raised the siege, and withdrew to his stronglyfortified capital of Scodra, and a great part of his army surrendered to the Romans. The clemency of the Roman praetor led the towns to follow the example of the soldiers, and Gallus thus advanced towards Scodra. Gentius left the place to meet his enemy in the open field; but the courage thus displayed did not last, for he was soon put to flight, and upwards of 200 men being killed in hurrying back through the gates, the king, terrified in the highest degree, immediately sent the noblest Illyrians as mbassadors to Anicius Gallus to beg fora truce of three days, that he might have time to consider what was to be done. This request was granted. Gentius hoped in the meantime to receive reinforcements from his brother Caravantius, but being disappointed, he himself came into the Roman camp, and surrendered in a most humble manner. Anicius Gallus now entered Scodra, where he first of all liberated the Roman prisoners, and sent Perperna, one of them, to Rome, with the intelligence of the complete reduction of Gentius. The whole campaign had not lasted more than thirty days. The Roman senate decreed public thanksgivings for three days, and Anicius Gallus, on his return to Rome, celebrated a triumph over Gentius. In B. C. 155 he was one of the ambassadors sent to call Prusias to account for his conduct towards Attalus. (Liv. xliv. 17, 30, 31, xlv. 3, 26, 43; Polyb. xxx. 13, xxxii. 21, xxxiii. 6; Appian, Illyr. 9.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Dec 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks


Gabinius, A.? Gabinius, in B. C. 167, was placed by L. Anicius in the command of a garrison at Scodra in Illyricum, after the subjugation of king Gentius. (Liv. xlv. 26.)

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