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Listed 2 sub titles with search on: Places of worship  for wider area of: "LEFKONAS Small town SERRES" .

Places of worship (2)


Monastery of the Virgin at Vyssiani

Tel: +30 23210 62502
  Ten km north to the city of Serres and 2 km from the settlement of Metochi in deep ravine stands the women’s Holy Monastery of Blessed Virgin Mary Visianis. It was founded in 1972 on the initiative of faithful citizens of Serres. After long efforts it reached its present form (Katholikon, Chapel, Refectory, handicraft exhibition).
  The Holy Water that for years dried up, after a miracle of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 14.08.1996 started to spring forth ceaselessly and it continues to do so.
  Today (1997) the Monastery houses two Nuns. The guest house does not suffice to accommodate organized tourist groups. The feast day of the Monastery is on 15 August.
This text (extract) is cited September 2003 from the Prefecture of Serres tourist pamphlet.

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