Listed 5 sub titles with search on: Mythology for wider area of: "EPII LAND Ancient country ILIA" .
EPII LAND (Ancient country) ILIA
Perseus Encyclopedia
Epeus, (Epeios). Son of Endymion, king of Elis. From him the Epei derived their
[...] but when the Epeians met them with arms, and it was found that the two forces were evenly matched, Pyraechmes the Aetolian and Degmenus the Epeian, in accordance with an ancient custom of the Greeks, advanced to single combat. Degmenus was lightly armed with a bow, thinking that he would easily overcome a heavy-armed opponent at long range, but Pyraechmes armed himself with a sling and a bag of stones, after he had noticed his opponent's ruse (as it happened, the sling had only recently been invented by the Aetolians); and since the sling had longer range, Degmenus fell, and the Aetolians drove out the Epeians and took possession of the land;
Perseus Encyclopedia
Son of Poseidon and Eurycyda, king of Epeans, father of Augeas.
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