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History (6)


Dorian Hexapolis

KNIDOS (Ancient city) TURKEY
The three cities of Rhodes Lindos, Kamiros, and Ialysos together with Kos, Halikarnassos and Knidos formed the Dorian Hexapolis.

The league of Aegean states

After Spartian power in the Aegean was destroyed by Conon in 394 B.C., Iasos was rebuilt, possibly with the aid of Knidos, and it joined a league of Aegean states that included Ephesos, Rhodes, Samos, and Byzantium.

Colonizations by the inhabitants


  Amasis became a philhellene, and besides other services which he did for some of the Greeks, he gave those who came to Egypt the city of Naucratis to live in; and to those who travelled to the country without wanting to settle there, he gave lands where they might set up altars and make holy places for their gods. Of these the greatest and most famous and most visited precinct is that which is called the Hellenion, founded jointly by the Ionian cities of Chios, Teos, Phocaea, and Clazomenae, the Dorian cities of Rhodes, Cnidus, Halicarnassus, and Phaselis, and one Aeolian city, Mytilene.



  City of southern Asia Minor, on a peninsula between the islands of Cos and Rhodes.
  Cnidus, a colony of Sparta founded in the XIIth century B. C., was one of six cities of Dorian origin in Caria (the province of southern Asia Minor in which they were located) that had gathered in a confederacy having its common sanctuary, a temple to Apollo, on the promontory on which Cnidus was located, named the Triopion. The members of the confederacy, aside from Cnidus, included three cities of the island of Rhodes : Lindus, Ialysus and Camirus, plus Cos on the island of the same name and Halicarnassus on the mainland north of Cos. Together they formed what used to be called the Hexapolis (in Greek, “the six cities”). Yet, Herodotus, who was born in Halicarnassus, tells us how, at some point in time, his native city was excluded from the confederacy, which then became the Pentapolis (in Greek, “the five cities”).
  This group of Dorian colonies in Asia Minor was called Doris, in much the same way Ionian colonies in Asia Minor further north were called Ionia. But there was also a province called Doris in mainland Greece, north of Delphi, and, in classical times, Dorians were primarily settled in most of Peloponnese.
  After Harpagus, a general of Cyrus the Great, had subdued Ionia around 545B. C., he set about to invade Caria as well and the citizens of Cnidus tried to defend themselves by digging a channel at the narrowest part (less than a kilometer) of the isthmus leading to their city, but couldn't bring the work to completion and had to submit to the Persians.
  Cnidus was the location of a famed school of medicine that was surpassed only by that of Cos (birthplace of Hippocrates). Cnidus was also the birthplace of Eudoxus, a pupil of Plato at the Academy who became one of the brightest mathematicians of ancient Greece.

Bernard Suzanne (page last updated 1998), ed.
This extract is cited July 2003 from the Plato and his dialogues URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks.

Population movements

Cnidians, colonists from Lacedaemon

The place was conquered by:

Persians under Harpagus, general of Cyrus

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