Εμφανίζονται 1 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Μυθολογία στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΕΔΕΣΣΑ Πόλη ΠΕΛΛΑ" .
ΕΔΕΣΣΑ (Αρχαία πόλη) ΠΕΛΛΑ
Caranus (Karanos or Karanos), a Heracleid of the family of the Temenidae, and
according to some accounts, the founder of the Argive dynasty in Macedonia, about
the middle probably of the eighth century B. C., since he was brother to Pheidon,
the Argive tyrant. The legend tells, that he led into Macedonia a large force
of Greeks, and, following a flock of goats, entered the town of Edessa in the
midst of a heavy storm of rain and a thick mist, unobserved by the inhabitants.
Remembing the oracle which had desired him "to seek an empire by the guidance
of goats", he fixed here the seat of government, and named the place Aegae in
commemoration of the miracle. Herodotus gives a different tradition of the origin
of the dynasty, and his account seems to have been adopted by Thucydides, who
speaks of Archelaus I. as the ninth king, and therefore does not reckon Caranus
and the other two who come before Perdiccas I. in the lists of Dexippus and Eusebius.
Muller thinks that the two traditions are substantially the same, the one in Herodotus
being the rude native legend, while the other, of which Caranus is the hero, was
the Argive story; and he further suggests that Karanos is perhaps only another
form of Koiranos (Diod. Fragm. ix.; Plut. Alex. 2; Just. vii. 1, xxxiii. 2; Herod.
viii. 137-139; Thuc. ii. 100). Pausanias, in mentioning that the Macedonians never
erected trophies when victorious, records the national tradition by which they
accounted for it, and which related, that a trophy set up by Caranus, in accordance
with Argive custom, for a victory over his neighbour Cisseus, was thrown down
and destroyed by a lion from Olympus; whereby, it was said, the king learnt that
its erection had been of evil counsel, as deepening the enmity of the conquered.
(Paus. ix. 40)
This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks
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