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Πληροφορίες τοπωνυμίου

Εμφανίζονται 6 τίτλοι με αναζήτηση: Θρησκευτικές βιογραφίες  στην ευρύτερη περιοχή: "ΣΥΡΑΚΟΥΣΕΣ Επαρχία ΣΙΚΕΛΙΑ" .

Θρησκευτικές βιογραφίες (6)


St. Mercurius of Lentini

d.c. 300, feastday: December 10


Gregorius, bishop of Syracuse A. D. 845

Gregorius, of Syracuse, sometimes called of Sicily. Gregory, surnamed Asbestas, was made bishop of Syracuse about A. D. 845. He went to Constantinople, apparently soon after his appointment to the see, for he appears to have been there in A. D. 847, where Ignatius was chosen patriarch, whose election he strenuously opposed. He was, in return, deposed by Ignatius in a council held A. D. 854, on the ground, as Monitor affirms, of his profligacy; and his deposition was confirmed by the Pope, Benedict III. When, on the deposition of Ignatius, Photius was placed on the patriarchal throne, A. D. 858, he was consecrated by Gregory, whose episcopal character, notwithstanding his deposition, was thus recognised. Gregory was anathematised, together with Photius, at the council of Rome A. D. 863: and his connection with the Greek patriarch is a reason for receiving with caution the assertions of Romish writers as to his immoral character. Photius promoted him A. D. 878 to the bishopric of Nicaea, in Bithynia. He died soon after.
  He is perhaps the "Gregorius archiepiscopus Siciliae" mentioned by Allatius in his tract De Methodiorum Scriptis (published in the Convivium decem Virginum Sti Methodii Martyris, Rome, 1656), as the author of an "Oratio longa in S. Methodium." The age of Gregory, who lived in and after the time of Methodius, favors this supposition, but there is some difficulty from the term "Archiepiscopus Siciliae." (Mongitor, Bibl. Sicula, vol. i.; Cave, Hist. Litt. vol. ii.)

This text is from: A dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology, 1873 (ed. William Smith). Cited Nov 2005 from The Perseus Project URL below, which contains interesting hyperlinks

George, bishop of Syracuse, A. D. 663

George, Syracusanus. Some of the hymns in the Menaea, or services for the saints' days in the Greek church, are ascribed to George, who was bishop of Syracuse about A. D. 663, and who is said to have studied Greek literature at Constantinople, and to have become an accomplished scholar. He wrote also Troparia, or hymns for the feasts of the Nativity and the Epiphany. (Fabric. Bibl. Gr. vol. x. p. 629.)

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