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Listed 63 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "CORINTHIA Prefecture PELOPONNISOS" .

Places of worship (63)


Church of St Dimitrios

  In Kato Trikala, the church of St Dimitrios, built in 1697, with its impressive impressionistic murals of the 18th century, is of special interest.
The text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Municipality of Xylokastro pamphlet.

Church of St Nicolas

  In Ano Trikala is the church of St Nicolas, dating from the 19th century; it is the metropolis of the village, with beautiful murals and portable icons.
The text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Municipality of Xylokastro pamphlet.

Church of Zoodohos Pigi

  This church dedicated to Our lady as “the fount of life”, is a single-aisled building with a pitched roof and can be found at Asprokampos near Perachora. Its walls are built with ancient materials, consisting of isodomic masonry.

Agios Nikolaos


St Nicholas at the Heraion

  There are three churches in the vicinity of the Heraion: those of St Nicholas, of St John in the archaeological site, and of the Transfiguration of Our Lord near Vouliagmeni lake. The church of St Nicholas was built some 200 years ago on a natural acropolis to the east of the harbor which once sewed the Heraion. It is a single-aisled basilica with a vaulted roof whose middle sanctuary apse is within a huge rock. There is a feature of interest on the west side of the exterior: a window that also serves as a gun-slit and bears an elaborate ornament that originated in some Early Christian church.

Church of St. John The Baptist

  In the center of the city of Loutraki is the impressive and peaceful Cathedral dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. An earthquake destroyed the first building, which was founded on February 1st 1886. The present Church was built in the same place in 1933 and founded by His Reverence Metropolite Damaskinos on April 10, 1933.
  The style of the church based on a study of Orlando, is a three-aisle basilica with its middle aisle raised in order to obtain plenty and natural sunlight. The yard is beautifully taken care of and artistically planted. In the N.W. of the church stands the Campanile with a built-in staircase. The hagiography is exceptional and according to Byzantine style. This can be seen in the masterpiece of The Most Holy Virgin Mother in the middle niche of the sanctuary, dated prior to 1930s. In the church there are some portable holy icons and delicated wood-carved holy icon-stands of Saint John the Baptist and Osios Patapios.
  The commemoration of Saint John The Baptist is devoutly celebrated on August 29 of each year.

Church of Our Lady "tou Prathi"

  Our Lady “tou Prathi” is one of the most important Byzantine monuments in the Loutraki area. It lies 20 km. from Loutraki, at an altitude of 1,150 metres on an idyllic plateau in the Geraneia mountains, surrounded by pine-trees and firs. Once there was a wealthy coenobitic monastery on the same site; its history is recorded from the Byzantine period to 1821. Of that original foundation, traces of some cells and storerooms have survived, along with the catholicon, which dates from the eleventh century. It was dedicated to Our Lady “Phaneromene”, but it is popularly known as Our Lady “tou Prathi”. The church is most notable for its excellent wall paintings, in the Byzantine style and on Biblical themes. On the right-hand door of the sanctuary is a plaque recording that the wall paintings were executed in 1466.
  Another church, dedicated to the Dormition of Our Lady, was built at a later date a few meters to the north of the old catholicon. This is a notably well-constructed three-aisled basilica with a dome. The enchanting natural setting of the two churches and their wealth of history make a visit to the site unforgettable.

