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Information about the place (1)

The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites

Nertobriga (La Almunia de Dona Godina) Zaragoza, Spain.
  The present town 50 km SW of Zaragoza, NE of Calatayud, was constructed on the ruins of a Roman villa excavated a few years ago which, from its mosaics, can be dated to the 3d c. A.D.
  The exact location of the Celtiberian city and the mansio on the Roman road is uncertain, in spite of an attempt to identify it with Roman ruins, probably villas, near Calatorae. Recent excavations in Cabezo Chinchon, between Calatorae and Almunia, have unearthed a prehistoric settlement of the 6th and 5th c. B.C., but no Celtiberian establishment. The indigenous city, often referred to in military events of the 2d c. B.C., which minted coins bearing the inscription NERTOBIS in the Iberian alphabet, must lie in the Ricla-Calatora-La Almunia triangle.

A. Balil, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites, Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Jan 2006 from Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.

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