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Kourna Lake

  Lake Kournas is one of only two lakes in Crete and covers a total area of about 160,000 square metres with a depth of up to 25 metres. The name is derived from the Arabic word for lake. Dense vegetation surrounds the scenic lake and the southeastern bank is lined with olive trees. A strip of white sand beside the lake provides an area for swimming and cafes.


  The old village of Kournas maintains aspects of traditional Cretan village architecture and there are several Byzantine churches. The village is 43km from Chania and 20km from Rethimnon. Kournas Lake, old villages, Byzantine churches, a Minoan tomb and a cave are in the area around the village. In Patima (near Kournas) there is the church of Agios Theodoros which also has a fine, decorated tomb within the church. In Patima there are also the remains of Venetian buildings.

This text is cited Nov 2002 from the Crete TOURnet URL below, which contains images.

Greek & Roman Geography (ed. William Smith)


  Hydramum (Hudramon, Stadiasm.; Hudramia, Steph. B.: Eth. Hudramieis), a city of Crete, which the Maritime Itinerary places at 100 stadia to the E. of Amphimatrium. There can be no doubt but that it is represented by the modern Sfakian village of Dhramia, situated in the fertile little plain running between the mountains and the shore along the bay of Amphimalla. (Pashley, Trav. vol. i. p. 72; Hock, Kreta, vol. i. pp. 395, 434.)

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