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Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Kassope, Kassopia polis, Kassiope. The chief town of the Cassopaei (Kassopaioi), a people of Epirus, occupying the coast between Thesprotia and the Ambracian gulf, and bordering upon Nicopolis. (Scylax, p. 12; Strab. vii. p. 324, seq.) Scylax describes the Cassopaei as living in villages; but they afterwards rose to such power as to obtain possession of Pandosia, Buchaetium, and Elateia. (Dem. de Halon. 33.) We learn from another authority that Batiae was also in their territory. (Theopomp. ap. Harpocr. s. v. Elateia.) Their own city Cassope or Cassopia is mentioned in the war carried on by Cassander against Alcetas, king of Epirus, in B.C. 312. (Diod. xix. 88.)
  Cassope stood at a short distance from the sea, on the road from Pandosia to Nicopolis upon the portion of the mountain of Zalongo, near the village of Kamarina. Its ruins, which are very extensive, are minutely described by Leake. The ruined walls of the Acropolis, which occupied a level about 1000 yards long, may be traced in their entire circuit; and those of the city may also be followed in the greater part of their course. The city was not less than three miles in circumference. At the foot of the cliffs of the Acropolis, towards the western end, there is a theatre in good preservation, of which the interior diameter is 50 feet. Near the theatre is a subterraneous building, called by the peasants Vasilospito, or King's House. A passage, 19 feet in length, and 5 feet in breadth, with a curved roof one foot and a half high, leads to a chamber 9 feet 9 inches square, and having a similar roof 5 feet 7 inches in height. The arches are not constructed on the principles of the Roman arch; but are hollowed out of horizontal courses of stone. Leake found several tombs between the principal gate of the city and the village of Kamarina. The ruins of this city are some of the most extensive in the whole of Greece.

This text is from: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854) (ed. William Smith, LLD). Cited June 2004 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

Local government WebPages


  Elatria, Vatia, Vouchetion, Pandosia: These are names of ancient cities, which were at the peach in the area of prefecture of Preveza, whose traces were lost at time went by. Kassopi the capital of Kassopean was built before middle of 4th century B.C. on a hill in the southern side of Zalogo.
   Kassopi, the capital of Kassopean land, was built before middle of century B.C., and it was situated in 550-650 m. attitude, on a hill in the southern side of Zalogo as to be protected from Ilian colonists the valley on the south of the city. The greatest period of the city was on the 3o century B.C. when a lot of public buildings and houses are constructed.
   On the inside of its polygonal walls 3,20 - 3,50 m. thick - there were two - storey houses, in building -blocks of 230 m2, all facing the south. They were all very well built, bearing functional architecture facing a street and linked with a common sewage system having a special covered gutter. The city was built according to the Ippodamian system with 20 parallel streets 4,20 m. wide - the so-called "stenopi" streets- having a distance of 30 m. between them and crossing other wider roads - the so-called "platies", of a 6m. width that formed about 60 blocks of flats. In fact it was a very impressive city. Among the ruins a building called Prytanio or Katagogio stands out (something like a hotel of those times), a building 30x30 m. of two floors on three sides, but of one floor on the fourth side so as to let the sunlight come into the house. There are also ruins of the Odeon (of 2000 seats) and the Theatre (of 6000 seats).
   The city had 10.000 inhabitants. The city was destroyed by Romans (Aimilius Paulo's) in 167 B.C. and was finally deserted by its inhabitants when they forced to settle in Nikopoli at the end of 1st century B.C.

This text is cited Oct 2002 from the Municipality of Zalogo URL below, which contains images.

Perseus Project

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites


  Located in SW Epeiros, above the modern village of Kamarina. The city was apparently the result of a Sunoikismos of the Kassopaians in the 3d c. B.C. although some earlier remains, notably roof tiles, may indicate prior settlement on the site. Kassope may not have been severely damaged in the destructions attendant on the Roman conquest. In any event, there is evidence that it flourished at least up to the founding of Nikopolis. The site of the ancient city is extensive: its circuit wall has been calculated to be 2800 m long. A large theater, a smaller theater in the agora, the foundations of a temple, and the remains of a grid plan agora have been recorded.
   A portion of the city has been excavated. Most interesting is a large building (33 x 30.3 m) constructed of ashlar and polygonal masonry, with upper courses built of baked brick set into a wooden superstructure. The building contains 17 rooms grouped around an interior courtyard, with an entrance through an 18th room which served as a doorway for the building on the S. The courtyard was surrounded by a colonnade of 26 octagonal Doric columns. There was also an upper story in the building on three of its four sides, perhaps allowing enough space for a total of 30 rooms. The rooms in the upper story must have been accessible by wooden ladders, while those on the lower one show some evidence for hearths and foundations for tables. The building has been identified as a katagogeion or guest house, and apparently some destruction in the 1st c. B.C. was followed by repairs.
   A street 4 m wide runs to the S parallel to the katagogeion; to the SE lies the small theater, and to the SW a rectangular building so far unexplored. On the other side of the street is a long Doric stoa (63.1 x 11.3 m) which faces N; its construction is similar to that of the katagogeion. Opinions differ as to dates: 1) the katagogeion is placed in the first half of the 4th c., primarily on the basis of early roof tiles, and the katagogeion in the 3d c.; 2) the stoa and the katagogeion are more or less contemporary, constructed in the second half of the 3d c. when the agora itself was laid out.

W. R. Biers, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Sep 2002 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains 68 image(s), bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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