Listed 6 sub titles with search on: History for wider area of: "TRIPOLI Municipality ARCADIA" .
The Mantineans did not fight on the side of the other Arcadians against the Lacedaemonians at Dipaea, but in the Peloponnesian war they rose with the Eleans against the Lacedaemonians, and joined in battle with them after the arrival of reinforcements from Athens...Such was the battle, as nearly as possible as I have described it; the greatest that had occurred for a very long while among the Hellenes, and joined by the most considerable states.
Pausanias claims that a cavalry battle took place at the Pelagus, but it is more possible that it actually took place at Skopi (Ekd. Athinon, Pausaniou Periegissis, vol. 4, p.215, note 1). The battle is narrated in detail by Xenophon (Xenophon, Hell. 7,5,15-27 )
Roman emperor, grants freedom to Pallantium, conquers Moors and Brigantians, his liberality, called Pius by the Romans, his gifts and building recorded by other writers.
TRIPOLI (Municipality) ARCADIA
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