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DEKELIA (Ancient demos) ACHARNES
The ancient deme is identified by scholars as being within the grounds of the once royal estate and the surrounding area.

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


Deceleia (Dekeleia) was situated near the entrance of the eastern pass across Mount Parnes,which leads from the north-eastern part of the Athenian plain to Oropus, and from thence both to Tanagra on the one hand, and to Delium and Chalcis on the other. It was originally one of the twelve cities of Attica. (Strab. ix. p. 397.) It was situated about 120 stadia from Athens, and the same distance from the frontiers of Boeotia: it was visible from Athens, and from its heights also might be seen the ships entering the harbour of Peiraeeus. (Thuc. vii. 19; Xen. Hell. i. 1. 25) It was by the pass of Deceleia that Mardonius retreated from Athens into Boeotia before the battle of Plataeae (Herod. ix. 15); and it was by the same road that the grain was carried from Euboea through Oropus into Attica. (Thuc. vii. 28.) In B.C. 413 Deceleia was occupied and fortified by the Lacedaemonians under Agis, who kept possession of the place till the end of the war; and from the command which they thus obtained of the Athenian plain, they prevented them from cultivating the neighbouring land, and compelled them to bring the corn from Euboea round Cape Sunium. (Thuc. ii. 27, 28.) The pass of Deceleia is now called the pass of Tatoy. Near the village of this name there is a peaked height, which is a conspicuous object from the Acropolis: the exact site of the demus is probably marked by a fountain, near which are many remains of antiquity. (Leake.)

This extract is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited August 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  One of the twelve cities that under Theseus gave up their autonomy to form a new state with Athens as capital (Philochoros: FGrHist 328 F 94), Dekeleia remained a deme in Classical times. It was situated 120 stades from Athens (Thuc. 7.19.2), on the road that led to Boiotia around the E end of Mt. Parnes (Hdt. 9.15). In the Peloponnesian War it was captured by Agis in 413 B.C., walled, and remained a Spartan stronghold until the defeat of Athens in 404 B.C.
   The city has long been associated with the ancient remains at Tatoi, on the SE slopes of Parnes, within the grounds of the once royal estate. From here, particularly in the area of the farm buildings, have come walls, pottery, sculpture, and inscriptions, one of which (IG II2 1237) is concerned with the phratry of the Demotionidai established at Dekeleia.
   Immediately S of the farm buildings is the wooded hill called Palaiokastro, its flat top now used as a cemetery for the Greek royal family. It was once a fortified enclosure, with a circuit totaling more than 800 m of rubble wall. Much of the foundation course remains in situ but is not generally accessible. Because of its location and size, this fortified height has been rightly identified as the site of Agis's camp.

C.W.J. Eliot, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Oct 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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