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Thoas, son of Andraemon and Gorge and father of Aemon, took power after the death of his father, and led the Aetolians with 40 ships against Troy (Il. 2.638, Od. 14.499).
Thoas. The son of Andraemon and Gorge. He was king of Calydon and Pleuron, in Aetolia, and sailed with forty ships against Troy.
Thoas: Perseus Project
Calydon participated in the Trojan War and is listed in the Homeric Catalogue of Ships (Il. 2.640). The poet calls it "rocky" (Il. 2.640), "steep" (Il. 13.217, 14.116), "lovely" (Il. 9.531), fertile, rich land (9.577), and "great city" (Il. 9.589). He also mentions that the city was besieged by the Curetes, when Meleager, embittered because of the curses of his mother, retreated from the battle, which was taking place in the claim of the head and the skin of the Calydonian boar (Il. 9.580 & 589).
He was a son of Portheus, brother of Agrius and Oeneus (Il. 14.117).
King of Calydon in Aetolia, son of Portheus and Euryte (Il. 14.117), whom Dionysus taught vine-cultivation and wine-making. His children by Althaea, daughter of Thestius and Eurythemis, were Meleager (Il. 9.555), Melanippus, Clymenus and Gorge, wife of Andraemon, and by Periboea, daughter of Hipponous, Tydeus. There are also other children of his mentioned, such as: Thyreus, Periphas, Agelaus, Eurymede, Melanippe, Mothone and Deianeira (Apollod. 1,8,1). Artemis was omitted by Oeneus at his offerings to the gods and she sent to his country as a punishment the well-known Calydonian boar.
Oineus. A king of Calydon in Aetolia, son of Portheus or of Porthaon. He married Althaea, the daughter of Thestius, by whom he had, among other children, Meleager and Deianira. After Althaea's death, he married Periboea or Melanippe, the daughter of Hipponous, by whom he became the father of Tydeus, though others made Tydeus his son by his own daughter Gorge. In a sacrifice which Oeneus made to all the gods, upon reaping the rich produce of his fields, he forgot Artemis, and the goddess, to revenge this neglect, sent a wild boar to lay waste the territory of Calydon. The animal was at last killed, by Meleager and the neighbouring princes of Greece, in a celebrated chase known by the name of the chase of the Calydonian boar.
After the death of Meleager, Oeneus was dethroned and imprisoned
by the sons of his brother Agrius. Diomedes, having come secretly from the city
of Argos, slew all the sons of Agrius but two, who escaped to the Peloponnesus;
and then, giving the throne of Calydon to Audraemon, son-in-law of Oeneus, who
was himself now too old to reign, led the latter with him to Argolis. Oeneus was
afterwards slain by the two sons of Agrius, who had fled into the Peloponnesus.
Diomedes buried him in Argolis, on the spot where the city of Oenoe, called after
Oeneus, was subsequently erected. Oeneus is said to have been the first that received
the vine from Bacchus. The god taught him how to cultivate it, and the juice of
the grape was called after his name (oinos, "wine").
This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Altaea (Althaia), a daughter of the Aetolian king Thestius and Eurythemis, and sister of Leda, Hypermnestra, Iphiclus, Euippus, &c. She was married to Oeneus, king of Calydon, by whom she became the mother of Troxeus, Thyreus, Clymenus, and Meleager, and of two daughters, Gorge and Deianeira (Apollod. i. 7.10, 8.1). Apollodorus states, that according to some, Meleager was regarded as the fruit of her intercourse with Ares, and that she was mother of Deianeira by Dionvsus (Comp. Hygin. Fab. 120, 171, 174). Althaea is especially celebrated in ancient story on account of the tragic fate of her son Meleager, who also became the cause of her death. Some say that she hung herself, others in that she killed herself with a dagger (Apollod. i. 8.3; Ov. Met. viii. 445, &c.).
