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Listed 4 sub titles with search on: Mythology  for wider area of: "CHANIA Municipality CRETE" .

Mythology (4)

Eponymous founders or settlers

Cydon, Kydon

KYDONIA (Ancient city) CHANIA
It is also said that all the surviving sons of Tegeates, namely, Cydon, Archedius and Gortys, migrated of their own free will to Crete, and that after them were named the cities Cydonia, Gortyna and Catreus.(Paus.8.53.4)

Cydon (Kudon), the founder of the town of Cydonia in Crete. According to a tradition of Tegea, he was a son of Tegeates or of Hermes by Acacallis, the daughter of Minos, whereas others described him as a son of Apollo by Acacallis. (Paus. viii. 53.2; Steph. Byz. s. v. Kudonia ; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iv. 1491)

Remarkable selections


In this district (of Pisa in Elis) is a hill rising to a sharp peak, on which are the ruins of the city of Phrixa, as well as a temple of Athena surnamed Cydonian. This temple is not entire, but the altar is still there. The sanctuary was founded for the goddess, they say, by Clymenus, a descendant of Idaean Heracles, and he came from Cydonia in Crete and from the river Jardanus. The Eleans say that Pelops too sacrificed to Cydonian Athena before he set about his contest with Oenomaus.

This extract is from: Pausanias. Description of Greece (ed. W.H.S. Jones, Litt.D., & H.A. Ormerod, 1918). Cited Oct 2003 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains comments & interesting hyperlinks.

Clymenus, a son of Cardis in Crete, who is said to have come to Elis in the fiftieth year after the flood of Deucalion, to have restored the Olympic games, and to have erected altars to Heracles, from whom he was descended. (Paus. v. 8.1, 14.6, vi. 21.5)

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