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Listed 8 sub titles with search on: Monuments reported by ancient authors  for wider area of: "ORCHOMENOS Village LEVIDI" .

Monuments reported by ancient authors (8)

Ancient sanctuaries

Sanctuary of Artemis Hymnia

In the territory of Orchomenus, on the left of the road from Anchisiae, there is on the slope of the mountain the sanctuary of Artemis Hymnia.

Sanctuary of Poseidon

Worth seeing here is a spring, from which they draw water, and there are sanctuaries of Poseidon and of Aphrodite, the images being of stone.

Sanctuary of Aphrodite

Worth seeing here is a spring, from which they draw water, and there are sanctuaries of Poseidon and of Aphrodite, the images being of stone.

Ancient statues

Wooden image of Artemis Cedreatis

Near the city is a wooden image of Artemis. It is set in a large cedar tree, and after the tree they call the goddess the Lady of the Cedar.

Ancient tombs

Tombs of unknown warriors

Beneath the city are heaps of stones at intervals, which were piled over men who fell in war. With what Peloponnesians, whether Arcadians or other, the war was fought, was set forth neither by inscriptions on the graves nor in Orchomenian tradition (Paus. 8,13,3). There were many tombs made of piled stones, most commonly at remote places outside town borders. These tombs were either dedicated to Hermes, who was considered to be the one who takes the souls to Hades, or were tombs of criminals. When this was the case, passers-by used to throw stones as a curse and then the piles were considered to be sources of evil (Ekd. Athinon, Pausaniou Periegissis, vol. 4, p.227, note 3).

The tomb of Aristocrates I

The other road, after you have crossed the water flowing through the gully, goes under Mount Trachy. On this road the first thing is the tomb of Aristocrates, who once outraged the virgin priestess of the goddess Hymnia.

Ancient walls

Walls and marketplace of Orchomenus

The former city of Orchomenus was on the peak of a mountain, and there still remain ruins of a market-place and of walls.



Worth seeing here is a spring, from which they draw water.

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