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  The first settlers on Patmos were the Carians, followed by the Ionians. Ruined 4th-century BC walls bear witness to the existence of a fortified town at the Kastelli site. Preliminary excavations have revealed that Artemis and Apollo were worshipped there. The temple of the goddess of the hunt, Artemis is believed to have stood on the site where the great Monastery of Patmos was later built in the 11th century. The temple of the god of music, Apollo, was near the port of Skala. In the first century BC, Patmos, a dependency of Miletus on the coast of Asia Minor, boasted a large population and a remarkable civilization. Ancient temples, a gymnasium, games, and an association of lampadists (torch-racers) indicate its economic well-being and high level of culture.
(text: Manolis Pentes)
This text (extract) is cited November 2003 from the Municipality of Patmos tourist pamphlet.


  The island has been inhabited since ancient times. Here we give a few interesting milestones in its history.
  The most important date for Patmos was 95 AD, when John the Evangelist was exiled to the island from Ephesus. It was while he was living on Patmos that he wrote the Book of the Revelation.
  In 1088 the monk Christodoulos Latrenus arrived on the deserted island and founded the Monastery dedicated to St. John.
  In 1832 the islands of the Dodecanese were ceded to Turkey by treaty.
  In 1912 the period of the Italian Occupation began.
  In 1947 the Dodecanese became part of Greece.
  In 1981 Patmos was officially declared a Holy Island in a law passed by the Parliament of the Hellenes.
  In 1999 Patmos became a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
This text (extract) is cited November 2003 from the Municipality of Patmos tourist pamphlet (2000).

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