Listed 3 sub titles with search on: Homeric world for wider area of: "ELEON Ancient city VIOTIA" .
ELEON (Ancient city) VIOTIA
Eleon participated in the Trojan War and is listed in the Homeric Catalogue of Ships (Il. 2.500, 10.266).
Strabo places his kingdom in Eleon instead of Orminion (Strab. 9,5,18).
Amyntor (Amuntor), according to Homer (Il. x. 266), a son of Ormenus of Eleon in Thessaly, where Autolycus broke into his house and stole the beautiful helmet, which afterwards came into the hands of Meriones, who wore it during the war against Troy. Amyntor was the father of Crantor, Euaemon, Astydameia, and Phoenix. The last of these was cursed and expelled by Amyntor for having entertained, at the instigation of his mother Cleobule or Hippodameia, an unlawful intercourse with his father's mistress (Hom. Il. ix. 434, &c.; Lycophr. 417). According to Apollodorus (ii. 7.7, iii. 13.7), who states, that Amyntor blinded his son Phoenix, he was a king of Ormenium, and was slain by Heracles, to whom he refused a passage through his dominions, and the hand of his daughter Astydameia (Comp. Diod. iv. 37). According to Ovid (Met. viii. 307, xii. 364, &c.), Amyntor took part in the Calydonian hunt, and was king of the Dolopes, and when conquered in a war by Peleus, he gave him his son Crantor as a hostage.
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Oct 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
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