Church of Our Lady Yatrissa

  In the center of Loutraki stands the imposing church of Our Lady, an unshakeable pillar of the faith of the Ιοcal people. Inside is kept a miraculous icon of Our Lady, with an interesting history and origins.
  The icon once belonged to a lady called Maria who was visiting continuously Loutraki on her holidays in the 1920s. She stayed in the house of an old lady called Maria Sokou - the two women had become friends- to whom she gave an icon of Our Lady, which she had brought to Greece from Jerusalem. The icon, measuring 57 cm. by 49 cm., shows Our Lady as a young woman, holding the divine infant. The donor of the icon died ­as she had predicted - three weeks later, but Maria Sokou kept the precious gift, which had the property of instilling hope and consolation in all those who sought the succor of Our Lady: Countless miracles were attributed to the icon, and its renown soon spread beyond Loutraki. In 1928, the foundations were laid to the first church dedicated to Our Lady in which the icon was housed, but it soon proved too small for the hosts of pilgrims and thus a new and larger church was built in 1960.
  The new church, which we see today, is a three-aisled basilica with an octagonal dome. There are the wooden screen and the carved wooden iconostasis from the church of 1928, and the paintings are the work of Κ. Yeorgakopoulos and D. Soukaras (1966). The church of Our Lady “Yatrissa” holds its feast on 8 September; on the previous day, the icon was carried in procession round the town, with the participation of ecclesiastical, civil and military authorities from all over Greece.

Church of Agios Fanourios

  In the east of the city of Loutraki, on the foot of the Gerania mountain, is the imposingly serene and of double hypostases holy church of Agios Fanourios and Apostle Kosmas Etolos.
  The commemoration of the Saints is devoutly celebrated on August 24 & August 27 respectively every year.
  The church was built in 1968 on the foundations of another smaller church and was consecrated by His Reverence Metropolite Panteleimona on July 31, 1969. It is built with a double casted tiled roof and an eight-sided dome with a single foiled window on each side.
  The courtyard, in the west, is nicely planted and in the north stands the imperial Campanile adjoined to the main temple with an arched pilar shed.
  The inside walls are beautifully detailed with Saints and Byzantine Signs. Of ­special interest is the hagiography in the inner dome, of Pantocrator.
  A fine oratory dedicated to Agios Prokopios has been recently added, in the north of the church.

Church of St. Andrew

  The church of St Andrew, in Loutraki itself, is the most prominent feature in the old spa town. It was built in 1345 by the Byzantine Emperor John VI Kantakouzenos in commemoration of the persecution of St Andrew. The bearing structure of the church was seriously damaged by the earthquake of 1981, and has had to be supported. However, the repair work is scheduled to be completed soon, and the church will be restored to its original form.
  St Andrew has all the features typical of Byzantine churches. It is a three-aisled basilica with a dome resting on a cylindrical drum, a tripartite sanctuary and an interesting stone-built screen. According to the local people, its walls were once covered with paintings, but these have disappeared. On the north side of the precinct, some steps lead down to a cave in which St Andrew took refuge from the Roman soldiers who were pursuing him. According to tradition, after he had entered the cave a thick spider’s web covered its entrance so that the saint’s pursuers could not see where he had gone.

Church of St George

  The picturesque chapel of St George stands a short way outside Loutraki, on the road leading to Perachora. It was built in 1938 and has an elegant porch and a tiled pitched roof. There is an excellent view of the Gulf of Corinth from the vicinity of the chapel.

Church of St. Paraskeve

  As we follow the beautiful route to Preacher and enjoy the fine view out across the Gulf of Corinth, we come to the attractive church of St Paraskevi, 6 km. from Loutraki. The first church on the site was built in 1952; this standing there today, was built after the earthquake of 1981, and is a single-aisled structure with a vaulted roof.

Church of the Assumption

  In the center of Perachora village, the Holy Church of the Assumption can be found. The architecture style of the church-built in 1982- is a three­-aisle basilica with a tiled roof dome. South west of the church stands the imposing Campanile surrounded by a beautifully handled with care yard. The inner walls are nicely covered with Hagiographies and Byzantine Signs, facts that establish the religiousness of the faithful.

Church of St Demetrius

  Eight kilometers along the road from Loutraki to Perachora, by the hill, which was once the acropolis of ancient Peraea, stands the little single-aisled basilica of St Demetrius, which was built and had its wall­ paintings executed in 1750. These paintings - depicting Our Lady enthroned, the Crucifixion, Christ Pantocrator, the saints in attitudes of prayer, etc. - are works of great art, and a visit to the church cannot fail to be spiritually uplifting.

