Listed 1 sub titles with search on: History for wider area of: "ASPROPYRGOS Town ATTIKI" .
West of the plain of Athens, and separated from it by the range of
Aigaleos, is the Thriasian plain with its most important ancient centers at Eleusis
at the W end of the Bay of Eleusis and at Thria. The position of the latter is
not precisely located. What indications there are, however, point to the neighborhood
of the modern town of Aspropyrgos, once the rural community of Chalyvia, set towards
the E end of the plain about 3 km from the shore. Here, sculpture and inscriptions--one,
IG II2 6266, a grave monument for a demesman of Thria--have been discovered in
the walls of the houses and chapels in the vicinity. Moreover, in antiquity the
road leading into the plain of Athens through the gap between Parnes and Aigaleos
passed nearby. Today the only obvious ancient remain is a rectangular grave plot
of Early Roman Imperial date. It is enclosed with large white marble blocks, one
of which is decorated with a sculptured wreath and supports a marble table inscribed
with the names of the deceased, Straton of the deme of Kydathenaion, his wife,
and son. The grave lies some distance S of Aspropyrgos, alongside the Athens-Eleusis
highway, a few m W of the junction between it and the road to Aspropyrgos.
C.W.J. Eliot, ed.
This text is from: The Princeton encyclopedia of classical sites,
Princeton University Press 1976. Cited Nov 2002 from
Perseus Project URL below, which contains bibliography & interesting hyperlinks.
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