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Son of Portheus and Euryte, brother of Oeneus and Melas (Il. 14.117). He seized power after having dethroned his brother, king Oeneus, with the help of his sons. He was killed by Diomedes, grandson of Oeneus, after whom the Argives named his burial place Oenoe (Paus. 2,25,2).
Agrius (Agrios), a son of Porthaon and Euryte, and brother of Oeneus, king of Calydon in Aetolia, Alcathous, Melas, Leucopeus, and Sterope. He was father of six sons, of whom Thersites was one. These sons of Agrius deprived Oeneus of his kingdom, and gave it to their father; but all of them, with the exception of Thersites, were slain by Diomedes, the grandson of Oeneus (Apollod. i. 7.10, 8.5, &c.). Apollodorus places these events before the expedition of the Greeks against Troy, while Hyginus (Fab, 175, comp. 242 and Antonin. Lib. 37) states, that Diomedes, when he heard, after the fall of Troy, of the misfortune of his grandfather Oeneus, hastened back and expelled Agrius, who then put an end to his own life; according to others, Agrius and his sons were slain by Diomedes (Comp. Paus. ii. 25.2; Ov. Heroid. ix. 153).
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
He was the son-in-law of Oeneus and father of Thoas (Il. 2.638). Diomedes gave him the power, after having killed Agrius, brother of the grandfather of Oeneus. Andraemon was murdered by the two sons of Agrius in Peloponnese, where they had taken refuge in order to escape from Diomedes.
Andraemon.The husband of Gorge, the daughter of the Calydonian king Oeneus, and father of Thoas. When Diomedes delivered Oeneus, who had been imprisoned by the sons of Agrius, he gave the kingdom to Andraemon, since Oeneus was already too old (Apollod. i. 8.1 and 6; Hom. Il. ii. 638; Paus. v. 3.5). Antoninus Liberalis (37) represents Oeneus as resuming the government after his liberation. The tomb of Andraemon, together with that of his wife Gorge, was seen at Amphissa in the time of Pausanias (x. 38.3). Apollodorus (ii. 8.3) calls Oxylus a son of Andraemon, which might seem to allude to a different Andraemon from the one we are here speaking of; but there is evidently some-mistake here; for Pausanias and Strabo (x.) speak of Oxylus as the son of Haemon, who was a son of Thoas, so that the Oxylus in Apollodorus must be a great-grandson of Andraemon.
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Gorge, a daughter of Oeneus and Althaea, and the wife of Andraemon. When Artemis metamorphosed her sisters into birds, on account of their unceasing lamentations about their brother Meleager, Gorge and Deianeira alone were spared. (Anton. lib. 2; Ov. Met. viii. 532 ; Apollod. i. 8.3, 5.) According to Apollodorus, she became the mother of Tydeus by her own father. Her son Thoas led the Aetolians against Troy. One of the Danaides likewise bore the name of Gorge. (Apollod. ii. 1.5.)
Andraemonides (Andraimonides), a patronymic from Andraemon, frequently given to his son Thoas. (Hom. Il. ii. 638, vii. 168, &c.)
Son of Oeneus or Ares by Althaea (Il. 2.642, 9.550 etc.). He participated in the Argonautic expedition and in the hunt of the Calydonian boar, which he slew. While Meleager fought aganst the Curetes at the conflict that occured because of the head and the skin of the boar, the Aetolians won, but when he retired embittered by the curses of his mother, the Curetes besieged Calydon. At the end, he was convinced to return and fight them (Il. 9.527 etc.). Meleager gave the boar's skin to Atalanta.
