Εμφανίζονται 4 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΑΡΑΧΩΒΑ Κωμόπολη ΒΟΙΩΤΙΑ" .
Πατέρας του ήρωα Αυτόλυκου (Παυσ. 8,4,6).
Chione, a daughter of Daedalion, who was beloved by Apollo and I ermes on account of her beauty. She gave birth to twins, Autolycus and Philammon, the former a son of Hermes and the latter of Apollo. She was killed by Artemis for having found fault with the beauty of that goddess, and her father in his grief threw himself from a rock of Parnassus, but in falling he was changed by Apollo into a hawk. Chione is also called Philonis. (Ov. Met. xi. 300, &c.; Hygin. Fab. 200)
Κόρη του Δευκαλίωνα, μητέρα του Αεθλίου (Παυσ. 5,1,3).
Protogeneia. A daughter of Deucalion and Pyrrha. (Apollod. i. 7.2) She was married to Locrus, but had no children ; Zeus, however, who carried her off, became by her, on mount Maenalus in Arcadia, the father of Opus. (Schol. ad Pind. Ol. ix. 8.5; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1780) According to others she was not the mother, but a daughter of Opus. (Schol. ad Pind. l. c.) Endymion also is called a son of Protogeneia. (Conon, Narrat. 14.)
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited April 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
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