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Karyotissa Community

Tel: +30 23820 41333
  The village of Kariotissa with population 2,087 residents (census 1991) was the greater village of the Pella Prefecture. However, the last few years the population reduces. It is situated in the northeastern edge of the municipality of Alexander the Great and it is 7 Km away from Giannitsa. The distance from Thessaloniki is 58Km and from Edessa 48Km. The Egnatia Via, the main road axis Thessaloniki-Edessa, goes through the village. On the southern side of Egnatia Via, in the center of the village, it is situated its square, with grass planted gardens and trees. Cafeterias, restaurants, cafes, taverns and every kind of shop are interspersed along the road, offering to the travelers an ideal place for resting and supply.
  In the square rises the two-storey building of the community bureau, of which in the ground floor are sheltered the community clinic and TOEB-s offices. At its side, there is the building where the Police Station of Kariotissa was sheltered till a few years ago, and the building of the cultural association "Akrites". Across the way, there is the Post Office and in the end of the square, under the shadow of a plane-tree, there is the taxi station. At the entrance of the village we see the Pilot High School of Kariotissa, with a remarkable library, and a little farther the chapel of Agia Paraskevi. The road at the left leads to the Municipal Stadium of Kariotissa, playground of the football team AEK of Kariotissa. The church of the Assumption of the Virgin and the Primary School are situated a few meters southern of the main road. The well laid out streets of the village cause a sensation to visitors, who characteristically say "there everything is flat and the streets are vertical between them".

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