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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Festivals and fairs  for wider area of: "VOUVES Village KOLYMBARI" .

Festivals and fairs (1)

Seasonal products fairs

Wine Festival

In Crete it is customary that special events like wine, honey festival etc. are celebrated. These festivals offer the chance to visitors to taste Cretan products.
Likewise the Cultural Club of the Ladies and Misses of Vouves organizes a wine festival on the 30th and 31st of July at the Elementary School grounds.
The first day, a Cretan band performs it's program calling to the attendees to enjoy themselves with the songs and the local dances. The second day follows a folk program for the lovers of modern music.
Both days are accompanied with delicious dishes and traditional food, as well as plenty of wine which is offered for free from the local producers.

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