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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 2 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Ιστορία  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΛΥΡΚΕΙΑ Δήμος ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ" .

Ιστορία (2)


Μάχη της Οινόης (περ. 463-458 π.Χ.)

ΟΙΝΟΗ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΛΥΡΚΕΙΑ
These (status) are works of Hypatodorus and Aristogeiton, who made them, as the Argives themselves say, from the spoils of the victory which they and their Athenian allies won over the Lacedaemonians at Oenoe in Argive territory. From spoils of the same action, it seems to me, the Argives set up statues of those whom the Greeks call the Epigoni. (Paus. 10,10,4)

Μάχη της Οινόης (388 π.Χ.)

As you go to the portico which they call painted, because of its pictures, there is a bronze statue of Hermes of the Market-place, and near it a gate. On it is a trophy erected by the Athenians, who in a cavalry action overcame Pleistarchus, to whose command his brother Cassander had entrusted his cavalry and mercenaries. This portico contains, first, the Athenians arrayed against the Lacedaemonians at Oenoe in the Argive territory. What is depicted is not the crisis of the battle nor when the action had advanced as far as the display of deeds of valor, but the beginning of the fight when the combatants were about to close (Paus. 1.15.1)

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