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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "PYRGI THERMIS Village MYTILINI" .

Places of worship (2)


Church of the Virgin (Panagia) Troulloti

Tel: +30 22510 71165
   The church of the Virgin (Panagia) Troulloti is built in the area of the Ano Pyrgoi at Thermi, in the eastern part of Lesbos, only 10 kms from the city of Mytilene. The church belongs to the type known as domed cross-in-square and dates in the 14th century. It constitutes one of the few Byzantine churches preserved on Lesbos.
   Architectural members from more ancient buildings are incorporated in the masonry of the monument, two of which are marble relieves of particular interest in the south wall of the narthex. These two relieves are ornamented with both human figures as well as animal ones (such as that of a bear or a deer) and they were probably taken from the nearby sanctuary of Artemis Thermia. The interior of the church is decorated with wall paintings that date after its foundation and are only partially preserved.
   Its wood carved templon dates in the mid-18th century and constitutes one of the most exquisite samples of post-Byzantine wood carving on Lesbos.

Church of Panayia Troulloti

  The church is at Ano Pyrgoi Thermis, at the eastern part of the island. It is a cruciform Byzantine basilica with a dome, probably built in the 14th century and one of the oldest Christian monuments on the island that has remained virtually untouched since the Byzantine times. Ancient materials have been used in the construction - among others two marble bas-reliefs at the southern wall of the narthex (porch) with animal figures (deer and bear) possibly belonging to the nearby ancient temple of the Goddess Artemis Thermias. The interior has a fretwork icon-screen (18th century), one of the best samples of post-Byzantine ecclesiastical fretwork in Lesvos. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It is called Troulloti because the dome (troullos) carries the hagiography not of Jesus Christ but of the Virgin Mary

This extract is cited Oct 2002 from the Prefecture of Lesvos URL below, which contains image.

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