Church of the Great Archangels

  This historic church is in Perachora itself and dates from 1767, when Greece was still under Turkish rule. The twelve steps leading to its entrance and the little doors of the church were constructed in such a way to prevent the conquerors from riding their horses inside during the service and desecrating the holy place, as was their custom. In 1832 ­after the liberation of Greece - a political faction called the “Constitutionalists” made the church their headquarters when they were forced to leave Argos after a dispute with the supporters of Count Capodistrias, first Governor of Greece.

Church of St Blaise

  Fifteen kilometers along the road to Vouliagmeni from Perachora is the pretty chapel of St Blaise, built in 1981. The surrounding landscape is very attractive, and ancient potsherds are common. There is another little church of St Blaise in Perachora, at the spot called Aremada.

Church of the Prophet Elijah

  After an ancient fountain 9 km. along the road from Vouliagmeni to Asprokampos, is the church of the Prophet Elijah, standing on a low hill. The foundations consist of ancient building materials, of which there is no shortage in the area.

Church of the Seven Maccabees

  On the road to Strava, after about 6 km., we come to a little roadside shrine. An uphill path from there leads to a little chapel dedicated to the Seven Maccabees, a quaint structure three-quartets of which is built into a cave. In its courtyard is a tall oak tree, which is said to be as old as the church itself. This idyllic spot is believed once to have been the hermitage of a monk called Maccabaeus.

Church of Ipapanti (Panagitsa sto Flambouro)

  Four kilometres beyond the Bethlehem Orphanage on the road from Loutraki to Perachora is the pretty church of Our Lady “Ipapanti”. The church is built in undressed stone and has a pitched wooden roof covered with tiles.

Church of St George

  The little chapel of St George is located in a cave at the spot called Trepes near Perachora. The cave is also full of stalactites, from which water drips. It is believed locally that the water has medicinal properties, which are attributed to the miraculous influence of St George.

Church of St. Athanassios

  The picturesque chapel of St Athanasius is close to the village of Pisia (1.5 km. from Loutraki) and is reached along a forestry road to Platanos. It was built in the fifteenth century and has wall paintings of 1638, the work of the priest-monk Seraphim Koulouris from Thebes. Among the subjects are Christ Pantocrator, the Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, St Mandelius, Sts Peter and Paul, and the Day of Judgment.

Church of St George

  The chapel of St, George is located in a natural cave near Schinos, 9 km. from Pisia. In Byzantine times, it seems very likely that the cave was used as a hermitage. Today, traces of a painting of St George on horseback have survived on the screen, and seem to date from around 1400.

Church of St. Paraskeve

  This is the “cathedral church” of Pisia: a three-aisled cruciform basilica with a dome. It stands on the site of an ilate eighteenth-century church, which was flattened by the earthquake of 1981.

Church of St. Blaise

  Two kilometers to the east of Schinos on the road to Alepochori is the single-aisled church of St Blaise. The original structure dates from 1969, and much care was put into its later reconstruction.

Church of Transfiguration of Christ

  As we head down towards the sea at Schinos, we come to the church of the Transfiguration, which over the course of the centuries has undergone frequent alterations and additions. In earlier times, it was a groin-vaulted building, but today it is a single-aisled structure with a vaulted roof. The ornamentation of the window in the semicircular sanctuary apse takes the form of a dog-toothed band of ceramics, which means that the earliest building phase can be dated back to the twelfth or thirteenth century. To the east are the foundations of a semicircular apse, which presumably belonged to an earlier and much larger church.

Country churches


Monastery of St. Vlassios at Ano Trikala

Tel: +30 27430 91210, 71222
  Leaving Ano Trikala behind, after 800m the road leads to the historical monastery of St Vlassios, built around 1400, with its yard full of flowers and trees and a truly magic view for the visitor.
The text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Municipality of Xylokastro pamphlet.

