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The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


Aquae (Aix-les-Bains) Savoie, France.
A district (vicus) of the city of Vienna, governed by 10 delegates (decemlecti) designated as landlords (possessores Aquenses): CIL XII, 2459, 2460, 5874; AEpigr (1934) 165.
  Three monuments are well known. First is a funerary arch known as the Campanus arch because of an inscription mentioning that L. Pompeius Campanus had the monument erected in honor of all his relatives. This type of tomb is very unusual. It is 9.15 m high, 6.7 m wide, and has a 3 m span. Built of finely cut stone, it has an entablature terminating in a projecting cornice and topped by an attic. On the E side of the arch are eight niches, alternately rectangular and curved, for the busts of the dignitaries listed below, while those of the other six mentioned on the attic were probably on the top of the arch.
  The next monument is called a temple, a rectangular building (17 x 13 x 14.5 m); its walls, built of large stones, still stand 9.75 m high. According to local tradition this was a temple to Diana, but the tradition is unfounded.
  Finally, the baths, remodeled since antiquity and incompletely excavated, consist of three frigidaria, two adjacent tepidaria, and two pools and one room, all heated. The pools were faced with marble and the walls with painted stucco. The healing god Bormo (or Borvo) was worshiped at Aix.
  The town museum has inscriptions, sculptures (Constantine? a Muse?) and other finds from the surrounding area.

M. Leglay, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Feb 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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