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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Local governments  for wider area of: "AGIOS DIMITRIOS Village LEMNOS (LIMNOS)" .

Local governments (1)

Municipalities' district offices

Agios Dimitrios Community

Tel: +30 22540 61366
  There was once a king of the island who decided to distribute it to his two sons. So he decided that the best would be if each of his two sons started to walk from the two extreme points of the island, Myrina and Plaka. The point where they would meet would be the center and would become the border of each one's possession. Curiously they met where the village of Aghios Demetrios is built today. The one walking form Plaka had started much earlier than the other one. So the other one called him "lera", which in Greek means deceit. Since then the village was named Lera. It was one of the few villages on the island with Turkish population before 1912. After the population exchanges, 556 refugees from Reis Dere of Asia Minor settled in the village and named it Aghios Demetrios. Aghios Demterios was their patron Saint at Reis Dere. They used to cultivate vineyards and produce most of the Limnian vine. Most of them are excellent musicians.
This text (extract) is cited May 2003 from the Lemnos Provincial Government tourist pamphlet (1997).

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