Monastery of the Virgin at Gelini

Tel: +30 27430 24489

Monastery of the Virgin at Messa Trikala

  In Mesaia Trikala of Trikala, we come across the Monastery of the Assumption, dating back to the 19th century, with a stone-built catholic.
  Today it is abandoned.
The text (extract) is cited January 2004 from the Municipality of Xylokastro pamphlet.

Monastery of St. George at Pheneos

Tel: +30 27470 41226
  An important monastery complex northwest of the village of Kalyvia. The catholikon is a domed basilica with narthex and exonarthex, built in 1693. In 1754 the church was renovated and wall paintings were made by Panayiotes of Ioannina. The carved templon dates to the 18th century.

Monastery of the Virgin at Kalentzi

Tel: +30 27410 58223

Monastery of St. Phoebe

Tel: +30 27410 33240

Monastery of St. Nektarios at Vassiliko

Tel: +30 27420 24346

Monastery of St. Stefanos

Tel: +30 27420 51489

Monastery Anastasseos at Loutraki

Tel: +30 27440 23035
  In Loutraki, near the Health center, the Holy Cloister of Christ’s Resurrection dominates the surroundings. The cloister, which used to be a convent from 1930 until 1990, was erected in honor of a blessed icon of the Christ’s Resurrection with the engraving “1834 December 20”. It belonged to the founder and first confessor at the cloister, a Cretan gentleman, Mr. Kyros Ignadios Pedarakis.
  The sanctuary dedicated to the Christ’s Holy Resurrection, can be found in the interior, which is surrounded by protective stonework. Its architecture style is basilica with a double casted timbered roof. In the interior of the sanctuary are the unique ornamental wood-engraved temple and of Athos style chandelier.
  A number of exceptional icons dating back to the early century detailed in Mount Athos, are well preserved. Amongst them is the icon of Our Most Holy Lady Gorgoepikoou. Apart from the sanctuary in the cloister two more oratories can be found. One dedicated to our Lady Protector and the other dedicated to Saint Elefterios where sacred relics of the Saint are devoutly kept.
  On Easter day there is a glorious celebration, on Easter Monday a feast full mass in honor of Christ’s Resurrection.
  Since 1990 a brotherhood has been established that lives in obedience to Christ’s Rules, following the Holy Canons of monastic life, as they have been settled by the Fathers of the Church in compliance with Christ’s commands: “love Lord .... this is the prime command. Second to this, love thy neighbor as yourself”.

Monastery of the Prophet Elias at Loutraki

Tel: +30 27440 23800
  Just above the turning for Hosios Patapios is the monastery of the Prophet Elijah, occupying a commanding position above Loutraki and offering a superb view of the Gulf of Corinth. Το the left of the threshold of the monastery is a little chapel, while above the main entrance is a painting of Our Lady “Wider than the Heavens”. The southeast side is occupied by the catholicon, built in 1963.
  Among other interesting buildings are the chapel of St John of Sinai and the impressive cave of the Prophet Elijah, in greenish undressed stone.

Monastery of St. Marina at Loutraki

Tel: +30 27440 54519, 58223
  On the way to the Hosios Patapios Monastery, just after the seaside park in Loutraki and 80 meters to the right of the Hydrotherapy Centre, we come to the monastery of St Marina. It was built in 1981 and the wall paintings in the catholicon (main church) are the work of the monk Makarios Voyatzoglou.

Monastery of Analipsis & St. Gerassimos

Tel: +30 27440 79451
  We continue along the same road and, passing the turning for Hosios Patapios, we come to the monastery of St Gerasimos. Around the precinct are the guest-rooms of the monastery, the guest­house proper, the waiting rooms and a little chapel of Our Lady “Eleftherotria”. Outside the west wing stands a stone cross 13 meters in height; which is lit at night. According to the tradition, it was on this very spot that a pious clergyman met St Gerasimos himself; the saint was holding a large cross and throwing fire­crackers.
  Close to the monastery is the little chapel of St Panteleimon, built in 1981 on the foundations of an earlier church.

