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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Iacca (Jacca)

Iacca (Jaca) Huesca, Spain.
Town of the Vascones in Hispania Tarraconensis, ca. 70 km N of Huesca on the main road to France. Livy (21.23) mentions the inhabitants, the Iacetani, in connection with Hannibal's march through the Pyrenees on his advance against Rome. Menioned also by Sallust (2.5) and Plutarch (Sert. 4). We know that it minted coinage and that it was a station on the highroad to Caesaraugusta (Rav. 309.7). Remains of walls and buildings were visible as late as the 19th c.
J. Arce, ed.

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