Meleagrus, (Meleagros). The son of Oeneus of Calydon and Althaea, husband of Cleopatra, one of the most celebrated heroes of Greek legend. He took part in the expedition of the Argonauts, and brought about the celebrated chase of the Calydonian boar, to which he invited the most renowned heroes of the time, Admetus, Amphiaraus, Iason, Idas, Lynceus, Castor and Pollux, Nestor , Theseus, and Pirithous, Peleus, Telamon, and others. Many lost their lives, till at last Meleager slew the monster. However, Artemis thereupon stirred up a furious strife between the Calydonians and the Curetes who dwelt at Pleuron, about the head and skin of the boar, the prize of victory. The Calydonians were victorious as long as Meleager fought at their head; but when he slew the brother of his mother, she invoked a terrible curse on him, and he retired sullenly from the fray. The Curetes immediately forced the Calydonians to retreat, and were already beginning to climb the walls of Calydon, when, at the height of their distress, he yielded to the prayers of his wife, and again joined in the fight to ward off destruction from the city; but he did not return alive, for the Erinys had accomplished the curse of his mother. According to a later legend, the Moerae appeared to his mother on the seventh day after his birth, and announced to her that her son would have to die when a log of wood on the hearth was consumed by the flame; whereupon Althaea immediately snatched the log from the fire and concealed it in a chest. At the Calydonian Hunt, Meleager fell in love with Atalante, and gave her (who had inflicted the first wound) the prize, the skin of the animal which he had killed. He slew the brothers of his mother, the sons of Thestius, when they were lying in wait for the virgin to rob her of the boar's hide. Overcome by pain at the death of her brothers, Althaea set fire to the log, and Meleager died a sudden death. His mother and wife hanged themselves; his sisters wept so bitterly for Meleager, that Artemis for pity changed them into guineahens (meleagrides). Legends relate that even in the nether world Meleager retained his dauntless courage; for when Heracles descended to Hades, all the shades fled before him except Meleager and Medusa.
This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
Cleopatra (Kleopatra), a daughter of Idas and Marpessa, and wife of Meleager (Hom. Il. ix. 556). is said to have hanged herself after her husband's death, or to have died of grief. Her real name was Alcyone. (Apollod. i. 8.3; Hygin. Fab. 174.)
Alcyone. A surname of Cleopatra, the wife of Meleager, who died with grief at her husband being killed by Apollo. (Hom. Il. ix. 562; Eustath. ad Hom. p. 776; Hygin. Fab. 174.)
P. Ovidius Naso, Metamorphoses (ed. Brookes More)
Book 8
Meleager & Atalanta: Perseus Project
Meleager & Atalanta: Various WebPages
A son of Agenor by Epicaste and husband of Euryte, the daughter of Hippodamas. Homer mentions his three sons: Oeneus, Agrius and Melas (Il. 14.115). Apollodorus adds Alcathous (Apollod. 4,7,7).
Porthaon. The son of Agenor and Epicaste. He was king of Pleuron and Calydon, in Aetolia, and married Euryte, by whom he had Agrius, Alcathous, Leucopeus, Melas, Oeneus, and Sterope.
Porthaon: Perseus Encyclopedia
He was the son of Oeneus by Periboea (or Gorge or Althaea) and father of Diomedes (Il. 2.406, 14.117, 23.472). He joined the expedition against Thebes on the side of Polyneices and was slain by Melanippus (Il. 4.384, 5.801).
According to ancient tradition, he left Calydon because he had killed a relative and settled in Argos, where he got married to Deipyle, the daughter of Adrastus.
Tudeus. The son of Oeneus, king of Calydon, and Periboea. He was obliged to leave Calydon in consequence of some murder which he had committed, but which is differently described by different authors. He fled to Adrastus at Argos, who purified him from the murder, and gave him his daughter Deipyle in marriage, by whom he became the father of Diomedes, who is hence frequently called Tydides. He accompanied Adrastus in the expedition against Thebes, where he was wounded by Melanippus, who, however, was slain by him. When Tydeus lay on the ground wounded, Athene appeared to him with a remedy which she had received from Zeus, and which was to make him immortal. This, however, was prevented by a stratagem of Amphiaraus, who hated Tydeus, for he cut off the head of Melanippus and brought it to Tydeus, who divided it and ate the brain, or devoured some of the flesh. Athene, seeing this, shuddered, and left Tydeus to his fate. He consequently died, and was buried by Macon.
This text is from: Harry Thurston Peck, Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities. Cited Oct 2002 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
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