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Biographies (3)



PATRAI (Ancient city) ACHAIA
Decrianus, a sophist of Patrae, who is mentioned with great praise by Lucian. (Asin. 2.) Nothing more is known of him.

Related to the place

Curius, M.

M. Curius, one of the most intimate friends of Cicero, who had known him from his childhood, and describes him as one of the kindest of men, always ready to serve his friends, and as a very pattern of politeness (urbanitas). He lived for several years as a negotiator at Patrae in Peloponnesus. At the time when Tiro, Cicero's freedman, was ill at Patrae, B. C. 50 and subsequently, Curius took great care of him. In B. C. 46, Cicero recommended Curius to Serv. Sulpicius, who was then governor of Achaia, and also to Auctus, his successor. The intimacy between Curius and Atticus was still greater than that between Cicero and Curius; and the latter is said to have made a will [p. 904] in which Atticus and Cicero were to be the heirs of his property, Cicero receiving one-fourth, and Atticus the rest. Among Cicero's letters to his friends there are three addressed to Curius (vii. 23-26), and one (vii. 29) is addressed by Curius to Cicero. (Cic. ad. Fam. viii. 5, 6, xiii. 7, 17, 50, xvi. 4, 5, 9, 11, ad Att. vii. 2, 3, xvi. 3.)


Lucius of Patrae

Lucius of Patrae, a Greek writer of uncertain date. He wrote Metamorphoseon logoi diaphoroi, Metamorphoseon Libri Diversi. which are now lost, but were extant in the time of Photius, who has described them (Bibl. cod. 129). His style was perspicuous and pure, but his works were crowded with marvels; and, according to Photius, he related with perfect gravity and good faith the transformations of men into brutes and brutes into men, and " the other nonsense and idle tales of the ancient mythology." Some parts of his works bore so close a resemblance to the Lucius s. Asinus of Lucian, that Photius thought he had either borrowed from that writer, or, as was more likely, Lucian had borrowed from him. The latter alternative appears to be the true one; for if Photius is correct as to Lucius believing the stories he related, we can hardly suppose he would have derived any part of his narratives from such an evident scoffer as Lucian; and Lucian possibly designed, by giving the name Lucius to his hero, and making him an inhabitant of Patrae, to ridicule the credulity of his predecessor.

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2006 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

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