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Listed 1 sub titles with search on: Mythology  for wider area of: "YVLA Ancient city SICILY" .

Mythology (1)

Historic figures


YVLA (Ancient city) SICILY
Galeus, (Galeos), that is, "the lizard," a son of Apollo and Themisto, the daughter of the Hyperborean king Zabius. In pursuance of an oracle of the Dodonean Zeus, Galeus emigrated to Sicily, where lie built a sanctuary to his father Apollo. The Galeotae, a family of Sicilian soothsayers, derived their origin from him. (Aelian, V. H. xii. 46; Cic. de Dixin. 1.20; Steph. Byz. s. v. galeotai. The principal seat of the Galeatae was the town of Hybla, which was hence called galeotis, or, as Thucydides (vi. 62.) writes it, geleatis.)

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