Monastery of John the Baptist

  In the center of the city of Loutraki is the Cathedral dedicated to Saint John the Baptist. The first building, which was founded on February 1st 1886, was destroyed by an earthquake. The present Church was built in the same place in 1933 and founded by His Reverence Metropolite Damaskinos on April 10, 1933. The style of the church based on a study by Orlando, is a three-aisle basilica with its middle aisle raised in order to obtain plenty and natural sunlight. The hagiography is exceptional and according to Byzantine style. This can be seen in the masterpiece of the Most Holy Virgin Mother in the middle niche of the sanctuary is dated prior to 1930s. In the church there are some portable holy icons and delicated wood-carved holy icon-stands of Saint John the Baptist and Osios Patapios.
  This text (extract) is cited November 2003 from the Municipality of Loutraki - Perachora tourist pamphlet.

Monastery of Holy Trinity

  What is called the “German road” leads east of Loutraki and after 10 km. of fine scenery brings us to the nunnery of the Holy Trinity, set amid the serenity of the verdant forest. The nunnery was founded in 1962 on a site which since 1933 had been occupied by a chapel built by the nun Christodoule. It is a dependency of Esphigmenou Monastery on Mt Athos, and follows the Old Calendar: Today there are seven nuns.
  Nearby are the chapels of Our lady “Zoodochos Piyi” (1969), of Sts Cosmas and Damien, and of Our lady “Aghia Skepe”. Also in the vicinity is the spot known as Golgotha, where there are schematic depictions of the divine drama.

Monastery of St. Nicholas at Mapsos

Tel: +30 27410 98049

Monastery of St. Patapios at Loutraki

Tel: +30 27440 22496
  At a distance of 14 km from Loutraki, along the road to Perachora, on an imposing site and at an altitude of some 700 m., on a spur of the Geraneia mountains and above the calm waters of the Gulf of Corinth, stands the nunnery of Hosios Patapios. The interior of the nunnery is reached by a spiral flight of 144 steps; amid the pine-trees on the right, stands the chapel of the Hosia Mary of Egypt.

Monastery of the Apostle Pavlos at Gerania

Tel: +30 27440 24872
  The foundations of the monastery of St Ρaul were laid in 1972 on a site higher up the mountain, an hour’s walk from the nunnery of Hosios Patapios. The first monk who established in this isolated place came here from Mount Athos. Set as it is amid the dense greenery, the monastery of St Ρaυl is truly a place apart from the world.

Monastery of St. Nicholas at Malagari

  St Nicholas “the Younger”, at the spot called Malagari near Perachora, seems likely to be the oldest Byzantine monument in the area, since it was built in the tenth or eleventh century. Experts have quite rightly described its outstanding wall paintings as historic treasures of the greatest value. In earlier times, the monastery had a full complement of monks, and even today the beauty of the scenery does much to uplift the spirits of pilgrims.

Monastery of Taxiarches at Souli

Tel: +30 27420 51315

Monastery of St. Demetrios at Stefani

Tel: +30 27410 94285

Monastery of the Virgin at Lechova

Tel: +30 27420 51489, 26799

Monastery of Zoodochos Pigi

  On Zoodochos Piyi, there are many more remnants of ancient buildings, and there is also a monastery of Our Lady, which was founded in the twelfth century and is still occupied.
  According to the tradition, the catholicon of the monastery was built on the foundations of an ancient temple to Castor and Ροlluχ. The church is dedicated to the Dormition of Our Lady and is of the cruciform domed architectural type. In its interior are notable ecclesiastical vessels and icons. A famous triptych icon called “Our Lady of Kalanisa”, depicting the Virgin and Child is kept now in the church of the Great Archangels in Perachora.

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