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ERETRIA (Ancient city) EVIA
Datis, with his many myriads, captured by force the whole of the Eretrians; and to Athens he sent on an alarming account of how not a man of the Eretrians had escaped him: the soldiers of Datis had joined hands and swept the whole of Eretria clean as with a draw net. (Plato, Laws 698c). When Datis and Artaphrenes reached Asia in their voyage, they carried the enslaved Eretrians inland to Susa. (Herodt 6.119.1)
On his arrival Flamininus sacked Eretria, defeating the Macedonians who were defending it.
Be this as it may, these cities grew exceptionally strong and even sent forth noteworthy colonies into Macedonia; for Eretria colonized the cities situated round Pallene and Athos, and Chalcis colonized the cities that were subject to Olynthus, which later were treated outrageously by Philip.
The following took part in the war: . . the Chalcidians with their twenty ships from Artemisium, and the Eretrians with the same seven; these are Ionians.
The Eretrians furnished seven ships
. . . Next to the men of Hermione were six hundred Eretrians and Styreans; next to them, four hundred Chalcidians;
Euboian Greeks from Eretria and Chalkis established here (Aenaria-Ischia, Italy) in the early 8th c. B.C. a commercial post to facilitate trade with mainland Etruscans.
It was first colonized by Greek settlers from Chalcis and Eretria, either simultaneously with, or even previous to, the foundation of Cumae on the neighbouring mainland; and the colony attained to great prosperity, but afterwards suffered severely from internal dissensions, and was ultimately compelled to abandon the island in consequence of violent earthquakes and volcanic outbreaks. (Liv. viii. 22; Strab. v. p. 248.)
The Lelantine war took place at the end of the 8th c. B.C. between Eretria and Chalkis.
Lelantine War. A war waged between Eretria and Chalcis, probably for the possession of the plain of Lelantus (q.v.). E. Curtius has assumed as the date of this contest B.C. 704, which Professor Mahaffy thinks too early. Some of the most powerful States of Greece joined in the struggle, especially Samos and Miletus. See Strabo, pp. 58, 447; Herod.v. 99; Thuc.i. 15; Hermann in the Rheinisches Museum, i. p. 85; and especially Mahaffy in Hermathena, iv. p. 325.
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